Hi everyone!!
I was browsing the Guardian online fashion pages and came across this article. Titled 'The Thrift Guide-How to stop Shopping', I was intrigued and put off at the same time-who wants more stuff about the credit crunch shoved under their noses?
Anyhow, click on my link to read the whole article if interested. But the main reason I've pulled some of these suggestions, is now winter is drawing in, I no longer have my boot sales to look forward to at weekends and really wanted some alternative things to do, instead of hitting the shops and charity shops all the time. I don't really have hobbies as such, although I do enjoy thrifting very much. Even that gets boring after a while, though.
So, from the list here are some real contenders of how I may spend my spare time:
Knit-Funnily enough, sorting through the cupboards this morning, I came across a bag full of wool (and hopefully knitting needles!). I knitted like mad when I was 16, but after a few jumpers done, the novelty wore off and never returned-until now!
Charity Shops-yes, once in a while, won't hurt-I am contradicting myself, I know!! But I ultimately know, I do need that fix once a week to check out any potential goodies.
Leave your gym-Well, I can't leave it as I never joined in the first place, but getting dressed up warmly and going for a nice, brisk walk sounds the order of the day (not every day, but some!)
Then some of my own ideas, not on the list:
Learn to use my inherited Singer sewing machine-My Ossie is still languishing, waiting to be rehemmed and brought back to its former glory. A year on, I've still not found a decent seamstress to undertake this job-so why not do it myself? The machine needs to come out of the loft soon and a friend has kindly said she will teach me the basics, so I'm looking forward to this.
Crochet-I've always been intrigued by this and may well indulge in learning how to do this too.
Start Reading again-I really enjoyed reading when I was younger, but have never really got back into it again. I think my charity shop trips can fund a few must reads........
Watch DVDs and Videos more often-Now is the time to catch up on that SATC box set-again, or indulge in some kids movies-I love Toy Story and Home Alone!!
Enjoy some of my husbands cooking concoctions-when we are all hungry and bored, we think of some yummy things for Chris to rustle up in the kitchen-he cooks, we eat, I don't need to be in the kitchen, haha!!
Whats your best ideas for passing time-staying in bed all day sounds good too, LOL!!