
Leopardprint Love and Stud overload!

Well, this was my outfit for boot sale Sunday-it was freezing and foggy early morning, so I wrapped up accordingly and this is my vintage faux fur leopard print coat that I said I would show you all!! Its quite showy, so I like to wear all black (or jeans) to dress it down!

I did really well again today-I scored 2 stud belts-the skinny one was 50p and the wider was was £1 and they are both leather too!! My best bargain has to be these black leather and suede studded cowboys boots for-50p!!! I got to the mans stall and I only had 50p and a £50 note in my purse (for food shopping later!). He saw me trying on the boots and said I could have them for a £1, so I told him what I had left was 50p, so he said I could have them!!

So, quite a productive weekend for the boot sales-thats all for now folks!!


ellie said...

Love the coat. great belts too. & those boots...how cool.

Thank you so much for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, that leopard coat and studded belt are too die for. Your looking a little rachel zoe here!! (he, he)

WendyB said...

I love your leopard! Of course!

Cal said...

I'm so jealous of your belts! Super cute!!!

Sharon said...

Hi ellies eric-thanks for your lovely comment too!

Hi budget chic-oh thanks so much my dear!!

Hi wendy-thanks for your lovely comment, always so nice!!

Hi cal-yup, I was pleased with them too, thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, I LOVE all the studded pieces together. Not overload at all, they look great together!

Sharon said...

Hi sal-oh thanks a lot! its great to get someone elses perspective on what they think you look like!!

Pamela Tan said...

studs! cant get enough of them these days :)

Sharon said...

Hi pam-I know, I'm crazy about them too!

Always In Style said...

I'm jealous that you get to wear your fab leopard coat - I have a similar one that is just begging to be worn but it's too hot right now.

Also love the boots and belt, so rocker chick chic!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-thanks so much for your lovely comment! I only wore the coat for a couple of hours, it got really warm mid morning, haha!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow great deals!

Sharon said...

Hi ren-thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

I totally envy you! What an awesome coat!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-such a lovely comment, thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I love boots like those ones! You have such a knack for finding these things...

Sharon said...

Hi miss thrifty-thanks for your lovely comment, they just need reheeling and then they will be as good as new!!

Angela said...

cool stud boots. gucci has similar styles... : )

Anonymous said...

those boots are amazing!

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-thanks so much, I'm into studs at the moment!!

Hi jenny-thanks my dear-you have an amazing collection too!

Unknown said...

Love the coat and boots!! Wish I were better at getting up early and going to boot sales ;)

Reena Rai said...

Ooh ohh ohh Mz Thang!! Loving the leopard print coat. And those gorgeous belts, the thicker one would be fab over a fitted black dress

Reena Rai said...

ps - I cant remember where I got the tights from, I kind of collect tights!! Maybe Dorothy Perkins, maybe River Island. I'll keep an eye out for similar ones and let you know

Sharon said...

Hi Ms Peelpants-thanks so much!! Its the end of the season about now, so I'm making the most of them!!

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks for such a lovely comment my dear!! I'll hit Primark soon, they're bound to have something similiar, thanks!!

Make Do Style said...

Oh goody, I must do a post with my leopard faux fur coat too.
You got 50%off on those boots!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

my god.. those shoes are so cool. i love studs, and got some nice pair of vintage boots with studs as well last month.
nice blogg:)

Dana (MODAna) said...

the belt is my favorite, but, omg, so much studded eye candy wheeee

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

the leopard print jacket is so Rachel Zoe, in a fantastic way, of course!

saray said...

Love the studded belts!

Winnie said...

Niiice Boots!! Stud overload or not, you're looking pretty stylish!

BlossomClothing said...

Blossom Clothing has moved!
Visit www.bellefantaisie.net to whet your appetite that is all things fashion! Comment and you will be added to the blog roll in exchange.

MĂ³nica said...

I am loving your leopard print coat! it looks great on you;)

Marian said...

darlin good on you for spotting those boots! think they and the belts are terrific.you should get lots of wear out of them.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! I love it all! The belts are very nice and you could wear them both according to the occasion. Sorry I hadn't been around to visit lately, I've had to get out of the house more I think they call it cabin fever. LOL!!! but I'm back slightly, I still have quite a bit to do in my kitchen. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi kate-oh yes, I'm looking forward to seeing your one!!

Hi hippie, hippie-milkshake-thanks for stopping by! Your boots sound lovely!

Hi dana-yup, I'm in a stud phase, haha!!

Hi emily-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi saray-thanks a lot!!

Hi winnie-so kind, thanks my dear!

Hi blossomclothing-thanks for stopping by!

Hi atelier-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!

Hi marian-yes, I'm really pleased with what I got, thanks!

Hi deb-thanks for your lovely comment my dear, hope the kitchen is coming along nicely!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

STOP IT!!!!!!!!! Leopard and cowboy boots for 50p...I don't under...do these bargains hunt you down????

Anonymous said...

Great combination dear ))) although it was cold ouside you looked hot!

Hugs from Angel.

Susana Rodrigues said...

very cute! I also have one faux fur leopard print coat that I bought for this season ans that i love (i'll post it one of these days)

Madame Dior said...

lovee the leopard coat, but i love the belt even more, very carrie bradshaw =]

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-LOL, well it is true that other peoples trash can be your treasure!! 50p for leather and studded boots is admittedly a really lucky find-thanks!!

Hi angel-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi the stiletto effect-thanks my dear, I'd love to see yours too!

Hi madame dior-so kind of you, thanks a lot!!

Anonymous said...

I was watching Frock Swap the other night, have you seen it? It made me think of you - I'd love to try it out.

Love all your new finds!

Sharon said...

Hi frugal-I haven't seen it-I must check it out! Thanks for your lovely comment!!


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