
Style in Sequins

Sequins are really on trend and feature in the new Kate Moss for Topshop collection

Sequin tabard dress, Kate Moss for Topshop, £80

Sequin dress, Kate Moss for Topshop, £130

Also, in the Daily Telegraph yesterday, they did a great article of how sequins are the thing for this Autumn. Alexander Wang, Balmain and Derek Lam are all designers who have also used sequins, or pailettes as they are also known.
The gorgeous Kate at Make Do Style commented earlier how she'd seen a lovely sequin skirt by Pink Soda and this inspired me to see what else was out there from designers and the high street. So courtesey of the Daily Telegraph, here is some more of what is out and about this season! Click on my title to go directly to their article online too.

Blazer, Les Chiffoniers at Browns, £495

Jacket, Monsoon, £95

Beret, Jaeger, £90

Oops, not available to any one except me-sequin vintage waistcoat £1-
Already purchased from Collier Row Boot Sale!

My favourite-Jeans, Siwy £165

Dress, Antik Batik £285

Of course, there is also the delicious Patricia Field for Marks and Spencers sequin jumpsuit for £99 too-so a great choice to be had for either the Xmas season or dressed down with jeans for a cool day look!


María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Your waistcoat is delicious! A good shopping once again. I enjoyed your London post too. I love that city!

WendyB said...

I've been TRYING to make people buy gold sequins for ages!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

these are all such great options! i particularly love the beret, since i've never seen anything quite like it. you've officially inspired me!

Lil Midget said...


At the moment, i'm in love with all things shiny. Great post!

Always In Style said...

Funny that you did a sequin-themed post...I just saw a similar article and thought, "hey, maybe I can pull that off too" after reading this I definitely think I can.

I really like the 20s inspiration of the Kate Moss dress and that blazer is really cute too.

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks for your lovely comment my dear, London was a fab day out!

Hi Wendy-I think I'll look out for a gold sequin piece on my future thrifting trips!

Hi emily-a sequin piece in your wardrobe is definitely worth having for Fall!

Hi lil midget-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi always in style-Yes, really nice pieces here and I like how some pieces are dressed down, so you don't have to save them for that special occasion!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

loving the bling bling for the holidays :)

Sharon said...

Hi ren-yes, very christmassy, haha!

Anonymous said...

I'll be hitting the op shops myself this weekend, and sequins are on the list!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-oh can't wait to see what you get!!

Marian said...

Those are some gorge sequinned pieces hon,nearly every shop has some great some.darling your going to have tons of fun in that waistcoat!it'd look great dressed up or worn casually to give a simple outfit some va-va -voom ;o)

p.s im craving the sequinned harem pants that were on ysl catwalks.

Sharon said...

Hi marian-Thanks so much, I'm soo happy to have that waistcoat, it was a real find! Thos YSL harem pants are just to die for, ohh......

Anonymous said...

I was just looking at that Kate Moss sequin dress about ten minutes ago! I'm looking for a new party dress seeing as party dress season is nearly here - it's so gorgeous!! I want!!

Sharon said...

Hi frugal-yes, they are really gorgeous, its a great investment buy I think!

Angela said...

i like the first dress. i am not a big sequin person but one or two pieces in the wardrobe is quite savvy, i think.

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-yes, when I go thrifting next, I'll be keeping my eyes open for another piece!

Make Do Style said...

Sequins are tops aren't they! I love those jeans you selected too!!

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-oh yes, I'd have those jeans like a shot!!

Dana (MODAna) said...

I waslooking for a sequin vest on ebay today and this one was PERFECT

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Have been looking for something with sequins for a while now. But dresses and jackets don't work for me. Your vest is excellent. Great find.

Andrea Eames said...

I can already tell you're going to look awesome in that sequinned vest!

Winnie said...

Wow I love the waistcoat, it looks so versatile! I want to buy something covered in sequins soon...

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

oh my goooodddd I DIE over that first dress. I need it, like, asap.

Anonymous said...

i'm on a sequin high as of now; i love that beanie...and that vest...and that dress! i want it all!

La C

jess said...

I had to explain to my friend what sequins were. I loove the fist dress and silver jacket. Are those sequined pants because those could convince me that pants are good?

Sharon said...

Hi dana-yes, I'm soo pleased with it too, thanks!

Hi lenya-thanks a lot and thats the same as me-I'd rather a waistcoat or bolero or even skinny jeans!!

Hi a cat of impossible colour-thanks so much my dear!

Hi winnie-oh thanks a lot and go for it my dear!

Hi s-yes, totally gorgeous, I agree!

Hi lacouturiernyc-haha, I know what you mean, thanks for stopping by!

Hi jess-yep, they are sequin jeans, so gorgeous too!!

ellie said...

Happy Halloween! I'd be happy with that beret. Cool stuff. Thanks so much for reading.

Mónica said...

Kate MOss first dress is amazing! I am starting to think about my New Year's Eve dress..

Anonymous said...

I like the 20s style dress (the first one) other then that - everything else is okay.

Anonymous said...

wow ))) the fisrt one is absolutely gorgeous )))

Happy Halloween!

Sharon said...

Hi ellies eric-happy halloween to you too!

Hi atelier-yes, it is a special one!!

Hi budget chic-thanks for stopping by.

Hi angelgrotton-it is!! happy halloween to you too my dear!


Always a favorite; shimmery, shiny sequins! :)

PS: Thank you!

♥/ fashion chalet

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-yes, a fave of mine too! have a great weekend my dear!

Anonymous said...

I *love* the flapper feel of that first dress.

Sharon said...

Hi ambika-yes, it does have that feel to it!

{Tara} said...

The sequin flapper dress is divine! I can't get enough of sequins, seriously. Happy Halloween, by the way!

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes, its a very popular choice!! Happy halloween to you too!

Marte said...

I love sequins :)

Unknown said...

Sequins rock! I love that Kate Moss tabard dress ... very 1920s!

Sharon said...

Hi anchibride-I so agree my dear, love this too!


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