
Ossie Clark-Late 70s-Early 80s

A late 70s-early 80s Ossie Clark
2 piece which recently sold at Kerry Taylor Auctions

As you all know, I'm an avid Ossie Clark fan. The majority of his pieces are from mid sixties to mid seventies and are either his own label, Ossie Clark or that of his collaberation with Al Radley, Ossie Clark for Radley. There are very few pieces around now that are from his own label, Ossie Clark Ltd, which ran from 1977 to 1981.

I was successful enough to win on EBay this gorgeous 2 piece, which is in a draping Grecian style, and has a low cut cowl front and back, silver sequin and beading shoulder details and a 5 panel tulip style skirt, in a flowy turquoise blue silk type jersey. It was a buy it now price of £44.99, which is quite a find-I was very lucky indeed!!

As you can see, it is in a typical early 80s style-so Dallas meets Dynasty-some of you aren't old enough to have watched this first time round!! But what I love about it is the deep colouring, the fluidity, the draping, the quality and the price-haha!!

It is quite a glamorous, cocktail style piece and although I haven't an event to wear it to yet, I know it will be worn at some stage!!

This gorgeous Ossie Clark hot pink late 70s-early 80s dress is available at Samaya Ling Vintage.com for £750

This early 80s Ossie Clark navy blue draped style 2 piece is available through CircaVintage.com for £580


Siljesfashion said...

What a great buy! Love the color and the cut of the two piece. You look stunning! The look reminds me so much of the 80s elegance both Krystal and Alexis displayed in Dynasty. I love 80s fashion done the right way, and thats exactely what you did here.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much for your lovely comment-it really is so obviously 80s-thats half the appeal of it too, plus its Ossie, plus the great price!!

WendyB said...

That dress looks spectacular! I'm very pleased for you.

Blicious said...

love the back of the blue dress!

Angela said...

gorgeous colors. I love how the fabric just drape so beautifully on the body.

Siljesfashion said...

Hi Sharon, so true!I named you for the brilliant blogger award. If you already have done it, you dont have to do it again!


GORGEOUS DRESS. That blue looks fantastic on you. And the rouched (sp?) front is a-maz-ing !!!!

PS: thanks for the remarkable comment you left for me on my blog's latest post!! You are such a sweetheart, but I'm sure everyone who knows you, knows that! ♥

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You look smashing! That color is wonderful on you and such an elegant dress. Yes, I remember the Dallas/Dynasty days, but we won't talk about that...LOL

Thanks so much for dropping by my little space. I think that is a wonderful cause and promise to keep you posted in the future.

Love ya, babe.

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-thats really lovely, thanks so much!!

Hi blicious-thanks for your kind comment and for stopping by too!!

Hi savvy girl-thats lovely and thanks for stopping at my blog too!

Hi Silje-Thanks so much for nominating me-I feel very honoured with that lovely comment you left on your post, you are one of my faves and of course my cyber twin too!! I did already do this on Tuesday, so thanks anyway and have a fantastic weekend, my dear!!

ellie said...

What a great find. Love the color and the way it drapes.

Thanks for reading. Hope you have a fun weekend.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-aah, thanks so much my dear! love to visit you and leave comments for you-you are one of my faves, you know!! Have a great weekend!

Hi Cheryl Lynn-Again, you are a favourite of mine too and thanks for your lovely comments-take care, have a great weekend!!

Hi Ellie-Most welcome and thanks so much too-have a good weekend!

Angela said...

Sure I would love to trade link with you. I added you already. Have a great day!

Sharon said...

Hi savvy gal-thanks!! I'm adding you as we speak too!

Always In Style said...

Ooh, I'm in love with your glamorous blue dress - you lucky girl, you look divine!

Couture Carrie said...

OMG I am soooo glad Ossie Clark is back! That blue backless number looks terrific on you!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-thanks so much, I'm channelling being an 80s diva-haha!!

Sharon said...

Hi Couture Carrie-thanks so much my dear, thats lovely!!

Siljesfashion said...

Have a great weekend Sharon!


Magnificent dress for the lovely price!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!


Mariel said...

Great looks- and that blue dress is stunning: you were very lucky!

Anonymous said...

Dear you look fantastic ))) everything is perfect, design, colour, size ))) Brilliant buy!

Hugs from Angel.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much and you have a great one too!!

Hi Acielle-yes I was lucky! Thanks so much and have a great weekend too!

Hi Mariel-thats so kind, thanks and have a great weekend!!

Hi angel-always giving lovely comments-thanks so much and have a good weekend!!

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

Sharon, That color looks fantastic on you!

ellie said...

thank you for the comment. hope you find an event soon for this outfit.

Have a great weekend with the boys.

Unknown said...

Those dresses have no hanger appeal, but they look spectacular - particularly that one on you!! Well done!!!

Sharon said...

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi ellie-most welcome and you have a great weekend too!!

Hi mspeelpants-thanks so much-I hope to get to wear it one day!!

yiqin; said...

Ohmy, the slit in front & the bare back makes you look so sexy! The shade of blue is fab as well :)

Anonymous said...

The color and the shape suit you so well!

Sharon said...

Hi yiqin-thats so kind, thanks a lot!!

Hi nadine-thanks my dear!!

Tricia said...

that blue two piece is amazing on you, congrats! and i can't believe I'm saying this, because I very much lived through 80's fashion, but those 80's Ossie's are doing the 80's rights!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much for that lovely comment! I too, lived through the 80s as my 1st fashion decade so to revisit it with quality pieces is really fun!!

Reena Rai said...

Wowwwww Sharon you look absolutely stunning in the blue top and skirt, now THAT would be the perfect outfit!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks so much, thats lovely of you!!

Pamela Tan said...

sharon! u looked so HOT in that blue number! :) and the slit... damn. hubby shud be scared to see u out in these w/o him! :)

Sharon said...

Hi pam-always so lovely!! Thanks my dear!!

Anonymous said...

You have a fan from Canada - love love love the dress! It really brings out the eyes and works well with your skin tone.

Sharon said...

Hi sumaya-thanks so much for stopping by, so kind!!


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