
My new 'perfect' black leather jacket!!

I found one, I found one-haha!! You all know I wasn't over impressed with the last black leather jacket I bought-it was only £3, but I still wasn't overkeen. Anyway, that jacket, 2 other jackets and a blouse and skirt were passed to my sister in law who has daughters so I don't know who ended up with what!! Last week, I tracked down the jacket of my dreams-it has chunky zipper pockets and studs on the collar, cuffs and waistband, plus it is a really fitted style and the softest leather too!!

I found it at Sue Ryder Care charity shop for £10 and I know it will go with everything and anything in my wardrobe-the search is now over!!

What are you searching for that you have yet to find or purchase?


Anonymous said...

Congrats, lady! Isn't it fun to FINALLY land a piece you've been searching for? The jacket looks simply perfect. Well done.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-thanks so much my dear-yaay, the hunt is now over, haha!!

Always In Style said...

OK - that's it. I'm flying to the UK to go thrift shopping with you -- that is an AMAZING find.

Congrats! :)

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-LOL, wouldn't that be fun, thanks for your lovely comment!

Angela said...

a great cardigan in cashmere. super jacket. i like the tailored look.

MakeupByRenRen said...

now that jacket is cute!

Reena Rai said...

Ahhhhh I had a jacket so similar to that but gave it to charity about 3 years ago...nooo! I've been searching for the perfect leather jacket for almost 2 years now!

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-thanks my dear! Good luck finding a cosy one!

Hi ren-always lovely, thanks!

Hi fashion dreamer-bad luck, always the way!! I've done that with items and soo regreted it. hope you find another one soon-2 years is too long:-(

Winnie said...

Nice find! Glad you finally found what you have been searching for. I want a pair of black oxfords and some new boots!

WendyB said...

Nice! And what a great price as usual!

jess said...

The jacket looks lovely on you. Its great you found one you like. I finally found an orange coat that I've been searching for for 2 years. So I don't think I need anything until next month probably.

Anny said...

You paid what!? WOW! And I thought my $4 peacoat was a steal :D

It looks great on you!!!

Skye said...

Congratulations! I knew you'd track it down, and it didn't take you long at all!

Sharon said...

Hi winnie-thanks my dear and good luck with tracking down the oxfords and boots!!

Hi wendy-thanks my dear, got there in the end!

Hi jess-thanks a lot! It is good when you track something down that you've been after!

Hi anny-thanks!! $4 is a definite steal, well done!

Hi skye-always lovely, thanks a lot my dear!

Cadmium said...

hi sharon, so glad you found what you've been looking for - isn't it a great feeling?! the jacket looks very nice and is certainly very versatile. i always am looking for nice boots and oxford shoes - but these are nigh impossible to find thrifted or second-hand in vienna... however, your luck gives me hope!

Sharon said...

Hi karima-thanks for your lovely comment.Yes, I agree, footwear is rare to find, I'm a size EUR41 so harder still-but i do keep looking!

Anonymous said...

The perfect shoes. The perfect dress.

Sigh. I don't know what I'm looking for but I'll know when I've found it!

saray said...

wow such a great buy!!

I really want a leather jacket too..

Tricia said...

wow, it's perfect, and so's the price.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! I remember that you were on the look out for that perfect one. I'm glad to know that you found it, and it looks great on you. Deb

Cal said...

I can't decide if I want to cheer for you for finding what you were looking for or whine about the fact I seem to be the only one without a perfect leather jacket! Haha...I'll go with a simple, CONGRATS! :)

*~The World is My Catwalk~* said...

Hi Sharon!!

That jacket is LOVELY!!! I've been searching for the lightest leather jacket so I can wear it in this tropical climate.. and I ended up with a leather-looking black one heehee

Anonymous said...

Wow, that jacket really is perfect! Usualy I'm more into brown leather jackets (can't wait for weather to get colder just so I can wear mine ^^) but that one is just lovely. It has a beautiful cut and suits you very very well! Excelent buy, I'm happy you found what you've been looking for :)

Snickers. It may seem odd, but I can never find snickers I like. Guess I'm just too picky ^^ I would die for some Oxford shoes as well, but I haven't seen any in Portugal.

Have a wonderful week :)

Demi said...

I've always been searching everywhere for a black leather jacket! I really want a biker one, but can't find one anywhere thats a decent price...cos they all seem to be £80+!
well done on your find!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-Surely your soon to be Ossie is the perfect one, LOL!!

Hi saray-thanks my dear, hope you find one soon!

Hi fashion herald and Deb -thanks so much gals, I am really pleased with it!

Hi cal-thanks very much-I do hope you find one soon as well!

Hi the world is my catwalk-so lovely of you, thanks!!

Hi raspberry-thanks for your lovely comment!! LOL, snickers are yummy, I enjoy them too!

Hi demi-thanks so much! i know what you mean, a biker style is rare to find thrifted that looks cute too!


What a lovely jacket, dear Sharon! Looks so cool on you! You always have such a great smile on the pics :-)


Shes Dressing Up said...

Woo it does look great on you, and £10 is still a MASSIVE bargain!!
I'm still desperately searching the perfect faux-fur jacket for winter, boohoo!

MĂ³nica said...

I've also found mine leather jacket, but it was a bit more expensive! lucky you!!!

Dana (MODAna) said...

it IS perfect!

Siljesfashion said...

Perfect! You look amazing and thats such a good find!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Really love the jacket. Looks great on you.

Sharon said...

Hi Acielle-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!

Hi Nic-hope you find one soon and thanks!!

Hi atelier-thanks a lot, well done for getting yours too!!

Hi dana-thanks so much!

Hi Silje-always lovely, thanks my dear!

Hi lenya-thanks for your lovely comment!

Anonymous said...

WOW -you look fabulous in that jacket. Very feminin - I like! And the price-lucky you:-)thats almost for free.

Make Do Style said...

Well done - I still haven't found mine!

Sharon said...

Hi Hanne-thanks for stopping by again! thanks for the great comment my dear!

Hi kate-keep looking...its out there for you, I'm sure!!

Anonymous said...

Love the classic style, now I want one!

Anonymous said...

Omg... this jacket is awesome and suits you so well!

♔Jaimie said...

i'm so jealous, sharon! i've been wanting a great leather jacked for so long but can't find one!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-thanks my dear, I love the simple style too, it will go with anything!

Hi nadine-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi jaimie-hope you find one soon my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Nice biker jacket Sharon. I would like to get one, but waiting on the right style. I want something with bell sleeve and alot of detail. Hope I find it!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks for your lovely comment, hope you find one soon!


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