Will you be cool or cosy?
Style in Sequins

Day In London

We had a really nice look around the Tate Modern-I had pre concieved ideas of what it would be like (as in I wouldn't like it!), but was pleasantly surprised. I particularly enjoyed the works of Matisse, Monet and Picasso. There was also more modern day works of art, videos, sculptures and 'things' which were also very modern and interesting!! So, after our intellectual jaunt, we decided to hit the West End for some window shopping and erm, shopping!

We left the Tate Modern and was in Oxford Circus in no time! We hit NikeTown for Christopher (no purchases here) then H&M-yes for me!! I was very good, even Christopher said 'I can't believe how quick you were in here mum!' I went straight for the woolly hats, got 2, queued to pay, saw some legwarmers, grabbed them, paid and out-phew!
Favourite jeans

Patricia Field for Marks and Spencer
My Daahling Mother In Law, How I love this Christian Dior!

I like to have a declutter if not every month, then every other month, although I did have a bit of one at the beginning of October.
It is the charity shops gain after all. Apparently, charities are having it hard at the moment-people worldwide are more in need than ever and some people who donate regularly are either lowering or stopping their regular contributions as the recession begins to set in. A good enough reason for all of you to declutter too and give the charity shops your unwanted things!!
I've got rid of 4 shirts, 4 bags, 2 pairs of jeans (cut offs), a skirt, a hoody and a pair of shoes. Plus some of Christophers bits that are no longer to his liking.
So a full bag to go and I feel better to have let some stuff go that I won't miss.
Do you declutter or are you a hoarder?
UPDATED TO ADD-Oops, after my 20/80 syndrome post, I said I may get rid of some my stuff. All of the stuff for charity is NOT my vintage or designer pieces-I've listened to good advice and intend on keeping these pieces for a long time to come!!
Vintage Fashion, Bagels, Modern Art and Boutiques-E1

Keeping cosy in style this winter!

I can't wait to get cosy, haha!! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Ooh, shiny shiny!!!

Premio Dardos-Blog Award

The 20/80 Syndrome-Solutions
Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments on The 20/80 Syndrome Post. I'm so pleased I posted this, as I have received so many replies with lots of opinions on how to go forward.
My favourite advice overall is:
To wear what I've got-regardless of occasion.
Stop buying for the forseeable future-I don't need to buy clothes for the sake of it anymore!
Carry on collecting vintage. If I do this in the future, it will only be unique pieces that I buy and only from charity shops or boot sales.
Its school holidays next week, so I may well use this time to evaluate every item in my wardrobe for a selling opportunity on Ebay. Otherwise, if I'm too attached, I'll just hold on to what I've got with a view to appreciating what I have, not coveting what I haven't got and wearing the pieces more regularly.
Thanks so much everyone!!
The 20/80 Syndrome
I have a beautiful wardrobe of clothes that is suffering from the 20/80 Syndrome. This precise syndrome entails wearing 20% of my wardrobe 80% of the time.
I love thrifting, I think you all know that by now!! I love the thrill of obtaining a quality piece, be it a dress, jeans, jacket, boots, bag or accessory at a very low price and its a double bonus if its designer or in trend.
I also love blogging and showing my new purchases-some of them get worn regularly, a lot of them come out for a photo shoot and don't get worn again.
As it comes to winter, I'm in my usual uniform of woollies and jeans or leggings, with the jacket of the day chucked over the top. Unfortunately, my current lifestyle doesn't allow regular outings of my lovely dresses, mores the pity. I wear a uniform for work, sort the kids out after school, do food shopping and housework and at the weekends I generally chill out, go to boot sales and/or charity shops and catch up with remaining housework.
Summer is great for my vintage summer dresses as this is when I do go out and about to different places-but I have ample that I've worn and a lot of gorgeous 'collection' dresses that I haven't!
My Ossie Clarks, Celia Birtwells, Jean Muir, Leonard, etc all hang patiently waiting in the wardrobe. Waiting and waiting.
Its leaving me perplexed I must admit. I do sometimes wish I had a different lifestyle to show off these pieces, but I will say it won't change anytime soon as I don't intend changing my job. I really like what I do and am happy enough. I don't yearn for a career in fashion, nor do I really enjoy selling clothes. I had a stint of it on Ebay and I would do it as a one off, but I can't see myself as a vintage clothes seller.
So, this is my dilemma. I love all my stuff, but its not being worn. What to do then?
Well, I'm certainly only going to buy in future what I need. This isn't a 'credit crunch' post, as I'm not looking to cash in on my designer collection for the money-I'm not desperate to raise funds at all. Its about me being perplexed with having a wonderful wardrobe that is suffering from the 20/80 syndrome.
I have enough storage for my things, so that makes me say hold on to my clothes, but on the other hand is it worth keeping if I know realistically I won't be wearing the majority of it anytime soon.
I'd be so interested on your thoughts on my situation-do you also have a similiar situation?
Also, this dilemma doesn't stop my passion for thrifting. The boot sale season is near on finished now, so I've a few months to ponder on this. I think I need to stop going to boot sales, but I love them, LOL!
I visited a lovely new blogger today and her post really struck a cord. She asked' What is it about shopping and obtaining that satisfies me, and if thats even of real value to my Life? A question indeed!!
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Gucci and Etro's way!

Etros gilets are great too-I love the look above best, as it works well with jeans. Not sure if the one below is real fur, so although I like the style I most probably wouldn't wear it for that reason alone. Will you channel the gilet look this autumn-go for it!!

The Times List-Being a Recessionista
A splurge at vintage boutique Rellik=Clearing out your granny's attic
A romantic mini break=A weekends worth of DVD box sets and takeaways
Buying into the Military look=Changing the buttons on your winter coat
Dry cleaning your statement blouse=Airing it in the garden
The 7/8 trouser length=Chopping the bottoms off of last years skinnies
Shopping on Oxford Street=Shopping in the charity shops of Oxford
New hairdo=New parting
Having it All=having to choose the one, utterly perfect thing you just have to have this month
Investing in a new season Gucci folk dress=Wearing a skinny jumper under a summer smock
New Shoes=New heels and soles for your Jimmy Choos
Do you have a top tip for being a Recessionista?
Boot Sale Saturday!!!

These are the biker ankle boots from last week too, which were £1. They are soo comfy, I'm yet to wear them though.
Todays bargains were few and far between, it is definitely the end of boot sale season, I reckon. Still, I picked up these gorgeous leather and suede sheepskin lined boots for £1-I think they're from the 80s. They are a little too small on the right boot, hopefully my big foot will stretch it out!!

I also got this Muppets Animal top for 50p. I'm loving grey tops at the moment, I think because its such a neutral colour and goes with anything!! I can see this with a studded belt and jeans or leggings and my black leather jacket!!

If you've been shopping this weekend, hope you picked up some great bargains!!
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the JPG way!

The best bit was it was only £5!
Have a lovely weekend everyone!