
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the Wang way!!

Sequins are so on trend for this season, evident in Alexander Wangs collection for A/W 08

I was lucky to bag this vintage sequin waistcoat/vest at the boot sale a few months back for £1!! The same lady also sold me some lovely satin skinny DKNY trousers for a £1 too! Anyway, this is my take on the Wang look-this piece is so versatile, I can wear it with a jumper dress, skinny polo neck and long length jeans, a floaty blouse.

Here are my £1.30 pair of jeans I got last month from the PDSA charity shop-I'm rocking the roll up look today!! Have a great weekend everyone and hope the sun shines for us all!!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

i love that sequined vest...such an unexpected dash of glamor for the daytime. and we all know that wendy will love your jeans :)

Sharon said...

Hi emily-thanks my dear for your lovely comment-I think a piece like this needs to be toned down really!!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

I like the look on you! And that leather coat with a dress on the right sidebar is nice too

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-thanks for your lovely comment-hope you have a great weekend!

Make Do Style said...

Good look as ever - I need you to remove the leather jacket and topshop dress! I need to put out an appeal to the person who bought mine on ebay to sell it back to me! Have a great weekend too!x

Reena Rai said...

Amazing, looks so similar to the Wang one. I think I would lead a pretty happy life surviving soley on Alexander Wang clothes...*sigh*

Sharon said...

Hi kate-haha, always so lovely!! If I ever get rid of it you will be the one I give it to!!

Hi fashion dreamer-Oh yes, his collection is so droolworthy!!

Always In Style said...

Sharon - stop it you are killing me with your fabulousness: that sequined vest rocks!

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-I'm going to rename you 'Always so lovely'-thanks my dear!!


Nice work. Love the sequins. Thanks for the lovely comment:)


Sharon said...

Hi culture creators-thanks so much!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow what a great deal, get it girl!

Dana (MODAna) said...

this is your best outfit yet!! I love that vest and those jeans - the fit, the cuff, the color

WendyB said...

Yay for roll-ups.

Danz said...

I love your sequin vest so much Sharon! I've always wanted one! If at any time you get tired of it just send it my way (that will probably never happen but a girl can dream lol)
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments darling! Take care and have a great weekend :)

the Oracle of Style said...

This "disco" vest looks great on You!
Beautiful and womanly:)

Sharon said...

Hi ren-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi dana-what a lovely comment, thanks so much!

Hi wendy-yes indeedy!!

Hi danz-you would definitely be first in line my dear-thanks a lot and have a great weekend!!

Hi the oracle of style-thanks for stopping by with your lovely comment!

ellie said...

Yhanks for the comment..I found a pattern for a jacket I hope I can make out of a pair of jeans. It might help if I get a sewing needle just for deninum though.

Thanks again.

Sharon said...

Hi ellies eric-good luck with the jacket!

Angela said...

sequins are everywhere you are right. i just saw the most sequined chanel bag, which i will post in the next couple of days. it's soooo bling.

Couture Carrie said...

Loving that vest, Sharon - bravo!


Sharon said...

Hi savvy-thanks a lot-can't wait to see the Chanel bag!!

Hi couture carrie-thanks so much my dear!

Reena Rai said...

Thanks, I've done another similar post now :o)

Anonymous said...

Yet another fabulous find - well done, beautiful. Enjoy your weekend!

Siljesfashion said...

Amazing!! Love the vest, looking for myself so very jealous of this!! However, I did score some great deals this weekend, so I am not complaining. Hope you are having a great weekend and enjoyng the sun(if there is any)!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-I'll check this out!!

Hi Sal-oh thanks so much my dear!

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment! We've had a whole weekend of warm sunshine, I can't believe it, haha!!


Your waistcoat is so gorgeous, dear Sharon! Love how it looks on you!


Sharon said...

Hi acielle-thanks for your lovely comment, my dear!

Sydney said...

i can't work the vest, but you sure can!

congrats on the good buy!

Sharon said...

Hi sydney-always lovely, thanks my dear!!

{Tara} said...

Hi there ;) I love shiny things, and this vest is fabulous. I also have a sequined vest, but never thought to just throw it on over jeans and a tee. I am going to try this!

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-thanks a lot and yes, the Wang look gave me the inspiration to throw it over jeans and a top too!

Tricia said...

oooh, loving the sequin vest!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much my dear!


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