As you are aware I was over the moon to finally own my Diana Ring from the gorgeous Wendy Brandes.

Please, please click on my title link as she is currently auctioning a Diana Necklace, with proceeds going to the Stephanie Nielson Fund. Stephanie and her husband were terribly injured in a small plane crash last month and there are very kind bloggers who are doing their best to raise money for her fund.

This beautiful Diana necklace can be yours-BID NOW!!!
Please go straight over to Wendy, who has dedicated a post to the auction and will fully explain how you can be a proud owner-like me-of a gorgeous piece of Diana jewellery and helping the Stephanie Nielson Fund in the process.
I added lots of cool bonuses too, so the more you spend, the more amazing things you get :-)
Hi Wendy-post updated!!
I've bid - such a sad adn tragic event.
Thanks! And that photo of you looking so happy with the ring makes ME so happy!
Its great that the profits are going to a great cause
Hi Sharon, your ring and the necklace are beautiful peices. Deb
thats a lovely necklace. i hope that stephanie and her husband are okay
cute necklace!
Oh! Thanks for stopping by and the nice comment!
Hi Kate-yes, its heartbreaking, they are in my prayers.
Hi Wendy-I'm soo pleased I'm part of the Diana gang now!!
Hi jess-yes, this auction is a fantastic idea!!
Hi deb-thanks for your lovely comment!
Hi krissy-thanks for your comment, you can catch up with their progress via a link from WendyBs blog.
Hi j'adore fashion-thanks for your lovely comment!
Love that necklace, running right on over there!!
I love that Wendy is doing this - and I love that you posted as well.
Wish I could afford to actually bid on something!
Hi budget chic-yaay so pleased!!
Hi always in style-yes, now the bidding is high sadly I can't afford a Diana duo now!
What a charming necklace.
Thanks for the comment, blogging makes me feel like I'm part of this big family. It's quite nice!! :)
Hi fashion chalet-you're most welcome!!
Sharon my sweet. You are so lovely. Thankyou for those kind comments yesterday. Its so amazing to see such comraderie amoungst the blogster-bloggers. A very beautiful sight. My hopes and heart go out to the Nielsons :)
thanks for this, way to spread the word! I can't afford the bidding at that level (although the gambler in me is tempted) but everyone can donate a little something to the family's paypal account!
Hi eelie-oh, you're welcome-I'm so pleased you are alright. Yes, my prayers are with them too.
Hi fashion herald-yes, wendys auction is going very well-hurrah!
Cute necklace :)
Hi marte-yes, it is!!
i always love the names of the collections... diana always makes me think of diana spencer.
Hi Cate-it is named after her!!
Such a pretty necklace!!
Hi sunniva-yes, totally beautiful!
Its so pretty. Thank you for reading.
Hi ellie-yes, lets hope it goes for mega money for the nie nie fund!
Thanks for the heads up, I'm on my way now...
I think this is such an awesome auction!
ps-Love your hair!
thank you for the nomination! you have been a nominee on my site as well!
i feel so honored!!!
Hi fashion dreamer-I'm pleased to hear it-you deserve better.
Hi asian cajuns-thanks for your lovely comment girls!!
Hi sydney-thanks so much and you're so welcome too!
i will be bidding,thank you for posting this dear,what a sad case. I hope they raise the money they need for their fund. I hope you are well darling.
I love wendy's jewelry, glad you got the ring. so kind of her to do the auction!
Hi marian-good for you, thanks for your lovely comment too!
Hi pamcasso-yes, shes really made it big-its great!!
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