
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the Sonia way!

Sonia Rykiels A/W 08 collection has a great injection of colours, especially the knitwear. This time of year is when we will be digging out our jumpers and cardigans from previous winters, or doing a wishlist to stock up on some new ones-pictures from Style.com

Last winter, I was lucky to find this Sonia Rykiel jumper for a bargain £2.49 at Help The Aged charity shop-sadly it closed in August, it was a favourite of mine, where I found some other great bargains too. Anyway, its rocking the stripey, coloured trend for winter and I will be sure to wear this favourite piece to keep me cosy in the next few month!!

What is your favourite winter jumper or cardigan, that you own already or wish to buy?


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

wow, if i only had your thrifting lukc! not only are these stripes adorable, but the diagonal pattern looks ultra slimming!

Sharon said...

Hi Emily-thanks my dear, I must admit, I do love the colours and the styling of it too!

WendyB said...

Your finds are always incredible!

{Tara} said...

This sweater is strikingly similar to Sonia's versions. You have a great eye. My favorite winter sweater is a long, knit cradigan from Anthropologie. I bought it about 8 years ago, and now, even though it has holes in it and is all stretched out, I just can't stop wearing it because it is so warm!
BTW, I tagged you. You can find the tag on my most recent post. Cheers!

{Tara} said...

Oops! I'm a bad reader -- I just realized that sweater is a real Sonia!! The price you paid is just so amazing! If I ever come to the UK, we will have to go shopping together.

yiqin; said...

Ohmy. the first one is amazing! & yes, you have the best thrift buys!

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-always so lovely, thanks a lot!!

Hi nothing elegant-that would be great to meet-maybe one day!!

Hi yiqin-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I so agree - those colors are LUSH and some of my personal faves. Though I'll admit that my favorite jumper is a giant black cashmere cowlneck. It's not my most flattering garment, but it is DELICIOUSLY soft and warm and lovely to wear.

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-I adore jumpers with necks too!! I most probably will wear a skinny polo neck underneath this. Your jumper sounds deliciously cosy!

Anonymous said...

That sweater is a winner and the exact colors too!! You did good my friend!!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks so much my dear!!

Make Do Style said...

You are so the queen bee of thrift. My fave jumper is a J Crew blue and white striped cashmere one.

How good is the Bill at the mo but I have to confess to shedding a tear when Gina left!!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-thanks so much for your lovely comment!! Ooh, this jumper of yours sounds so soft and cosy, very nice!! My goodness, I'm a softie like you, I had 'wet eyes' when she left too-it won't be the same without her! I hope Smithy doesn't go, i really like him, haha!!


Wishing for cooler weather, like yours! :) Thanks, doll.

xo/ fashion chalet

Skye said...

What a beautiful jumper - and just in your perfect colours too. Charity shopping genius!

My favourite is a camel cashmere v-neck which is just about the only classic piece in my wardrobe.

Anonymous said...

Great jumper. I am always on the look out for soft olive green jumpers or cardigans. I have a long jumper dress in dark green - that's probably my fav.

Susana Rodrigues said...

Great dress in the second picture! But from her collection I really prefer the bags (I've just posted about it)

AsianCajuns said...

Oooo! You seriously have the best eye out there! $5 for a Sonia sweater?!
I haven't chosen a favorite jumper yet (we won't need sweaters for a few weeks yet in Atlanta), but your post has inspired me to be on the look out!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-oh, I'm sure you'll get it soon enough, haha!

Hi skye-thanks so much!! Yours sounds such a stylish classic, perfect!

Hi everybodysaysdon't-yes, a sweater dress is a must have, I agree!

Hi the stiletto effect-thanks for stopping by! haven't seen the bags, I'll drop by to check them out!

Hi asiancajuns-yes, I reckon its always best to look out for things before you really need them!

Charlotte said...

2.49!??! I'm green with envy! You always make great buys!

Style Spot said...

Oh I love the your Sonia Rykiel jumper! I'm sure you'll look so great in it. Post pictures and let us see ;)

Marian said...

what a fab Sonia R find and she loves her stripes.Those colors are fab for UK winters as it lends a cheery air to the dark miserable proceedings.

AlicePleasance said...

I love Rykiel colors!

Fashion Guru said...

great find!

Angela said...

very savvy. i like your pick. don't you think colors in the winter make the day just brighter?

MakeupByRenRen said...

i love the colors in that sweater, too cute!

Sharon said...

Hi charlotte- I was very lucky, thanks!!

Hi sunniva-I'll be sure to when I wear it next, thanks!

Hi marian-thanks my dear, it will brighten up my winter wardrobe!

Hi alicepleasance-oh yes, me too!

Hi fashion guru-thanks my dear!

Hi savvy-thanks my dear-I so agree!!

Hi ren-thanks so much my dear!

MarĂ­a Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Hello again,
I love the rhombus Dolce & Gabbana cardigan and because It´s really expensive I have to resign myself with the Blanco shop clon.
By the way, I love your 80s/90s leopardprint fitted shirtdress!!!
Kss from Spain

Dana (MODAna) said...

amazing sweater from sweater heaven!! SO LUCKY

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks for your lovely comment, I'm sure your Blanco is lovely and cosy!

Hi dana-thanks so much my dear!!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

Hey Sharon Rose.

Such a wonderful entry. All the colors are marvelous. Thanks so much for stopping by my little neck of the blogging woods.

I'm still looking for that special cardigan. Hoping I'll find it soon since fall is in full swing and winter is fastly catching up.

Hope you have a great weekend, my love.

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

A multi coloured roll neck that sadly was left soaking in wool conditioner for long and shrunk :)

Sharon said...

Hi cheryl lynn-thanks for your lovely comment and hope you find the perfect cardi my dear! Have a great weekend!

Hi Imelda-Oh dear, thats the danger and pain of caring for wool-I shall be extra careful with this one!!

Marte said...

Really cute jumper! I really like the colours :)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks so much my dear!

Unknown said...

Loooove these color combos! I wish I could pull off a horizontal-stripe sweater like the one in the pic (it's one of my favorite styles), but being top-heavy I just can't. :o(

These photos give some awesome inspiration on how to combine colors, and THAT I can always use!

Sharon said...

Hi anchibride-thanks for your lovely comment-it is great to pull inspiration from the catwalk, certainly the cheapest way to get a stylish bargain!


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