
New Ossies

The 2nd Ossie Clark collection by Avsh Alom Gur showed at London Fashion Week on Sunday, I've picked out my 3 favourites from it:


Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I saw the beaded hip detail on Trend de le Creme just before and it's stunning...but it's the second dress that has me going all gogo gaga!

Eeli said...

Hi Sharon!

Its been a while huh? :P I'm a sucker for prints so the second and third really appeal to me! Its such a quirky little label you have there but interesting all the same :)

Style Spot said...

I adore the last dress. The colour is so stunning and unusual!

Mónica said...

I am so in love with the first one!

WendyB said...

So much for the show invitation those guys promised me! Humph. I guess I'll stick to buying vintage.

Make Do Style said...

Very sylph like and yet more glamour!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! cool, I like the first outfit very much!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, great choices! They all are very lovely but, I most like the slimming effects of the black outfit. Deb

Always In Style said...

Very nice picks -- I esp. like the second look.

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda matt-yes, my absolute favourite too, I thinks its gorgeous!!

Hi eelie-yes, the 2nd and 3rd are my faves too, just loving the print and colours!

Hi sunniva-yes, too true!!

Hi atelier-yes a perfect black dress, its stunning!!!

Hi wendyb-yes, especially if you're not going to get good discounts on the new range either!!

Hi kate-oh yes, I love them all!!

Hi cate-yes, very stunning!

Hi deb-yes, it is very svelte like!!

Unknown said...

I have to say, judging by these three they're not awful but they're not amazing either.

I still simply do not understand what on earth these have got to do with Ossie Clark?

Very weird.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i dont know much about the line, but i like the vintage feel

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-yes the 2nd is my fave too!

Hi mspeelpants-thanks for your comment and yes I do understand where you are coming from too. Personally, I would always buy vintage Ossie over the new collection, but out of the new collection by Avsh, I just like these 3 styles-not because they are the new Ossie Clark particularly, its just because I like these for what they are- stylish and pretty to me. Its like the new Halston and Biba, to me its all admirable, stylish stuff, but true lovers of vintage know the originals just are a class of their own. I don't compare, I just don't think you can.

Sharon said...

Hi ren-yes, I think the 1st and
2nd pieces do a vintage style to them.

Anonymous said...

great picks! that last one is my favorite, that sherbet-inspired color is so pretty.

Sharon said...

Hi emily-yes, it is a lovely shade!!

Anonymous said...

Mmm, the peachy dress is lovely.

Sharon said...

Hi sal-yes, I do like the colour and pattern, plus the simple shape to it!


Hi Sharon,

Lovely picks! Looks so beautiful.


Siljesfashion said...

Love them all, but the first one is gorgous!

Sharon said...

Hi acielle-thanks, I do like all of them!

Hi Silje-yes, it is stunning!!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Wow, great choices. You definitely picked the best 3.


Pamcasso said...

the coral one blows me away. WOW.

Sharon said...

Hi Lenya-thanks and yes, they're all so lovely!

Hi Pamcasso-yes, I so agree!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh i want that peachy dress so much! i'm loving that kind of colour at the moment, it looks amazing against darker skin. and the second jumpsuit is just heavenly.

Francis Girard said...

oh that apricot/orange number is super. Orange is the new black apparently. xf

Anonymous said...

great picks! =)

Sharon said...

Hi mhbass-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

hi francis girard-yes, I could see why!! thanks for stopping by!

Hi my fashion frenzy-thanks so much!

Tori said...

The second outfit is my personal favourite.

Sharon said...

Hi pamela-oh yes, its mine too!

Tricia said...

the first and second are pantsuits, or jumpers? love them, esp. the second!

Sharon said...

I thought the 1st was a dress and the 2nd a jumpsuit-the 2nd is my real fave!!

Anonymous said...

I love love love the first one!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-yes soo lovely!!


Gorgeous collection, stunning colors. Im going to have to look this up:) The matching shoes with the peach number are perefect!


Sharon said...

Hi culture creators-yes, very nice indeed!

Marte said...

I like the dress in the last photo.. the colour is great!

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yes, I agree its fabulous!!

Anonymous said...

I love those peach colored shoes, those are hot!!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-the shoes are great!!


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