The lovely tupersonalshopperviajero has nominated me for the award above, thanks so much my dear-so kind of you and I now pass it on to the following eight bloggers:
Debs Country Kisses
Fashoenista-Cheryl Lynn
Kate-Make Do and Mend
Alice-Ogni Cosa Bella e Viola
Cate-Retro LifeStyle
Lenya-The Fashion Loving Stylist
Sydney Speel-Sydney Speaks
All of these lovely ladies take time out whenever possible to leave me lovely comments and I'm happy to pass this award onto them! All they need to do is to leave the following message on their post when they pass the award on to their chosen eight bloggers:
They all are charmed with the blogs, where in the majority of its aims are to show the marvels and to do friendship; there are persons who are not interested when we give them a prize and then they help to cut these bows; do we want that they are cut or that they propagate? Then let's try to give more attention to them! So with this prize we must deliver it to 8 bloggers that in turn must make the same thing and put this text.
Congratulations to you and your eight chosen bloggers - that translation from Spanish (?) is so cute!
Hi Skye-haha, I can't take credit for the translation, that was tupersonalshopperviajero!! Thanks my dear and have a good weekend!
Hi Sharon! Congratlations on your award, and thank you so much for sharing it with me! I will get it posted soon! I hope you will have a great weekend with lots of shopping. Deb
A big congratulations on the award, Sharon Rose! You truly deserve it, dear.
Hi deb-You're so welcome my dear, have a lovely weekend!
Hi sunniva-thanks so much!!
Congrats darling Sharon!! how fab. Keep those fab thift filled posts coming.
kisses dear
Hi marian-thanks so much my dear, much appreciated!
Sharon, Congrats on the award and thanks so much for nominating me.
Thanks so much. Sorry its taken me so long to get there.
You are truly a wonderful blogger who shares some really great tips from thrifting to enjoying life.
Thanks again. I'll try my best to spread the cheer.
Hi Lenya-you are most welcome my dear, have a lovely day!!
Hi Ellie-thanks for your lovely comment, you are one of my favourite bloggers!!
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