
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the Jumpsuit way!

Well a trend that is bang on for Summer 2009 is jumpsuits-again. They never cease to be in and out of fashion and I for one wanted to track one down for next summer.

Marc for Marc Jacobs

Well, thanks to my lovely mother in law, she tracked down this vintage Biba 80s jumpsuit for 50p for me!! It fits just right and I can't wait to wear it in summer!!


Betsey Johnson


Matthew Williamson

Rick Owens

TopShop Unique

All images (except me!) are from Style.com, click on this link to see all the major designers ready to wear collections for jumpsuits for Summer 2009.

I know the lovely Skye has also leapt into this trend-will you for next year?


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon!

What a lovely jumpsuit! I have a short summery linen jumpsuit. I do not know it what kind of trademark. I think it made in U.S.A. I love it, but your vintage Biba jumpsuit is cooooool! :)

xoxo: Janet

Siljesfashion said...

What a great find!! You look smashing! Oh yes, I am already looking for one on ebay, love the trend!

Angela said...

sharon, you look really cute. there are actually a lot of cute choice that won't make my legs look short. i am going to find something for me then.

Sharon said...

Hi janet taylor-thanks my dear and hope to see yours someday, it sounds lovely!

Hi Silje-thanks for such a lovely comment, I'll look forward to seeing your future one my dear!

Hi Savvy-thanks so much my dear, and there are certainly a lot of choices and styles to choose from!

Cate said...

Hi there - you seem to have a really nice mother-in-law! That jumpsuit she got you looks great on you, but overall jumpsuits are not an item of clothing that I fancy.

Sharon said...

Hi Cate-thanks for your lovely comment-I think jumpsuits are a trend you either love or hate, LOL!

WendyB said...

You look fab! Wasn't ENC of Observationmode so ahead of her time with her interest in jumpsuits?

Couture Carrie said...

Loving your inspirational pics and look, Sharon!
I am definitely on board with the jumpsuit for this spring!


Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-thanks for your lovely comment, Enc has fabulous taste indeed!

Hi Couture Carrie-thanks a lot my dear, hope you track one down too!

Seeker said...

Sharon, dear, you look wonderful, oh I'm so jealous. I want one too.
And what a bargain...
Congrats lucky girl.
I certanly will look for one.~


Shes Dressing Up said...

I love your jumpsuit! Im not sure I suit them =\

Skye said...

You have the BEST mother-in-law ever! What a lovely jumpsuit that is.

dirtyflaws said...

ah yes! love it - esp the rick owens xo

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Great shot of you Sharon! You slotted right in with the models. I hope you had a wonderful holiday break.

Anonymous said...

Oh you look really good wearing that jumpsuit :).

Mónica said...

last summer I was deeply in love with one by Stella McCartney, it was white and gorgeous. You look very good in yours;)

saray said...

you look great in it..
I just found in my closet a jumpsuit that I bought 6 years ago and look like one of the jumpsuits in Alexander Wang F\W 09' collection

Marian said...

a biba jumpsuit for 50pence? simply priceless i tell you! it looks great on you darling.
muah x

{Tara} said...

Your mother-in-law has such a great eye! What a good find...I'm hunting for one, too...

Unknown said...

Aaah jumpsuits ... I remember them being big in the '80s! I'm glad they're making a comeback. They're like dresses (1 pc. clothing) but more comfortable. Yay!

Love your white one, b.t.w.

Sharon said...

Hi the seeker-thanks a lot my dear, you will look lovely in one too!

Hi nic-thanks so much!

Hi skye-yes, she really has such a good eye for thrift bargains, thanks!

Hi nikkimoose-thanks so much!

Hi lenya-thanks for such a lovely comment my dear!

Hi nadine-so kind, thanks my dear!

Hi atelier-oh yes, I loved the floral Stella jumpsuit from last year too!

Hi saray-I do hope your share it with us!!

Hi marian-thanks for such a sweet comment my dear!

Hi tara-hope you find one too, thanks!

Hi anchibride-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!

ellie said...

Thank you so much for the comment. Oh, I do love this jumpsuit you have on. Even better than some of these models. I just hate getting in and out of them.

Have a great week and a wonderful new year!

Make Do Style said...

Brilliant! You look fab - does your mother-in-law do requests???

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks for such a lovely comment my dear!!

Hi kate-nice to see you!! LOL, she is under strict instruction not to pass over any Ossie Clarks!!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Go on girl with your bad self! You are rockin that jumpsuit! It's the best yet! Deb

Sharon said...

Hi deb-thanks so much my dear!!

Anonymous said...

I like yours best of all, beautiful! No kidding.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-thanks so much, thats lovely!

Anonymous said...

you look lovely!!

La C.

Vera said...

Jumpsuits are great, and your mom in law is lovely!

Sharon said...

Hi lacouturiernyc-thanks so much!!

Hi deep in vogue-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

The beautiful and glammed said...

Loving Alexander Wang jumpsuits, cool blog coming from a new reader :) <3 x

Sharon said...

Hi the beautiful and glammed-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

Reena Rai said...

You have the best mother-in-law that jumpsuit is fabulous! I'm getting into the jumpsuit trend, but it is hard to find something which fits well

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks for your lovely comment, I do hope you find one!!

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog. I love that you post a lot of pictures of yourself. I don't have the curves to rock a jumpsuit - I think I'd end up looking like I was dressed in my big sister's clothes - but I love watching everyone else wear it. Really sick.

Sharon said...

Hi piper madison-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment, wishing you a happy new year!


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