
Cute Boots at Browns

The lovely WendyB recently tried these gorgeous Dr Marten boots, but alas, without success. I loved them as soon as I saw them, but they don't have them in an 8, sigh!! But a quality gorgeous boot for the money for anyone else looking for that perfect winter boot!!

Dr Martens, £75
Of course, I had to browse the rest of Browns offerings (click on my title link to do the same) and here are my favourites of whats about:
Golden Goose, £410

Fendi, £375

Maison Martin Margiela, £390

Have a great weekend everyone!!


Make Do Style said...

I'm just not a doc marten girl at all but I can see the appeal - talking of Browns you try going to college everyday with their b****y store opposite - gosh temptation city or what so far I've only messed up thier pristine window with my face!

nv said...

oh the studded pair are to die for. and I am just speechless on the last pair. MMM can do no wrong!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

Cool boots! I want Maison Martin Margiela! Now! Haha

xoxo: Janet

Sam said...

Wow, there are some really lovely shoes up here

Dana (MODAna) said...

It is such a testament to my style that I prefer the cheapest, Doc Martens over the Fendis and Margielas, haha
although I like the flat Martens best

Marian said...

my heart is my mouth right now! love the Margielas far too much!!! adore the red Dr Martens and the Fendis...was love at sight!
goodness me!marian breathe breathe... lol
muah! have a yummy wknd too darling xx

Anonymous said...

hmm i dont know about the first pair but im in love with the other 3!

saray said...

I love them all!
the Maison Martin Margiela are my favorite pair

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

Those Fendis neeeeed to be mine :)

Sharon said...

Hi kate-oh, what temptation for you, dearie me!! I went on the website earlier and fell in love with lots!

Hi nv-thanks my dear and these are my favourite pairs as well!

Hi janettaylor-oh me too my dear!!

Hi sam-thanks for stopping by, yes, I love them all!

Hi dana-I was smitten with the Dr martens too, such a gorgeous boot for the money!

Hi marian-oh, the Browns website is fabulous, if you love these boots, you'll adore their other stuff! have a lovely weekend!

Hi emma-oh, I love them all, haha!!

Hi saray-I agree, they're all soo gorgeous!!

Sharon said...

Hi S-I know, I want them too, haha!

WendyB said...

Now you have me wanting those Fendis boots!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-they are soo gorgeous and will go with anything and everything!!

Anonymous said...

I honestly can't decide whether I love or hate those Docs! I used ot wear flat Docs in my youth maybe I'm just weirded out by the heel! Love the colour though...

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-oh I love them-I think I would have been even more tempted if they were in black too!

Siljesfashion said...

The golden goose are amazing! Want them now!! Thank you for your lovely comments, it was amazing meeting Dita Von Teese, she was a real class act!!Have a great weekend!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-I adore the Golden Goose ones too!! yes, what an amazing time you had my dear, hope you have a great weekend as well!

Cate said...

The Golden Goose ones are awesome! Doc Martens LOOK awesome too but they're really uncomfortable ^^ Well, the old ones are, in any case. Maybe the new ones aren't.

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow that last pair is awesome!

Couture Carrie said...

Those Margielas are fierce!


Susana Rodrigues said...

The Dr Martens are sooooo cool! Do they have it also in black like the regular ones?


Hi dear Sharon!

My vote goes for Martin Margiela!

Enjoy your weekend as well!


Avi said...

i like the 1st and third one,unfortunately we don't have the appropriate weather to wear boots...

Song of Style said...

i heart the last one!
heels are very creative!

Sharon said...

Hi Cate-I adore the Golden Goose ones too! I was wary about the Dr Martens for this reason too, not sure if the new ones are more comfy or not!!

Hi ren-I know, soo gorgeous!!

Hi Couture Carrie-I agree, I love them!

Hi the stiletto effect-yes, a website called www.cloggs.co.uk do them in black patent-swoon!!

Hi acielle-yes, they're fabulous! have a lovely weekend my dear!

Hi oddgirldiaries-haha, lucky you about the weather then!

Hi song of style-thanks for stopping by my dear!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! Yes, the English exam went well! Thanks for asking! (At least, I think it went well, but I think it did, becuase English is usually my best subject...) And thanks to you I now know that the style of jacket is called a swing jacket - thanks!

Angela said...

in theory, MMM is cool but I will prob ending up with Fendi instead.

Sharon said...

Hi cate-so pleased for you my dear, well done!

Hi savvy-yes I love the MMM ones, but the Fendi ones look more wearable!!

Anonymous said...

Squeak! I love those Dr Martens! Never seen them with a heel before.

Back from hols now; thanks so much for your guest post. It has been drawing lots of hits!

Sharon said...

Hi miss thrifty-oh so welcome my dear, hope you had such a fabulous time!!

Anonymous said...


Sharon said...

Hi a pot, a thought & a smidgen of dirt-yes, they're great!!

Anonymous said...

Love the last boots - gorgeous )

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes, me too!

dirtyflaws said...


Sharon said...

Hi nikkimoose-thanks for stopping by!!


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