
A Shout Out for Ossie Clark on T4

Hi everyone!! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday! I've been indulging in a bit of TV earlier and flicking through, I noticed on Channel 4 a program I hadn't watched before, called Frock Me on T4. I thought I'd check it out, as it promised some vintage goodies.
The show is hosted by the the hottest young people of the moment-Alexa Chung and Henry Holland, the designer. I was very excited to see an interview with Leah Wood, who had brought in a selection of her vintage wardrobe and of course, it included a lovely purple number by the master himself, Ossie Clark!!

Alexa getting to grip with the Ossie Clark

The Ossie Clark number is the purple one in the middle, next to it is Leah Woods gold sequin vintage number by Roberto Cavalli

Leah Wood, daughter of Rolling Stones Ronnie Wood and Jo Wood, whose attic is raided by Leah for her vintage pieces

Next up was a selection of Terry De Havilland vintage and new shoes-exquisite platforms that are still in style today

Then more Ossie!! Thanks Chris, for getting these pictures, any longer and I'd of missed them!!

They were advocating how Ossie Clark is the vintage master of the era. Also, if you are soo lucky to find one, be it by thrifting the charity shops or boot sales, then hang on to it for dear life, even if its too small-thanks Henry!!

This one is also an original Ossie Clark, with a Celia Birtwell print-maybe it was Alexas or Leahs!

I love a shout out for Ossie Clark, its great how young girls really appreciate the cut and style of his work and want to grab a piece of the action-check out Ebay if this has whetted your appetite!


WendyB said...

That was great of Chris to help get the pix so we can all appreciate them!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-yes, I really enjoyed watching it and eventually getting the pics in order!!

Make Do Style said...

Why is it always the rich and privaleged who have the booty!!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-I should be on there showing off my little collection, LOL!!

Cadmium said...

That looks like a great show, wish we had something similar in Vienna!

Sharon said...

Hi karima-yes, It was the 1st time I saw it too, so I'll check it out again next week!

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment! :)

oo i will check this out!

La C

Sharon said...

Hi lacouturiernyc-thanks for stopping by!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like such a cool show. I'll be on the look out for it. Nice post.

Thanks for reading, too.

Secretista said...

Interesting, very interesting.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi secretista-I love seeing about my favourite designer!!

Anonymous said...

I really don't understand the fuss about Henry Hollad. I think he's totally overrated.

Marian said...

darling thanks for sharing these!god on Chris for snapping them. i am yet to watch frock me but will try to catch the next episode.Love ossie clark! he was a design genius!

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-I must admit, I only watched it for the vintage goodies on show!

Hi marian-yes, yesterdays show was really good, makes a change to watch something like this!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

That looks like such a great television programme! Gahh why don't we have cool things like that here.
Leah Wood has to be one of the luckiest girls alive. Daughter of a Rolling Stone AND amazing vintage collector?! I am so jealous haha.

Sharon said...

Hi s-yes, a really lucky girl! Kate Moss's vintage collection is supposed to be awesomely huge!

Tricia said...

the vintage ossie is amazing, and those platforms! I think we should all get a few minutes in Jo Wood's attic - now there's a show.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-ooh, it will be like a bunfight, LOL!!

Sara Luxe said...

i do love this show, although i sometimes think alexa and henry seem a bit woodern but i love the content ! x

Sharon said...

Hi seralouise-yes, I agree, the content is pretty good! thanks for stopping by!


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