
A Maelstrom of Inspiration!!

Hi there lovely ladies!!

Catching up on on your lovely blogs and continuing- sort of -the theme from Saturday, I've been overwhelmed with such inspiration from everybody, its just whirring round in my brain!!

Sal from Already Pretty and Always In Style are tempting me with delicious Frye boots, Fashion Chalet with her gorgeous Minnetonkas, Skye and her vintage Levi's, Silje and her sequins and shades of grey.......ohh, I'll be skint in no time at all!!

So, I shall follow dear Kate from Make Do and Mends advice from her excellent post earlier, of making do with whats already in my wardrobe and even snatching a few of Christophers (my son, not hubby!) stuff, he is now the same waist size jeans as me and his jumpers from last winter are lovely too! Don't worry, I won't leave him with nothing, LOL!

I do have some great pieces-mainly thrifted too- that I'm looking forward to bringing out again, such as my Sonia Rykiel multi colour jumper, my Marks & Spencer grey cashmere cardigan, jeans, my grey suede heeled boots, my French Connection brown leather and suede heeled slouch boots, my faux fur leopard vintage coat and my black sequin waistcoat, which I will wear over a wool jumper and jeans to dress it down!!

What fabulous pieces will you be pulling out of the wardrobe this winter-go on, have a delve, I'm sure there are some unforgotton treasures lurking-I'm looking forward to seeing Kate in her sequin cape!!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

oh how i wish i had so many wonderful things to simply bring out of my closet...yours must be HUGE to hold all of that amazing stuff. i'm most looking forward to pulling out my gray, knit cape that's such a lovely alternative to regular sweaters!

Anonymous said...

Oh girl, surely you can scrounge up the cash for a pair of Fryes! They'll last you till the day you die.

I'm looking forward to wearing my tweed pencil skirt. Wanted to don it today, but it's still positively balmy out ... and tweed and humidity should NOT mix.

Make Do Style said...

Ok you've set me a challenge - actually I realised my sequin number is more a capelet but I'm going to wear it tomorrow to London Fashion Weekend - my oufit will be a complete make do one!

Angela said...

i think i should dig into my closet. why is it that when i finally give up on a certain style and donate those pieces that the trend comes back..... : )

Siljesfashion said...

The faux leopard vintage coat sounds amazing, cant wait to see it!!!!!!!!!!! You are so right, one should dig in ones closet before you hit the stores, so many treasures to be found. I have so many nice winter coats and jackets, dresses and vests that I just started wearing. So funny that you and your son wear the same size jeans! Thank you for your wonderful comment on my interview!

Sharon said...

Hi emily-I didn't get a cape first time round, they seem such a stylish alternative to chunky cardis and jackets!

Hi sal-If I find a pair on my thrift visits, they're mine, I love them!!

Hi kate-oh, photos pleease!!!

Hi savvy-yes, no more donations for now, haha!!

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment, I'm looking forward to seeing all your lovely pieces as you bring them out, haha!

Skye said...

I love pulling out old favourites - I've got a pile of summer things out of storage now, it's like seeing old friends again!

Sharon said...

Hi skye-yes, you're right, its great to pull them out at the start of a new season!!

Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying my cashmere sweaters for the past several days and now I'm starting to think about pulling out the boots.

Oh yes!

WendyB said...

You have some great stuff stashed away!

Tricia said...

I wish I was pulling out a sequin cape!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Can't wait to see the photos!

Anonymous said...

hi rose. i miss ur blog :)

Anonymous said...

u are so good at this. :) keep it up, rose.

AsianCajuns said...

During the poncho craze a few years back my aunt knitted this gorgeous creme one. Hope the poncho doesn't look too dated because I love this handmade job- it's gorgeous. Definitely bringing that back out for winter!

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! You definitely have to bring out all those fabulous, unused items from storage and rock them for fall! I'm looking forward to seeing photos of you in them!
Thanks for entering the contest and for your comment on the trench post. I want to see that beige Gap trench you mentioned - it must look wonderful!
Take care and enjoy your day darling :)

Secretista said...

Bring out the oldie but goodie!!

Sharon said...

Hi rebecca-yes, I'm looking forward to getting my boots out too!

Hi wendy-thanks so much, I'd love to see you in your ossie coat again!!

Hi fashion herald-I hope Kate takes photos of hers!!

Hi Lenya-I'm sure I'll gradually photo my stuff!!

Hi jules-thanks for stopping by!

Hi yuri-thanks for your comment!

Hi asiancajuns-this sounds totally gorgeous, I'd love to see it!

Hi danz-thanks for your lovely comment, I hope you have a lovely day too! I certainly will photo my stuff gradually!

