
Running in the family

Beyonce, with her Bracher Emden!!

As you all know, I do love thrifting in the charity shops and at the boot sales. I'm not the only one in the family, my lovely mum in law, goes to the boot sale every Sunday without fail and regularly checks out the charity shops. If she sees an unusual brand, she will generally ring us so we can check it out on google for more information. She has a great eye, particularly for jewellery and has hunted out gold, silver and platinum pieces on quite a few occasions.

Anyway, we got a phone call last week, saying she had thrifted a lovely evening bag by Bracher Emden and had I heard of it? Well, I thought I knew most bag brands, but not this one, so off to google to check it out. Well, here is the lovely one she thrifted-the picture doesn't do it justice, as the swarovski crystals and the stunning details are so sparkly and gorgeous:

I was very surprised to read that Bracher Emden is quite a luxury brand, chosen by celebrities including Eva Longoria Parker and Beyonce as handbags of choice. They are also all handmade and custom made, to add to their uniqueness:

Well, I thought I'd share the most important piece of information with you all-it was only £3 from the Salvation Army charity shop-wowser, bargain of the century, me thinks!!!


Deb said...

Hi Sharon! I'ts a very lovely bag. I'd never heard the name either as I am not into a lot of designer items. I guess I'm what you call stingy. LOL!!!! Deb

Anonymous said...

what a find! i had never heard of this brand before either, but it's obvious that the construction and feel of the bag is really nice. so exciting! thanks for your comment about the skirt at topshop...since i know you're a huge fan of the site, i was hoping you could help me in terms of sizing. for the skirt, i'm usually between a 4-6 for us sizing, but i don't know which size to go for. any tips would be much appreciated!

WendyB said...

What a find!

Vain and Vapid said...

I love when that happens. I got a Dior blazer accidentally and now it's my favorite item of clothing.

{Tara} said...

Hi there -- that bag is so unique. I've also never heard of that brand. What a cool find ;)

Shes Dressing Up said...

That is indeed a great bargain! And the bag is a lovely colour!

Skye said...

Go mum-in-law! What an amazing bag - even if it wasn't a fancy label it would still be a very cool find. My mother-in-law would rather die than ever be seen in a charity shop - she would be genuinely horrified if she ever saw my blog!

Unknown said...

WOW!!! That is a find like no other! Seriously awesome.

I too love finding gorgeous handbags for cheap at charity shops. I've got a large collection of vintage ones from our local hospice shop, and my best find so far is a vintage genuine alligator bag for $20 (they sell upward of $400 online)!

AsianCajuns said...

Oh, lawdie! That's only $6-ish! That is the steal of the century.
I had never heard of Bracher Emden before either- thanks for enlightening us. I wonder what the chances are of running into one of these beauties at our local Sal. Army...

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Defintely - Bargain of the century!

How lucky that you have a cool mom-in-law.


Wendy said...

That is so lucky!

Pamcasso said...

I've never heard of bracher emden before. that is the most amazing jewel of a bag. Definitely a piece for forever.

Sydney said...

me thinks you're right!

my step mom gets so bitter when i say, Me Thinks...


anyway, what a snag! that bag is gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

what a lucky find!

Sharon said...

Hi deb-LOL, oh I'm stingy too when it comes to parting with a lot of money for something as well!

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-thanks for your lovely comment, I'll be over to leave a comment re size on topshop!

hi wendy-thanks so much, she's lucky!

hi vain and vapid-lucky you, what a great find!!

hi nothing elegant-thanks so much, it is really a cute little bag!!

hi nic-thanks and yes, its gorgeous!

Hi skye-yes, I know a lot of people like that too, which is why not too many people know about my blog either!!

Hi anchibride-thanks for your lovely comment-your collection sounds awesome, lucky you!!

Hi asiancajuns-thanks girls, well, it is an American brand I'm sure, so keep your eyes peeled!!

Hi Lenya-thanks and yes, she has a great eye too!

Hi wendy-oh yes, thanks!!

Hi pamcasso-thats what I said too, I hope she hangs on to it!!

Hi sydney-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Sharon said...

Hi trendology-thanks so much and for stopping by too!

Anonymous said...

Well done Mum!

Dana (MODAna) said...

bargain of the millenium, more like it

Anonymous said...

the bag is fantastic ))) great find!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-thanks, I agree!

Hi dana-yes, thanks so much!

Hi angel-thanks my dear!!

Cate said...

wow! I have never heard of Bracher Emden! but if even you - fashion expert - didn't know it, i guess i don't have to feel guilty ;-) great find!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-haha, too true my dear!!

Winnie said...

Oh wow. It's a cute bag, designer or not! So it's definitely even better now that you know it's worth waaay more than 3 quid!

Sharon said...

Hi winnie-oh yes, I hope mum in law keeps hold of it!!

Make Do Style said...

Such a great pair of magpies - I'm wishing there was a Sally army shop near me!


Thanks, I got the Chai tea. My ultimate fave. :) Wonderful bag, I love finding pretty things like that and then buying them! :)

Sharon said...

Hi kate-thanks my dear, have a great weekend!

Hi fashion chalet-Thanks for your lovely comment!!

Reena Rai said...

That's a beautiful bag Sharon, and definately a new brand for me, never heard of it before. I'm doing well, just trying to keep my head up x

Anonymous said...

Oh, to have such thrifting karma. ;)

Siljesfashion said...

How cool! Shows you never know. Have a great weekend Sharon Rose!!

Sophia said...

I want that bag!!
Haha, I'm jealous!
I'm just getting used to thrifting, and hopefully I can find great stuff like that in my little town. Doubt it though!!

Congrats to her =]

jess said...

I love to go thrifting with the family too.It looks like a great bag

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks for your comment and keep well my dear.

Hi sal-oh yes, mum in law has an great eye indeed!

Hi silje-thanks my dear and have a great weekend too!

Hi sophia-thanks my dear and keep your eye out!!

Hi jess-thanks for your lovely comment!

Marian said...

What a gorge bag,your mum in law has a great eye. And for 3quid,even more fabulous! Hope you enjoy your wknd darling.

Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks my dear!! Have a wonderful weekend too!

Syed said...

Love that bag, fantastic find!

Sharon said...

Hi dapper kid-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

Anonymous said...

Sharon that purse is too cute!!

Sharon said...

Hi fdiary-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

cute bag!

Sharon said...

Hi emma-thanks my dear!


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