The lovely Nothing Elegant nominated me for the above award. In her post, this best describes the awards intent:
This award is given for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values transmitted in the form of creative and original writing...that's the general idea.
Here it is, more eloquently, in Portuguese: O conceito deste prémio passa por reconhecer valores culturais, éticos, literários e pessoais, transmitidos de forma criativa e original nos pedacinhos rabiscados por cada blogueiro que o receba.
So, the rules are to pass this on to 15 other bloggers who deserve this-in my opinion, everyone who left comments on my 20/80 Syndrome post are all worthy of the award for the excellent advice they passed on to me, so here you are:
Emily-Cupcakes and Cashmere
Kate-Make Do and Mend
Fashion Dreamer
Nic-Shes Dressing Up
Ladies who Lunch
Vain and Vapid
Fashion Herald
Dana (MoDana)
Lenya-Fashion Loving Stylist
Sandra@Debutante Clothing
Savvy mode
Ren-Make Up by Renren
And Marian-for her late entry, haha!!
Much deserved, thanks gals!!
Felicidades, Sharon!
Hi Couture Carrie-thanks so much my dear!
Great award, thanks sugar!
Hi fashion dreamer-you're soo welcome!!
Indeed! How wonderful to ask for input and help and receive it in spades. ;) Congrats to you, and to all your recipients.
thank you sweetheart :)
Hi Sal-how lovely, thanks my dear!!
Hi dana-you're welcome!!
Ah thank you!!!
Hi kate-no,thank you my dear, invaluable advice indeed!
Lovely blog....just found it!
Thanks for all of the lovely comments - I will definitely be adding you to my blog roll as well as soon as my computer stops being insane :P
Congratulations, dear Sharon! :-)
Hi Susannah-thanks so much for stopping by with your lovely comment!
Hi s-you're soo welcome my dear!!
Hi acielle-thanks a lot my dear1
Thank you =)
Hi saray-you're welcome!!
Exactly, it's not the price so much as the fit! A good pair of really flattering pants is all you need. :)
xo/ fashion chalet
Congratulations and thank you :D
Blimey! I'm honoured! Thank you! :)
how lovely! congrats and thanks, thanks, thanks to you!
congrats my sweetie!!love your blog tons!
Thanks heaps!
just recently read your 20/80 post!
sorry about the absence!
you've updated the side colomn, correct?
cool vintage coat!
thank youy for reading my blog. hopefully, i'll continue to keep it going. thanks again.
Hi fashion chalet-yes, so true my dear!
Hi anny-so welcome!!
Hi ladies who lunch-deserved my dear!!
Hi fashion herald-thanks to you too for your advice!
Hi marian-thanks my dear, I'm giving the award to you too, after your excellent comments!!
Hi lenya-so welcome!
Hi sydney-thanks my dear and good eye, yes I have!
Hi ellies eric-yes, keep up the good work!!
Congrats! That sounds so cool. :D
Hi christina-thanks my dear!!
oh thank you, you are sweet.
Hi savvy-soo welcome, my dear!!
you are TOO sweet :)
Whoa, Thanks!!!
Hi cal-thanks and so welcome!
Hi secretista-no problem my dear!
Thanks Sharon!
I'm so honored to be in such good company.
Hi sandra-soo welcome, my dear!!
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