I do love snakeskin-jackets, bags and shoes. Here is a jacket from Ashley Ishams A/W 08 collection, which shows this is a timeless, stylish piece and is versatile enough to go with a floaty fun dress, jeans or dressed up with smart black trousers.

I found this genuine leather jacket in the PDSA charity shop about six months ago for £5. It is brand new and is originally from Joseph, a boutique found in Sloane Street, London.

I haven't worn it yet, but it is a firm favourite of mine and something I know I can wear with anything. I thought I would share this with you!! What is your favourite item of the moment?
You always thrift the best stuffs! Can't wait to see how you are going to wear it! :) & wow, snakeskin & ruffles looks good together!
Hi Yiqin-so lovely, thanks so much-I think I'll wear it with a dress first!
I think your find is completely brilliant - I have a complete aversion to snakes and therefore snakeskin although I've got a faux snakeskin (ish) belt from Reiss a few years ago.
you'll be getting peeps trying to get this jacket off your back!
That orange dress is amazing
Hi Kate-what a wonderful comment, thanks so much my dear! Sorry about your aversion, I do understand the S word can be a complete no no to some!
Hi jess-Isn't it lovely-the ruffles and the colour are gorgeous!
Hi Sharon, how are you feeling? Better I hope! Love the snakeskin, looking for peep toe pumps myself. My favorite item at the moment is my faux fur vest, its sooo cosy and warm in the cold weather!
That's a fabulous find - I looking forward to seeing what you do with it!
I have lots of favourites at the moment, too many!
wow that jacket is amazing! lucky you got it so inexpensive!
not to mention it's genuine leather. lucky girl!
you are a fabulous thrifter!
That's a great jacket. I wear my Ossie snakeskin jacket so rarely! I have to wait for perfect weather conditions.
great find. i would pair it with a bright top. i have a brown suede with snakeskin detail in orange and beige color jacket which i adore with hot pink lining.
Hi Silje-thanks so much, yes feeling better now!! The faux fur vest is a very good cosy investment for winter, haha!!
Hi Skye-thanks a lot, I know what you mean, I'm trying to look for old favourites, rather than keep buying, haha!!
Hi miranda-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!!
Hi sydney-always lovely, thanks!!
Hi Wendy-thanks so much, yes, damp and rain is no good for leather/snakeskin!!
Hi Savvy-thanks a lot!! Your jacket sounds beautiful!!
Looks liked a cool texture. Can't wait to see what you pair it up with. Thanks for the comment.
I like the inspiration outfit and your jacket - I doubt I would wear real snakeskin though, I don't like snakes ^^
My favourite item of the moment... Might just be my black trousers and my boots which I'll show you in my next post!
And my brother says thanks for wishing him a happy birthday. I showed him your post about the Lego land and he was delighted!
Sharon my sweet,kudos to you and your great eye!Stellar thifting. This jacket would love fab with a number of things. I know you will have fun wearing it.
My fave thing at the moment are all peg pants(cropped pants) as im having fun playing with proportions.
Darling you have been tagged,do check my latest posts for details.
Amazing jacket. BTW - I've given you a blog award. Hope you're feeling better too. :-)
omg definitly a great find, esp for 5 pounds! I just moved to London this September and finding out about all the cheap places to go, where is Sloan St? Is it far from Oxford Circus?
Love both of these, Sharon!
My fave item right now is actually a vintage black leather Richard Tyler blazer - it has kind of an 80s shape and I thought I'd never wear it again, but I sure am glad I kept it!
Hi ellies eric-thanks so much, and as always, you're so welcome!!
Hi cate-thanks so much for your lovely comment, thats really sweet about your brother, hope he had a great day!!
Hi marian-I love peg pants too, but don't have the opportunity to wear them (I suppose I love my jeans and dresses too much, haha) Thanks for the tag too!
Hi everybodysaysdont-thanks so much and for the tag too!
Hi maveric-k-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!! Sloane Street is in Knightsbridge, very close to Harrods and harvey Nicks!
Hi couture carrie-your blazer sounds fabulous-its great when you hold on to something and fall in love with it all over again!!
Classic! Great find, beautiful.
wow, that is ridiculous great. I don't feel like i've got a favorite right now, maybe when I drag out the winter clothes..
Hi Sal-thats so kind, thanks a lot!!
Hi fashion herald-thanks my dear. Yup, its the time of year to check out whats in the winter wardrobe!!
It's this jacket....I need to love it, wear it and buried in it!!!!!! You know I love a 'exotic print'....it's not fair!
Hi Imelda-what a lovely comment, thanks so much my dear!!
thats a lovely jacket, can't wait for you to wear it!
Hi nv-thanks so much my dear-I will soon!
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