
The Sunday Times List

Well, according to the Sunday Times here is a pick of what every British girl should have-but lets not keep it to us in the UK, if you like whats on the list help yourselves, gorgeous blogger ladies!! I've picked what are my faves out of the 50 listed:

At number........

1. Gold hoop earrings

3. A vintage Ossie Clark dress (say no more!!!)

8. A leather jacket-cropped and fitted at the waist.

14. A string of real pearls or real pearl earrings

31. A decent pair of wellington boots (a must for UK girlies!)

35. A silk square

38. A grey hoodie

43. Something from Chanel-ANYTHING AT ALL!

48. A tea dress

To check out the complete list, click on my title to go directly to the Sunday Times website!!


Angela said...

for sure.... i adore diamond hoops, got a versace crop leather jacket, pearls gift from savvy mom, staple of hermes scarves, chanel bag and suit in basic colors, ... okay my life is complete. : )

Sharon said...

Hi Savvy-yes, I reckon so, haha!! I will go thrift a grey hoodie, lovely and cosy for winter!!


Cool picks, Sharon! Need hoodie as well :-)


Anonymous said...

Yes thought the list was a bit to rah! for my liking.

Make Do Style said...

I'm loving #43 and I wish I could find a tea dress I like!

Sharon said...

Hi acielle-yes, hope you get a cosy one too!

Hi guccibaggirl-thanks for stopping by! yes, I can't see myself in gold lame leggings, so I left that off my list, haha!!

Hi Kate-a tea dress is a thrifting opportunity begging to be found, haha!!

Style Spot said...

Oh I really want a vintage Ossie Clark dress!


Skye said...

That list is great - I have most of the things on it! Not sure how that happened. Don't have any of the really english things though, like thermal shorts or wellies!

I do have gold lame leggings too...

Anonymous said...

i love lists like these, they always help me organize my closet!

Siljesfashion said...

I think you picked the best of the best. I agree, anything Chanel would do and never go out of fashion. Wellingtons are a must for fall heres as well! And you are right, I would go thrifting even if I were rich, because I love a good deal!!

WendyB said...

I love #3.

Anonymous said...

That's quite a list. A good one too.

Thanks for reading..hopefully, ellie & eric didn't enjoy tooo much of their company.

Thanks again.

Tricia said...

great picks, and I think you've got them just about all covered, right?!

Winnie said...

I don't think I own gold hooped earrings....or the Chanel Item for that matter. Time to save up ladies!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon, those *are* great picks. #4. is always a great pick too. Deb

Human Racing said...

NIce choices! I also think a pair of diamnd (real or fake) studs is a pretty good basic to have.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Love your list - not sure about everything on the times list.

Sharon said...

Hi sunniva-what a smart gal-a must have!!

Hi skye-I really admire any gal who can rock gold lame leggings, I unfortunately can't!!

Hi emily-yes, it is a great idea!!

Hi Silje-yes, a good list, I just want to go and thrift a grey hoodie now!!

Hi wendy-a girl after my own heart!!

Hi ellie-always welcome my dear!!

Hi fashion herald-um, need the grey hoodie-is another Ossie allowed?!!

Hi winnie-I'm sure there are some others on the list you could attain within budget, I'm going for a grey hoodie!!

Hi deb-yes, you're right on that one!!

Hi nay'chelle-oh yes, a good piece to own!

Hi lenya-oh, so you don't want some gold lame leggings then?

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I'd give those gold hoops ago but then I'm skanky ghetto ho like that!

ellie said...

Thanks for the comment.

I'm really enjoying my very long sweater with the hood that I got on half price at ShopKo this fall. Its like a coat..but not too heavy.

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-oh me too-i say go for it!!

Hi ellie-that sounds a good find for winter!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, will pop over for a look. Lists like this are always fun ... but also dangerous. Much shopping is inspired by such things.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i need to get me nearly everything on that list, lol....


Thanks for the warm Birthday wishes and pre-B'day outfit comment. :) It was sunny all day, and then (once we were inside the Restaurant, it rained!) Luckily by the time we were done with dinner, it had stopped. B'day outfit post, later* today!! :)

PS: I've always wanted a "tea dress."

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-you are so right-I've just been to the charity shop to get my hoodie(s)!!

Hi ren-good luck!!

Hi fashion chalet-I'll check you out again later!!

Ashleigh said...

leather cropped jacket----- I would LOVE to see you in a biker jacket =)....and agree with Chanel- anything chanel..!!

AlicePleasance said...

Oh, tea dresses and wellies...I adore them (also together!)

Sharon said...

Hi ashleigh-haha, I need to get one as gorgeous as yours, I still look out for one!

Hi alice pleasance-yes, you're so right!!

Cal said...

AH number one on my list of wants right now is a cropped leather jacket, fitted at the waist! If it is Chanel perfume does it still count?
Ok so I feel like a silly American but...is a silk square just a scarf? The other "I'm out of the loop" question I have is, what is a boot sale?

Sharon said...

Hi Cal-yes, hope you find a cropped leather jacket, ideal for Autumn! A silk square is indeed a scarf-I call them scarves as well, I suppose it can be confusing! And a boot sale is the UK version of a garage or yard sale or flea market!! Perfume counts!!

Always In Style said...

I would have to agree and would like to add a good pair of jeans. Designer or otherwise!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-oh, how was this missed!! You are so right, what would I do without my dozen pairs, haha!!

Vain and Vapid said...

Great picks, I'd love to check out that list. Oh.. Something from Chanel... so universal.

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! While some of the things are a bit questionable like the hidden tattoo and the exposed Shag-Me bra, this is a really interesting list the Sunday Times has compiled.

The things would I want from this list are vintage dresses, a real pearl necklace, a trench coat, anything from Chanel, a (vintage or faux) fur stole and a big, patterned woolen scarf. The stuff I already own but wouldn't mind more of are berets, leather jackets, cameos, cocktail rings, leather driving gloves and tea dresses.

I also wanted to let you know that I'm currently running a contest on my blog to win a $25 gift certificate from a lovely online boutique and I hope you'll check it out!

Enjoy the rest of your day darling :)

Pamcasso said...

Ooh, what a great list! wellies, breton shirt I have, still looking for my ruby slippers and japanese raw denim jeans:)

Sharon said...

Hi vain and vapid-yes, I think everyone loves a piece of Chanel!!

Hi Danz-It sounds like you have lovely pieces already in your wardrobe! I'll be over to check you out my dear!

Hi pamcasso-you will be joyous when you get your ruby slippers, for sure!!

Anonymous said...

ahhhh great pieces.

i have at least one of everything on that list..... good to know that i am still representing the stylish british while living in america.

Sharon said...

Hi jenny-good going on the list!! have a great weekend my dear1

Unknown said...

Oh, I LOVE this list! So much so that I printed it out to keep. I'm tired of the saaaame old stuff on every fashion "must have" list, year after year, so this was fantastic. And has a great list of things that can truly take you from plain to fabulous.

I love British style!


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