
Vivienne & Oscar at Net-A-Porter

I'm loving this Vivienne Westwood and Oscar de la Renta ensemble-aah, if only!!!
Vivienne Westwood Anglomania Coat, £495

Vivienne Westwood Anglomania Dress, £155

Oscar de la Renta boots, £680


Make Do Style said...

Ah yes we would have to meet for cocktails with you in that ensemble!!

WendyB said...

That coat is totally gorgeous.

Style Spot said...

I LOVE that Vivienne Westwood coat sooo much!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-oh yes indeed, that would be lovely!

Hi wendy-yes, I'm coveting it, haha!!

Hi sunniva-yes, totally gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

those boots are amazing

Sharon said...

Hi emma-oh I so agree!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

*swoon* that vivienne westwood coat is incredible. the detail at the neckline is astonishing!

Charlotte said...

The striped dress... I'd like to wear it with leather leggings...perhaps with special heels...oh yeah! Damn, because it's so expensive!

Always In Style said...

I'm really trying hard not to spend my money...you know that whole living within a budget thing...thanks for tempting me with these delicious goodies, I want them all! :)

Sharon said...

Hi emily-I know, soo gorgeous!!

Hi charlotte-I do love it too, I could see this with leather leggings as well!

Hi always in style-oh I know how you feel my dear, I'm on the exact same path-but its nice to swoon isn't it!!

{Tara} said...

Gorgeous stuff! The striped dress looks so sexy and comfortable (a hard combination to find!)

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-yes, I'm so swooning over this!!

christina said...

Oh I adore vivienne westwood! And this coat just makes me love her more as a designer!

Sharon said...

Hi christina-Yes, I so agree!!


Oh that coat is just amazing!


*~The World is My Catwalk~* said...

Loving the coat and loving those boots!! I'm so jealous you all have autumn! booohooo!

Winnie said...

Wow. Adore the coat.

jess said...

The coat is amazing.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

I so nearly bought that dress. It's really sexy.

Pamcasso said...

I'd love to have that coat (drooling).

ellie said...

I'm so lovn' the that first coat. I did get some black riding boots at target. I really like them.

thanks for the comment.

Sharon said...

Hi Acielle-yes, I adore it!

Hi the world is my catwalk-haha, I'd love your climate!!

Hi Winnie and Jess-I agree, totally gorgeous!!

Hi Lenya-yes, so gorgeous and not a bad price either!!

Hi pamcasso-oh yes, me too!

Hi ellies eric-your boots sound lovely!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

How could you not fall in love with that Westwood coat...stunning!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon - as I know you, you'll probably find that exact ensemble at some charity shop - you have real shopping skills (if something like that exists) ;-) *fingers crossed*

Cal said...

Well shoot...I wrote out a comment yesterday but it isn't up for some reason! I think I said something to the effect of...I would probably fight someone for that coat it is SO beautiful. "aahh if only" is right!

Angela said...

sooooo cute. i can see myself buying and wearing both vivianne westwood pieces.

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-I know, soo gorgeous!!

Hi Cate-haha, that would be a dream!!

Hi Cal-thanks my dear-I'm sure your comment is on the tagged post!!

Hi savvy-I would if I could too!

Anonymous said...

Everything here looks yummy,but not the price!!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-yes, way out of my price range, but I love to do posts like these every now and then to give me thrifting inspiration!!

♔Jaimie said...

omg that v.w coat is beautiful, sharon! and thank you for the nomination! i love your blog too!

Unknown said...

ooh, i am loving that Vivienne Westwood coat! It's not as expensive as I expected it to be (though not cheap either!).

Reena Rai said...

Uh oh, Sharon you are bad. I'm already mentally thinking of ways I could beg, borrow or steal enough for that dress. I'm beyond broke at the moment!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-oh, me too-but we can dream my dear, haha!!

Marte said...

nice boots :)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-ooh yes, gorgeous!!


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