Another lovely lady blogger, The Seeker, left a comment on my previous post, asking if I'd visited her and left a comment.

Well, I haven't visited her blog before, so stopped by earlier to see the comment left. Suffice to say, it wasn't the sort of comment I would leave on someones blog and have left her a comment to confirm this was not me.
So, there is another Sharon Rose in blogland. This is Sharon-Rose (note the hyphen used, which I don't have in my name). This blogger has a grey symbol by their name (not the orange blogger B that I have).
So, if any of you receive rude, negative comments from Sharon-Rose, please be assured this is not from me or my blog. It is not my style to leave comments of this nature as this is not my personality or nature at all.
I'm pleased it's come to light as I can do this post to confirm it, plus, I have my picture by my name to show the real ME.
UPDATED TO ADD-I'm so pleased to report that the one good thing to come out of this is The Seeker and I will be keeping in touch! She is a lovely lady I've not come across before, so it will be a pleasure to visit her blog regularly!
Hi Sharon Rose,
Oh unpleasant! Let us adore real Sharon Rose, because she is fairy! :)
xoxo: Janet
How horrible to have an evil twin! I only know the Seeker from her sweet comments on people's blogs - I can't imagine what kind of horrible person would leave her a negative comment.
Hi janettaylor-thanks for your support my dear.
Hi skye-I hate negative and rude comments myself, I certainly wouldn't make them in person or on blogs to others.
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Hi my dear Sharon Rose,
Thank you so much for your quick, kind and nice answer.
I have seen you in other blogs and I was sure that, for the comments you usually make it wasn't you, but still I had to confirm.
Well I don't belive in coincidences, maybe this is a sign that we should keep in touch ;)
For what I've seen, you have a great style and your blog is soooooo cool.
Thank you again my dear.
gimme that jacket... :o) i love your blog..its great. do drop by mine too :o)
Hi Mberenis-Thanks for stopping by and Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Hi the seeker-thanks so much for your lovely comment my dear, much appreciated. So pleased we've met, I'll be adding you to my bloglist to keep up with you too. Shame it was under these circumstances, but some good has come from it!!
Hi terencesambowrites-thanks for stopping by, I'll check you out too!
yikes sharon... sorry to hear about that.
Hi savvy-thanks for your support my dear.
I saw that! I knew it wasn't you. On the bright side, this means you're now so well-known, you've acquired your very own troll.
Hi Wendy-thanks so much my dear, not sure if having a troll is a good or a bad thing? I've felt quite unnerved by it, but pleased I've met The Seeker from it too.
There was no way that could have been you. :) You're such a sweetheart!
Hi fabulously broke-a much appreciated comment, thanks a lot!
I also discovered the rude comment at The Seeker's blog. It's so rude to take your name.
How awful people can be. Negative comments really irritate me there is no need for it at all. You couldn't be any different from your evil twin!
No how terrible an imposter - lets get the dastardly person - how dare they!
PS much as I love you SR, you are torturing me with the dress again!!
Oh my dear, I'm also so pleased that we've met, I'm doing the same you're in my blogroll. ;)
Well that's a bad thing that ended in such a good one, and it's all that matters, darling.
Big hug
well, i'll know if it's the real sharon rose!
you leave nice comments and you have a certain style with how you leave comments!
Hi nadine-thanks so much my dear.
Hi Pamela-thanks for your lovely comment.
Hi Kate-always so lovely-thanks my dear!!
Hi the seeker-so pleased that we've met, I'll be visting you regularly my dear!!
Hi Sydney Speeil-always so kind and lovely, thanks!
Don´t worry your the real one for me
Hi the healthy ghost-thanks so much for your comment!
... I'm glad it's all cleared up! I can't understand how some people can be such hatters & leave rude comments ;)... Hope you would leave me a nice comment...hee! ;)
Anyhow, Seeker is the warmest & sweet blogger I know! I'm glad that you know her now. Cheers to both!
Hi lenorenevermore-thanks so much for stopping by!! Thankfully a good outcome, as The Seeker and I have exchanged links!!
I think it is really mean of that other Sharon-Rose to just use your name. This post is good, thank you for clearing it up so whenever we receive some negative comments then we know it isn't you! Not that I'd believe something like that of you... Did she use your URL too? Or how did The Seeker come across your page?
Ah your evil twin! Thats horrible. Dont worry, we know who you are! Have a great weekend, Sharon!
Hi cate-there is a comment on the seekers page in the name of sharon-rose, but it doesn't lead to a blogpage. thanks for your support too.
Hi silje-thanks for your lovely comment and have a good weekend too!
we so adore you. um, there was one blogger that deleted her blog..but someone took that url and made it a porn site & I just so happened to be still a there are some quirks with blogspot that you never know about...
thank you for the comment. wasn't sure how you'd take that post. although, i always tend to think there is more to kyle than meets the eye.
hope you have a wonderful weekend.
darling so sorry to hear about this my sweet,how awful.But anyone who knows you my dear,will know that comment was defo not from you my sweet.
hope you have a great wknd ahead my sweet!
that is just horrid and rather spooky aswell!
How horrible! Glad you cleared it up at this end....
Such things are common in the cyber world, so no reason to get upset, as we dont really have much control over it. :) You always leave nice and pleasent comments on my blog, so I love when you visit :)
Have a nice weekend!
Oh dear, sounds awful ) Hope everything will be fine )
Wow, you are def too nice a person to do such things! Horrible people without nothing better to do!! :/
We all know you're too lovely to leave comments like that =]
Hi ellie-thanks for your lovely and supportive comment my dear.
Hi marian-thanks so much, always so lovely!!
Hi strawberry fields-thanks a lot for stopping by!
Hi winnie-thanks so much my dear!
Hi LaMimi-so lovely of you, thanks a lot!!
Hi angel-thanks so much, so kind of you!
Hi yiqin-you're so lovely, thanks!!
Hi nic-thanks for your support my dear!
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