Hi secretista-oh yes, indeed!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Dear Sharon:
Some years ago I gave everything I didn´t use at the season but I´ve learnt so I don´t do it now!!! Because the styles, mode... come back and the vintage have got more value instead.
I´ve got in my mind some "ancient" clothes I´ll use this season for sure.

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-yes, just what I used to do, but I've learnt to keep hold of my quality pieces, this way you build up your wardrobe with great items!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice blog you have here, great interesting posts.

I would like to propose you something concerning your blog, if you could just send me a short email at contact @ jezzabelle.com so I know your email address,

it would be great. Also, please include the URL of your blog.

I look forward to hear from you soon, thanks!

Anonymous said...

wow, Sharon, I would love to explore your closet )))

Hugs from Angel.

Cate said...

Sometimes it's really difficult composing a look with what you already have, sometimes you just feel you NEED to have this and that... Oh, and I always "steal" clothes from everyone in my surroundings, including my brother, too ^^ I'm sure your grey cashmere cardigan is lovely, will you publish a picture of it? Oh, and grey suede heeled boots... I have grey suede heeled t-straps (my favourite shoes at the moment)! Faux fur leopard vintage coat, black sequin waistcoat... All your clothes sound amazing! Please, I want to see pictures of all of them! And a sequin cape - I have to have a look at Make Do and Mend!

Sharon said...

Hi laura m-thanks for stopping by, my email is at the top of my blog!!

Hi angel-LOL, I'd love to see yours!!

Hi cate-i think sourcing pieces from different people help make a look stylish and unique to that person! I will certainly post pictures when i start wearing these pieces my dear!

Sharon said...

Hi Laura-sorry, my email address is sharonrosepixie@gmail.com


Thank you, :), for the comment. not sure if I can afford any of those shoes just yet, but hopefully I will find some cute black shoes for Fall. For now, I did treat myself to a different pair they aren't black, but still über chic (and only $30!) that I will unveil in the blog later as Fall approaches. We're still in 90º weather here.. :/

xo/ fashion chalet

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-look forward to seeing your new buy at some time!!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, I'm getting excited too about the things I get to reuse from last Witer. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi deb-yes, me too!!

Always In Style said...

Thanks for the shout out Sharon - and you should definitely go for those Frye boots, they're the perfect compliment to your gorgeous vintage dress collection!


ellie said...

I guess my favorite piece I redesigned last year was cutting an old sweater in to more of a midriff sort to pull over some of my other shirts. I got the idea from this crochet designer's book Afya Ibomu. She makes all these hats for NY music scene dudes and this design was made for your arms. But it was so easy to do and it really transformed a lot of outfits and it kept me warm as well. I just checked out Subversive Seamster from the lib. It has patters to transform bridal dresses to halters, where suburban pants meet city shorts and all sorts of cool things. Its about the only way I like to sew these days. Fabric is so costly, and it can be fun to recycle something you can't stand anymore into something that makes you smile.

*don't for get those long sleeves from that shirt that just got nasy last year..really, a well fit. to cut out so you can wear them under your new T-shirts when it gets colder. Its so simple. Cut out neck arm's attached. You've got sleeves just like they did centuries ago when they were just figuring out fashion.

Thanks for your comments. Thank you so much for reading my blog.

Anonymous said...

you always leave me the cutest comments.
thanks for your support. of coursee.

and you have a fab blog.

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-yes, very tempting, I must see if I can thrift them first!!

Hi ellie-thanks for sharing your skills and creativity, you really are a clever gal! Of course, I will carry on reading too!

Sharon said...

Hi jenny h-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!!

Pamcasso said...

I need a son to borrow from! I'd truthfully like a big gorgeous winter cardigan and a dark wool coat, if I get to add a bit to the wardrobe.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I'll assumes 'Ladies' includes me...lol...I want burn EVERYTHING in my wardrobe..EVERYTHING I tellz ya.

Rice and Beans Vintage said...

Inspiration is key!

bronwyn said...

Sounds like you've been having fun planning your wardrobe, I am also definitely planning my summer wardrobe around what I've already got....and yes, I love all the inspiration I get from all the amazing blogs out there. I had to chuckle when I read you were planning to raid your son's wardrobe and that you wouldn't leave him with nothing:)

Sharon said...

Hi pamcasso-great pieces to add to your winter wardrobe!!

Hi Imelda-LOL, of course you are included, it goes without saying!! Oh dear, surely you don't want to burn everything!!

Hi rice and beans vintage clothing-you're so right my dear!

Hi bronwyn-LOL, well, he's safe for the moment, I tried on his jeans that I'd been eyeing up, and they're a touch too tight around the waist, haha!!


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