
So Much Inspiration!!!

Hey you....................pay attention please!!
Thank you!

Well, this week I've been inspired by quite a few fashionable things-Ossie Clark (thanks WendyB), Celia Birtwell (thanks Topshop), black studded belts and tan leather boots (thanks Silje) and after my trip to the charity shop earlier, Mickey Mouse t shirts (thanks Skye).

Well, like a little girl who wants to wear all her favourite things all at once, here is todays outfit, inspired my eclectic mix of some of the above!!

Celia Birtwell for Topshop blouse (worn as a jacket) £5 Ebay, Uniqlo leggings £7, Steve Madden leather studded belt £3, Faith tan leather boots 50p Boot Sale.

Today is for chilling out and relaxing and eating and drinking!!

I only went to the charity shop earlier to give them the bag I'd prepared in the week and as the St Francis Hospice had all clothes for £1, I got an authentic DisneyWorld Mickey Mouse t shirt as Skye so rocked in hers, Levi's jeans for Christopher and white shorts for Christopher for school PE.

Then we did a food shop, which was nice as it was a 'goodies' one, lots of nice snacky bits and a touch of alcohol too, to make Saturday evening pass by very nicely, thank you!

Have a lovely weekend everyone!!


WendyB said...

Great outfit, and I love your photo captions. Too cute!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-thanks so much my dear, you're such an influence on me, I've got the Ossie bug bad!!

Couture Carrie said...

That blouse is fantastic- reminds me a bit of Gucci's fall collection!
You have a great weekend too, Sharon :)


Unknown said...

That top and that belt are both too cute for words! Perfect for Fall, and together, I think, they have that same "Gucci Fall '08" look like in that dress you posted about earlier.

Hey, I wrote about you in one of my posts -- "Thrifty-licious", about thrift and charity shop finds! ^_^

Make Do Style said...

Lovin' the outfit and lovin' the food shop too!!

Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-thanks so much my dear, always lovely!

Hi anchibride-thanks so much, so kind! have a great weekend, I'll be checking you out too!

Hi kate-thanks a lot, hope your enjoying the lovely weather we're having!!

Siljesfashion said...

You are so right, its a sixth sense thing for sure! Those boots look exactely the same as mine, and I got mine 4 years ago!Love your whole outfit and that jacket is wonderful. I am dying to see the sequins, I bet they are fab! I am posting my dress as soon as I get it!!!!

Pamcasso said...

love it! love what you wrote about wearing all your favorites at once!

geri hirsch said...

looking good!

Skye said...

I'll be waiting patiently to see Mickey appear!

You look great here - very pulled together for a lazy weekend!

Human Racing said...

Great captions! Nice print on the jacket.

Sydney said...

i really love your boots!

steve madden <3

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-Yes, I must have my boots about 2-3 years now, I just don't wear them regularly!! I'm soo looking forward to seeing your dress! I will post my sequin waistcoat soon too!

Hi pamcasso-haha, It did feel good wearing all my faves in one go!!

Hi bear-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

Hi skye-thanks for the inspiration my dear, he will show very soon, haha!!

Hi nay'chelle-thanks so much my dear!

Hi sydney speel-so lovely, thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a perfect getup for maxin' and relaxin' - enjoy your weekend, beautiful!

Sharon said...

Hi sal-thanks my dear, always lovely!!


Leggings and boots, sit oh so right with me! ;) Love it on you, SharonRose! :)

xo/ fashion chalet

Tricia said...

Sharon, you find the best stuff, it's amazing! i love the shirt and belt.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi fashion herald-so lovely, thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

fantastic outfit - love the colour )

Sharon said...

Hi angel-so kind of you, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Your boots look awesome!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks so much my dear!!


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