
Labels or Love? Both, of course!!

Part one: Labels-courtesy of Mrs Stings designer sale, held last Friday:

Roberto Cavalli Top

Burberry Pink Blazer

Pucci Top

Part two: Love-to watch my son Robert this Saturday (the one in the middle), in the 'talent idol' competition at his summer fete-I hope to be wearing the Roberto Cavalli or Pucci, weather permitting!!


Vain and Vapid said...

Wow Sharon, you always find the most amazing designer pieces for next to nothing. The Pucci top is such a great score.

Sharon said...

Hi Vain and Vapid-thats so kind, thanks-I've always wanted a Pucci piece!!

Lucy said...

LOVE the blazer!!

ellie said...

How fun! That'll great to wear one of the outfits you mentioned.

Thanks for reading.

Sharon said...

Hi elle-thanks so much!!

Hi ellie-thanks a lot and you're so welcome too!!

WendyB said...

All of that photographed quite well!

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-the shots are quite dark, as they were in my room-hopefully when I wear the pieces, shots from outside will come out better!!

Anonymous said...

good luck to your son! and. . oh god, do i love Pucci (but all i can afford for now are Pucci prints hah). Cavalli is to die-for too! I'll say this again. . lucky you!!

Sharon said...

Hi p-thanks so much-I look forward to his fete and he's looking forward to performing too-haha!! I was extremely lucky with these bargains-I doubt I'll get anything like this again-thanks!!

Pamcasso said...

that cavalli is gorgeous!

Sharon said...

Hi pamcasso-always so kind, thanks!!


Lovely Pucci top.

Let us delight in our virtual chocolate cones :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thanks my lovely-I'm on my 3rd already, haha!!

Ida said...

Sharon, I truly missed those amazing posts of finds you do literally every week. How can you always discover such pieces?

Very happy and proud to see Robert play. You must be sooooo overjoyed.

Good night, and speak soon!


Ohhhhh PUCCI how i adore theeeeeeeee:)


Tricia said...

what great finds. I love a talent show, have fun!

Times of Glory said...

Sharon, you will love gorgeous in every single piece! They are great bargains xxxx

Anonymous said...

i agree with elle...that blazer is fabulous. hard to get a good feel for the color, but i'm looking forward to seeing how you work it!

nv said...

love the blazer and dress, can't wait to see you wear it!

Riot Nrrd said...

I love that first top. It's so pretty...

AsianCajuns said...

Oh I absolutely love that Cavalli shirt! Drool...

jess said...

what lovely finds, i like the colors on the pucci top

Cadmium said...

i love that pucci top too! gorgeous colors. do post what you wore in the end!

L.I.N said...

wow! you always are lucky in finding those designer clothings! all the best to your son!

Sharon said...

Hello dearest Ida-soo pleased to see you back and I will certainly be catching up with all your adventures too-thanks for the comment, my lovely!!!

Hi culture creators-Yes, I adore Pucci-thanks!!

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much-hope the weather holds too!!

Hi times of glory-we were extremely lucky, weren't we-plus a great day too-haha!!!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks so much-You can't really go wrong with a plain blazer in your wardrobe-I can wear it with jeans or more formally!

Hi nv-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi dang-thanks and thanks for stopping by my blog too!!

Hi asiancajuns-thanks girls, yes I can't wait to wear this one!!

Hi jess-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi karima-thanks my dear, yes I'll do a weekend post of what I've worn!!

Hi eleh-thats lovely, thanks so much, will let you know how he gets on-haha!!

Dana (MODAna) said...

The cavalli top is AMAZING and how inexpensive it was is just icing on the already delicious cavalli cake

Sharon said...

Hi dana-thanks so much, it was a real bargain!!

Fashion Is Poison said...

the cavalli top is such a beauty!

Kati said...

I can't believe what bargains you made! Unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

This Pucci top is my new love ))) Great dear!

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion is poison-thanks so much!!

Hi cathy voyage-thanks for your comment and for stopping by!!

Hi angel-thanks, I do love Pucci-haha!!

Siljesfashion said...

Great buys, Sharon!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much my dear!!


Great purchases!!! Love the blazer! Perfect for summer! I am happy for your bargains, Sharon Rose!


Sharon said...

Hi Acielle-always so kind, thanks so much!!

yiqin; said...

Wow, I want the burberry jacket! Now I am so jealous!

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-thanks, it is quite cute!!


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