
Ins and Outs of being organised!

Thanks to the Sunday Times List, I was suitably inspired to hunt down a hoodie at the Salvation Army today-voila, not one, but two Gap hoodies were suitably found!

A red sweatshirt style one and a grey velour shrunken style for a total of £6.48!! Nice and cosy for autumn!!

Afterwards, I took a look in one of the cheap and cheerful clothes shops in the High Road, one that I very rarely go in. I only found a new black leather Steve Madden studded belt for only £3!! I was very pleased, as this was more the sort of thing I was looking for! I will post pictures soon.

These were the Ins. When I got home, I did yet another declutter for the charity shop of 2 tops, 2 dresses and 2 pairs of shoes. These will be Out tomorrow!

I now have my drawers and wardrobes as I want them-my winter knits are in 3 drawers, a winter dress drawer, a summer drawer, a vintage drawer, 1 wardrobe has my coats and jackets and my other wardrobe has my 'designer collection' items, jeans, tops, belts and bags!! I love to be organised and have things 'just so'!!


jess said...

I don't think I could ever be that organized

Angela said...

it's time for me to think about putting away spring summer wardrobe and taking out fall/winter. i always keep my bags in the dust cover and in the box if possible.

Siljesfashion said...

Sharon, your such an inspiration!! I cant believe how you find so many affordable clothes and accessories. Cant wait to see your new buys!

Make Do Style said...

There's nothing like an organised wardrobe! All sounds fab...

WendyB said...

Come organize my house next.

Skye said...

I knew you'd find the black studded belt you wanted - good work!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I wish I could be that organised. At the moment I have clothing everywhere.

Pamcasso said...

Always good to keep editing:)

Deb said...

Well you go girl! I have cleaned and organized my closets and have already begun to cluttter all over again. But I won't let it get in the shape it was in before. I've been trying to upload my pictures for my Fashion Friday but I keep getting an error and it won't save what I'm loading. I guess I'll have to try in the morning. I really wanted to get it over with tonight. Can't wait to see the things you've found. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi jess-haha, I don't like chaos in my bedroom (clothes I mean!)

Hi Savvy-yes, my bags are in dustcovers too in bigger bags and my vintage is also in a big cover in a drawer!!

Hi Silje-thanks my dear, I'll do piccys very soon, the iphone was out of charge yesterday!!

Hi kate-I'm terribly fussy and organised re my wardrobe, if I don't like something, then out it goes!

Hi wendy-that would be awesome to go through your collection of clothes my dear, a real pleasure indeed!!

Hi skye-thanks my dear-a real accident to stumble across it, I'm really pleased!

Hi lenya-haha, maybe I've OCD when it comes to my closets, haha!!

Hi pamcasoo-I like a system of ins and outs fairly regularly!!

Hi deb-hope you get the camera up and running, ours ran out of charge, but I'll try to do some later or tomorrow too!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! Great, you're so organized! Can't wait to see pictures of your new belt, it sounds great!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-haha, thanks my dear! have a great weekend!

Mikkle said...

goodness i admire your clothing organizing skills! i have hardest time in getting rid of any of my clothes... and now i have too many to deal with! u should put up tips on how you do it

Style Spot said...

Your buys sound so lovely! I always tell myself that I have to be organized, but it never really turns out that way haha! So I admire you for being so in control :)

Sharon said...

Hi mikkle-thanks so much!! Well, I like to 'love' my stuff, so if anything becomes mediocre, I just give it to the charity shop!!

Hi sunniva-thanks my dear, it does make life easier I suppose!


I will be Cleaning as well, once I am all settled and moved. Moving really makes me realize how much junk I save. Yikes. Force of habit, I guess?

Thanks for the B'day comments and warm wishes, my dear! :) You're always so amazingly sweet. I appreciate it.

xo/ fashion chalet

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-yes, I think us girlies have a habit of accumulating and hoarding too much, haha!! have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Jealous! I'm an organizational fiend, too. It's been positively BALMY here, which has prevented me from transitioning my wardrobe at all. Every time I peer in the closet, I get uneasy!

Tricia said...

seriously, please come organize my drawers just like that! Actually, I'd be embarrassed for you to see what a mess my drawers are! And the studded belt, yay!

Sharon said...

Hi sal!! I would love to do balmy! Actually, I think we are in for a nice weekend, so I look forward to it!!Have a great weekend my dear!!

Hi fashion herald-thanks my dear, maybe I have OCD, I don't know!! I just like my clothes to be just so!

ellie said...

I would love to see your closet. I hope its big.

Thank you so much for the comment..and questioning too...about Kyle.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-My wardrobes aren't as big as other gals, I'm sure!! have a great weekend!


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