
Citizen Tagged

Gorgeous Kate of Make Do and Mend tagged me earlier this week, so here goes!!

Four places I go to over and over

Computer Chair

Four people who email me regularly

Arsenal Football Club (My son doesn't even support them anymore!)
WendyB with lovely vintage to view

Four places I would rather be right now

Costa Coffee

Four Places where I love to eat

Pizza Hut
Indian Restaurants
Bagel Shop on Brick Lane

Four people to tag

Ladies Who Lunch

Four TV shows I watch over and over

Sky Sports News
Coronation Street


Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I like a sneaky bow at Eastenders every one and again!

WendyB said...

I didn't realize you were a sports-type of gal!

saray said...

thanks for tagging me =)

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i love reading these little lists to find out more about you...i'm curious, are British Bagels any good? :)

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! How are you! I love Pizza Hut too and I'm in the kitchen a lot. Great little tag, I get on my list soon. Deb

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-haha, the soaps do keep me amused!!

Hi wendy-haha, I'm not, when little Chris was an Arsenal fan, he used my email address for regular updates. I've unsubscribed, but they obviously love me too much to let go, LOL!!

Hi saray-you're so welcome!!

Hi emily-thanks my dear!! When we go to Brick Lane for bagels, we all have hot salt beef and mustard-yummy indeed!

Hi deb-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!

Anonymous said...

I love you for loving Pizza Hut.

Sharon said...

Hi sal-haha, can't get them out of my system!!

Couture Carrie said...

ooooh now I want a bagel!


Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-go and indulge my dear!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

mmm i love indian food!

Sharon said...

Hi ren-yes, a yummy favourite!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tagging me - I'llhave to think of some answers now!

Mónica said...

I have exactly the same problem with SATC

Siljesfashion said...

Love SATC! I can watch reruns a whole day if I am sick or just relaxing at home.

AsianCajuns said...

We grew up watching East Enders with our mom- but we were always 2+ year behind in the states. Wish it had caught on here ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you like to eat at home too. Oh if I could actually eat in a real pizza hut. we live close to one for carry out. but I always liked their salad bar, too.

Thanks for the comment. BBCA is finally running episodes of SKINS.

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-you're so welcome my dear!!

Hi atelier and silje-yup, it never loses its magic!

Hi asiancajuns-I am a sucker for the soaps-we all are in the family, LOL!

Hi Ellie-yes, I do prefer taking something out and then eating it at home too!

Anonymous said...

Well, now you got my average routine down pact

"Four places I go to over and over

Computer Chair"

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-LOL, I'm not the only one then!!


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