
Ossie Clark-yaay, another one for the collection!

Last week, I was fortunate to receive some money and I thought (not for long!) about what I should do with it. Of course, most of you know I love Ossie Clark and dear WendyB has been driving me to pure inspiration distraction with her divine Ossies.
So, it seemed the natural decision to add to my collection and was I pleased when I won this lovely red dress on Ebay over the weekend!!

It is a moss crepe Ossie Clark for Radley, very 40s style I would say! After a floral or patterned Ossie, I've been coveting a red one, so was very pleased when this one was for sale!

With the remaining money, I decided to treat myself to this Celia Birtwell for Topshop silk wrap top, which I'm hoping to pair with my See by Chloe high waisted light coloured flared jeans. A new purchase for spring/summer 09!!
So, I'm all spent out on my financial windfall, but I'm very pleased as to where the money's gone!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

that punchy red was made for you...nice find, indeed!

Sharon said...

Hi emily-thanks my dear, always lovely!

Anonymous said...

Good choices, beautiful. That red is just stunning on you.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-thanks very much my dear!

WendyB said...

It looks GORGEOUS on you!

MakeupByRenRen said...

OMG i love that dress on you! it's perfection :)

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-oh thanks so much for your comment and the inspiration my dear!!

Hi ren-always lovely, thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

love that color

and about my pictures, i can't believe you noticed! i didnt think anyone would i look so weird in that picture

yiqin; said...

Ah I always love red dresses & yours is gorgeous! Ah I have been spending a lot lately! But when it comes to fashion, or shoes, no regrets ;)


Thanks for that outstanding outfit comment. So sweet! :)

HAHA, yes we should make our own bowling team and beat all of the men in both of our families!! ;)

Now wouldn't that be fun??

xo/ fashion chalet

Sharon said...

Hi emma-I'd spot that lovely face anywhere, haha!!

Hi yiqin-thanks for such a lovely comment and I agree, no regrets either, haha!!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-haha, that would be fun to whip them at it!!

Make Do Style said...

Lovely buys, you look absolutley stunning in the dress and the CB top will be a dream on you!

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-very much appreciate your lovely comment, thanks my dear!!

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful dress! It's such a lovely red.

Siljesfashion said...

Ah fantastic! love the color and the cut is wonderful on you! A really good buy, you should be very happy with that purchase!

Skye said...

You look spectacular in red, and I love the soft colours in that silk top, so pretty!

Angela said...

i love your orange color dress..... : )

Angela said...

oh, my the dress look orange but red is even better. i love red.

Ruby Hoppen said...

VERY NICE I love vermillion dresses, my friend was wearing a dress that colour and she looked like amazing tomato soup magic!!!

Sydney said...

that birtwell wrap is GORGEOUS.

Sydney said...

everyone deserves a treat every once in a while!!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

What a wonderful find! You look lovely in the dress. Well done.

jess said...

That dres is gorgeous,I love the color

Shen-Shen said...

I love the brightness of that red! It's lovely.

Anonymous said...

great buys.

lovee that topshop piece.

ellie said...

That dress is excellent! That's great.

I'm hoping I can make something to drap clothes on by using duct tape. I'm afraid if I wrap up in it I won't be able to get out of it.

Thank you so much for reading.

Anonymous said...

I love the color of your dress!

thetinylittlegirl said...

oh lovely new dress! great find!

Mira said...

I love that dress on you :)

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, I love them both and you look beautiful in the dress. Tell the windfall fairies to send a little my way! LOL!!! I won't have a problem buying a few things I've been lusting over. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi miss thrifty-thanks so much!

Hi Silje-thanks a lot my dear, I'm very happy to have this one in my collection!

Hi Skye-always so lovely, thanks very much!

Hi Savvy-thanks my dear, it is a true red in reality, photos always change the shade!!

Hi ruby may-LOL, thanks my dear-tomato soup magic is nice!!

Hi sydney-always so lovely, I appreciate your comments my dear!!

Hi Lenya-thanks so much my dear!

Hi jess-much appreciated, thanks!

Hi shen shen-yes, it is vibrant-thanks a lot!

Hi jenny-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi ellie-thanks my dear and good luck with the diy project!!

Hi nadine-thanks a lot!!

Hi thetinylittlegirl-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi mira-much appreciated, thanks!!

Hi deb-thanks so much, always so lovely and yes, I thought I would have something to show for the money!!

tessa said...

Red really suit your skin tone. You look great.

Cate said...

Hey Sharon, I really love your new Ossie Clark dress! It's a 40s style I really like! As you may or may not know, I have had a sort of project about the 40s going on, how fashion bloggers like/wear the 40s trend. So would you mind if I link this post of yours in my next post?

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

That's a stop you dead-in-your-tracks shade of red, you look AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

this scarlett red is fantastic ))) you look great in it )))

Style Spot said...

Such a lovely find, the colour is gorgeous on you! And the silk wrap top is so nice.


MĂ³nica said...

that colour really suits you! and the cut is lovely. a great find, as always:)

Cal said...

Ow owww! Lady in red, look at you! Love it. (your shoes are adorable too, btw). I think you could wear that new top in the winter if you paired it with a dark chocolate wrap but that's just me. I'm awful at waiting to debut new pieces!

Anonymous said...

I hadn't noticed this Celia Birtwell top on the topshop website until you put it on your blog. It is so lovely.

Dana (MODAna) said...

that's right ma'am
no regrets!

Sharon said...

Hi chuckles-so kind of you, thanks!

Hi cate-thanks my dear and of course you can link the post, no problem!

Hi Imelda-much appreciated, thanks a lot!

Hi angel-always so lovely, thanks my dear!

Hi sunniva-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi atelier-I appreciate that, thanks my dear!

Hi Cal-so lovely of you, but the Celia top is going back!!

Hi anon-it is a gorgeous top, but not for me now-see my next post!!

Hi Dana-so right my dearest!!

Always In Style said...

Great color. Great silhouette. Great find. YOU are great! :)

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-YOU are lovely-thanks my dear!

Cadmium said...

guess i'll just repeat what everyone else is saying - that is a lovely dress! is it the orangey red i'm getting on my screen (one of my favorite colors!) or red red? in either case, it looks great on you!

Sharon said...

Hi karima-thanks so much my dear-it is actually a red red-after all these years, its kept its vibrancy!!

Unknown said...

Swooooooooonnnn!!! That is one gorgeous dress! I love Ossie Clark so much. And the Celia Birtwell top is incredibly pretty too. You find the best clothes, girl!

Sharon said...

Hi anchibride-thanks so much my dear, much appreciated!! the CB top has gone back though, the material was very flimsy.

Anonymous said...

You totally scored getting that Ossie Clark dress, how freakin lucky are you!! I absolutely love the blouse! I'm super jealous right now!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-what a lovely comment, thanks!! the CB top has gone back now, the material was rather inferior!


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