
Minnetonka Moccasin Boots

Talking yesterday of being inspired by other gorgeous bloggers, the darling Fashion Chalet recently did a post on her Minnetonka collection. Wow, I was impressed!! They are made and sold mainly in the USA but I was very pleased to see there is a UK website-click on my title link to see!! I can't justify these beauties at the moment, but along with the black leather thrifted bomber jacket, these will be 2 purchases definitely for winter!! The only problem is, what style to have-well, I've a few months to save and chop and change my mind!!

Fringe boot, £84
Triple layer fringe boot, £92

Lace up front boot, £84 New In, Woodstock Boot, £84


Make Do Style said...

I like the first calf lenght fringe boot - it is a look that draws you in....

WendyB said...

You know I love those things! Don't taunt me with them! I am waiting till someone wises up and puts a heel on one of those triple-fringed styles so I can wear them.

Mikkle said...

very nice! I haven't played around much with fringe. Something I might try this fall. Which ones are you looking at getting?

Marian said...

they are all Yummy Sharon. I know choosing will be hard,my faves are the last two! Now I want a pair!

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-yes, I was totally drawn in to Fashion Chalets collection!!

Hi wendy-I'm sure it won't be too long before someone does!!

Hi mikkle-I'm loving all 4-haha, but once I've the money then I'll make the decision! I might go for brown though!

Hi marian-yes, I'm swaying towards these 2 as well, particularly the new ones in!!

Tricia said...

I love Minnetonkas, esp. that laceup front boot. they have that authentic look, i feel like they're classics.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-yes you're so right, I will enjoy saving and debating over these, haha!!

Anonymous said...

that first one is really cute! its not too much fringe, and the studs give it a little extra. i wish i had them during that big uggs trend


Fun! :) Thanks for the mention as well. I never saw the bottom pair, unique find. And I adore them for their soft sole comfort. They all feel as if you are walking on air or gel, so wonderful. Can't wait to see you rocking a pair. PS: Thanks for the collage comment<3 The 80's are my favorite, as I was born in 82!! :)

ellie said...

Really cool shoes.

Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

Sharon said...

Hi krissy-yes, I love these ones too!

Hi fashion chalet-yes, these last ones are great-that just makes my decision even harder!! Yay to the 80s too!

Hi ellie-oh yes! You're so welcome my dear!

Anonymous said...

i love these boots and am also seriously considering buying the tan version!

Sharon said...

Hi cupcakes and cashmere-yes, I'm really liking the 1st pair in tan, I think this colour will be more wearable in summer!

Couture Carrie said...

So cute and comfy!!


Anonymous said...

I just don't get used to those boots :)

Sharon said...

Hi couturecarrie-yes, I want them!!

Hi nadine-well for me, they will work in winter with skinny jeans and chunky cardis and in summer some vintage floral summer dresses-the more slouchy version is what I'm after!!

saray said...

I adore the Triple layer fringe boot!

Angela said...

i am not sure about fringe boots for me even though everyone is raving about them.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, I like the last pair. I think it would look nice with a jacket the same color but with-out the fringe. Deb

Toni Alexis said...

the first ones are adorable! i looove my minnetonkas!!!!

they rock


jess said...

I like the fringe on them.

AsianCajuns said...

Aren't they all so tempting? Last winter Cath and I got the lace-up style and they really are super-comfy and very warm. Let us know which ones you go for ;)

Anonymous said...

Colder weather is coming, I better get myself a pair!

Human Racing said...

I'd say go for the first one.

Sharon said...

Hi saray-yes, these ones are a great classic!

Hi savvy-yes, not all trends are for everyone!!

Hi deb-yes, great idea!!

Hi toni alexis-yes, I'm swaying towards these too!!

Hi jess-me too!

Hi asiancajuns-yes, I would like the 1st pair-ideally they are fringey and slouchy!!

Hi anjeanette-yes, go for it!!

Hi nay'chelle-yes, I reckon so too!!

Cate said...

i like the lace up front boot so much, i wanna have it in black. Kate moss has that exact boot, i think (that's how i discovered minnetonkas, by the way: because kate wears them ^^)

Anonymous said...

what a great trend )))

Sharon said...

Hi cate-yes, these ones are gorgeous-what a dilemma, huh!!

Hi angel-yes, I do so want some!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, if only I could teleport you out here. Saw some Steve Madden fringed boots at Marshall's over the weekend for $40!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-haha, that would be great if I could!! The Steve Madden boots sound a great bargain!!

Always In Style said...

I've always loved Minnetonkas. I can remember being a kid in the 70s and all of the really cool (read badass stoners) teens wore the lace up front boots.

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-yes, I'm coveting the 1st pair, but after your post, deliberation will be in order, haha!!

AlicePleasance said...

They look nuce indeed...I should consider buying a pair :-)

Sharon said...

Hi alicepleasance-yes, I think they're lovely!

Unknown said...

Loooooooove Minnetonka fringed boots! Although they might seem all boho, I think they're actually quite a classic style here in the States, as they've been around since the Hippie era.

There's that famous photo of Kate Moss in a pair of denim shorts and black Minnetonka fringed boots!

Tip: you should really shop around and find a place or website (like Bass Pro Shops, online) that sells Minnetonka at much cheaper prices than what you'd pay at a place like Urban Outfitters. At "trendy" sites like UO they hike the price up for brands like this *a lot*.


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