Its been a hot, lazy day and I'm lacking inspiration and energy after eating a lovely barbeque, reading and having a headache because of the horrid humidity-poor moi!!
As I'm still enamoured by Ms Bradshaw, here are some more florals I've found that are right up my fashion street............................

From SJPs Bitten range
That Bitten line was easy-come-easy-go!
I have that sjp bitten dress, I love it so much! I love that sarah jessica wears a lot of pieces from her collection. If you need inspiration look no further then sex and the city!
It's been very humid here too so I feel your pain!
Hope your headache is gone now.
Love the post! The dresses are so amazing!
it's so warm its tiring! I shouldn't complain though! I love the green and red dresses worn by Bradshaw, seeing this photos reminds me ho much I love the film x
I've gone floral for the first time with top and now your tempting me with dresses!
i like the pink dress with the white belt although i wish the top was a bit different
Hi Wendy-Steve and Barrys have gone now, I believe!!
Hi jen-yes, I think its a cute dress too and she's certainly my tops for style inspiration!! Humidity is a pain-haha!!
Hi acielle-thanks so much for your kind comment, I'm coping-haha!!
Hi wendy-may-these are my favourites too, and it does bring back good memories of the movie!
Hi kate-oh, you must get a vintage floral dress by the time summer goes-haha!!
Hi arielle-oh, this is my favourite part of the dress, lus the hemline too!!
I loooove that dress she's wearing with Sanford, but all of those dresses are amazing
I have that Bitten one; and I adore it. My lovely friend allure gave it to me as a present, and I am so happy with it:)
Oh dear, the weather has been too humid and my inspiration is even worse... however these florals are great! They are summer essentials xxxxx
perfect summer inspirations! me and my friend are watching all of the seasons again on DVD. i'm falling in love with it all over again!
I always liked the way sarah jessica parker was dreesed in sex and the city. But eveytime I look at her husband i feel the need to watch ferris Buellers day off
I'm still not really over florals yet but the tiered skirts are getting sick.
love all the floral dress on SJP. As for me, I am not a small floral person. I like larger prints.
loving the last 3 pictures :):)
Hi fashion dreamer-yes, this one is soo gorgeous!!
Hi atelier-yes, I would have had this myself-lucky girl!!
Hi times of glory-yes, the weathers too much, I wish there was more air!!
Hi Mikkle-yes, a true lover will never tire of SATC!!
Hi jess-I love Carrie/SJP!!
Hi wendy-vintage florals is the way to go, haha!!
Hi savvygirl-yes, i like all, but do prefer larger prints too!
Hi pam-thanks my dear!!
I could spend days (and I do it, indeed...) watching and coveting all of Carrie's outfits! And - how could it happens - I didn't remember that dress in the first picture!
Hi alicepleasance-yes, I'd never tire of SATC-this 1st dress is gorgeous!!
The first black one is one of my al time favorites. The westwood one is simply gorgeous!
Hi Silje-I'd love to have these 2 in my wardrobe-haha!!
I love the black floral dress! So cute.
Thank you sweetie, for droppig by. That first dress is gorgeous, but I think I like the dress SJP is wearing out with her husband.
Hi jaimie-yes, it is lovely, thanks!!
Hi Cheryl Lynn-yes, I'm loving them all!!
I love how pat field mixed vintage and collection for the movie.
no, Steve & Barry's still selling - saw that floral dress in yellow the other day. I've got both, they're surprisingly well-constructed.
Lovely looks but I have one question - why is Matthew Broderick such a doo doo head? Look at how he's holding his adoring wife, he looks sick!
Hi fashion herald-thanks so much for putting me right about steve and barrys, oh you are lucky to have both colour combos of this dress!!
Hi always in style-LOL, he does look cardboard cut out in this pose, doesn't he!!
I adore SJP style! She looks great ))) Thanks for sharing
Hi angel-yes I do too, she's great!!
That DOES look like a Westwood. It's my fave :)
Hi fabulously broke-its gorgeous-I love it too!
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