
My August purchase

About 3 Saturdays ago, I went to the Wanstead Rugby Club boot sale and stumbled across this little beauty. Its a lovely size, more big than small and has 3 main compartments, a front compartment and an adjustable length shoulder strap.

The bag is from the Gucci Accessories Collection and has the paper certificate under the serial number-its very fragile, so I have to be careful whilst using the bag.

This is such a gorgeous bag and its having its first outing today as I'm going into town to do a spot of shopping-have a great weekend everyone!!


Renate said...

Cute bag :-)

Sharon said...

Hi renate-thanks for stopping by and thank you for your comment too!


I swear, the two of us would have a blast shopping together. We both seem to have an eye for it. What a wonderful bag. Same with my dress, it just jumped out at me. Thanks for the lovely, comments. You always put a smile on my face. :) :) Have a great weekend!!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely bag!

WendyB said...

Nice find -- and a big purchase for you! I can't believe it wasn't a pound like your usual finds.

Siljesfashion said...

Lovely Sharon! Love vintage Gucci, its so classy and timeless. Another great find for you!! I am having a lovely saturday. Got some shopping done and now I am settling down to read up on everything I have missed during the week!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thanks for your lovely comment, it would be awesome to go shopping together!! Have a great weekend my dear!!

Hi Nadine-thanks so much dearest!

Hi Wendy-haha, it must of meant to be, I never generally take around £50 to the boot sale, only £20max, so just as well I did!! I will put my 20p Gucci purse in it!!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment, I knew you would love it, combining Gucci and vintage!! Yes, I've done pretty much the same as you today too!

Madame Dior said...

=o that's crazy!!! i usual don't haggle as i don't have it in me for some reason! beautiful bag, classic and timeless so you can hand it down to generations =]

Cate said...

wow, such a gorgeous bag!! and cheap, for gucci! and thanks too about the award! (post below) <3

Deb said...

Great bag Sharon! I love the shape of it. No bulk! It's beautiful! Deb

aizat.cinta.goddess said...

i envy your collection!

jess said...

It looks like a great bag

Anonymous said...

wow great find!

Couture Carrie said...

Classic - congrats!


Ida said...

Beautiful! You do have an eye for rare and exquisite stuff, Sharon, dear:))

Sharon said...

Hi madame dior-oh, you have to haggle at boot sales-I've been for so long now, unless its an absolute steal, I always haggle, haha!!

Hi cate-thanks for your lovely comment and you're most welcome too!

Hi deb-always so lovely-thanks my dear!

Hi aizat.cinta.goddess-thanks so much!

Hi jess-yes, I'm very pleased with it, thanks!!

Hi marian-thanks for your lovely comment! Yes just having a relaxing evening, thanks!!

Hi emma-thanks so much!

Hi couture carrie-so lovely of you, thanks!!

Hi Ida-what a lovely comment, much appreciated, thanks!!

Marte said...


Skye said...

It's definitely worth paying a little more for those classic items - I know I paid $35 in a charity shop for a cashmere v-neck recently because I know I'll get wear out of it for years. Great bag and a great score!

Anonymous said...

oh ;)

Dana (MODAna) said...

have fun on your outing, sharon's bag
I remember when LC from fops and dandies got a bag like this. I miss her.

christina said...

such a cute bag! the color scheme works for it so well

Shes Dressing Up said...

I love the red zipper on it! I wish there were more carboots where I live, I used to love them as a child looking for toys and dolls... Although now I'd be keeping an eye out for different things!!

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks a lot!!

Hi Skye-oh yes I agree, I love cheap as chips bargains, but I too will pay extra for a quality item-thanks a lot!!

Hi fabulously broke-thanks my dear! Yes it is a great bag for the money!

Hi ingunn-thanks a lot!

Hi dana-thanks my dear!!

Hi christina-yes, I love the colouring too, thanks!

Hi Nic-thanks my dear, its definitely worth checking the boot sales if you can!!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

hair, dress and now a bag (yes I realize I'm going backwards), it a Gucci-a-thon over at Sharon Rose.

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-haha, thanks my dear, I suppose I am flying the flag for them!!

Anonymous said...

The bag is so cute!

Sharon said...

Hi angel-so lovely, thanks!!

Sharon said...

Hi angel-so lovely, thanks!!

Unknown said...

i love your bag!

my roomate is THRILLED with her panda bag!
she just LOVE it


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