
SJP-Is she hot, or not?

I love Sarah Jessica Parker and her alter ego, Carrie.

Seen here at the Chanel Mobile Art Exhibition, she is in 2 tone tights.
I personally am not overkeen, especially for me. But do you think she 'Carries' it off??


Siljesfashion said...

I love her looks, except for the two toned tights. Hope you are having a great weekend!!

Sharon said...

Hi there-I'm with you, Silje!! have a lovely weekend too!

Marte said...

Hot! :)

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

hope you dont wanna kill me now.. but i dont like her. Well I love carrie and the tv-show. But she is boring..

you are way cooler....he he :))

WendyB said...

Those tights are just not flattering. They look like control-top hose run amok.

Unknown said...

Not wild about those tights. I have a friend who has got a fabulous pair of fishnets which are striped black and nude, which look amazing - so novelty tights *can* work....just not these ones ;)

Kudos to her for daring to wear them though, that's what's so lovely about SJP I think. She's daring in her choices, and deals with the criticism people throw at her for her looks with grace and humour!

Anonymous said...

OMG mama sharon. whatever happened to jessica? i don't like her outfit here

Anonymous said...

you have a great weekend mama sharon. :)

saray said...

I don't know - i don't really like the two toned tights..

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks for stopping by!!

Hi hippie hippie-milkshake-LOL, thanks for stopping by, we all have different opinions!!

Hi wendy-yup, totally agree.

Hi msPeelpants-yes, I'm not a great lover of the tights she is wearing, but I do agree that she takes style choices and just goes right out there with them regardless!

Hi jules-thanks a lot for stopping by and have a great weekend too!

Hi saray-I don't think these ones work :-(

Pamela Tan said...

she nailed it! :) even with that priceless, muted outfit! wonderful.. :)

Sharon said...

Hi pam-thanks for stopping by, have a great weekend!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! Curiously, in the picture on the left I don't like her look, while in the picture on the right, I'm lovin' it!! I like Carrie better than SJP, though, also style-wise ;-)

Cadmium said...

can't get it right each time - if you don't experiment and sometimes make mistakes, you never come up with really great outfits either!

Unknown said...

The dress is absolutely gorgeous, but I'm sorry she's just ruining it with the sequin-y looking jacket, too-weird-for-words stockings, heavy black bag and the necklace.

I don't think any necklace would work with such a dramatic neckline; beautiful earrings would have been enough. And even if she didn't wear the jacket and tights the bag would have killed the look.

I really admire SJP, but this just has me wondering what she was thinking!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-I must admit, I like both pictures but only from the knees up, haha!!

Hi karima-too true my dear, we've all had fashion faux pas, I think- LOL!

Hi Anchibride-Its a mixed bag really! I would take off the necklace and the tights, personally!

Angela said...

she looks fab but i am just not to sure about the 2 tone tights.

Secretista said...

LOVE her.

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-totally agree!!

Hi secretista-oh me too, minus the tights though, haha!

{Tara} said...

Hi! She is usually so well-dressed, so I guess she is allowed a faux-pas now and then...They just remind me a little too much of those control-top hose; it looks as if it is accidental (though I know it's not).

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes, I'm with you on that!!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

This look at it: http://janetteria.blogspot.com/2008/1/inspirci_29.html
Inspiration! Adorable SJP combo. HAHA! :)))))))))

Marian said...

hallo sweetie.
i actually like the chanel two toned tights,think they are fab and very clever. i also like elements of her outfit. like the dress,the embellished jacket/cardi and the shoes but i think for some it might not all work together as an outfit.
the dress was only under three pounds at a secondhand shop. it is by warehouse. it was a below the knee piece and i cut it that short to give it some attitude.
in regards to the sleeveless jacket in my latest post, it was orginally a topshop blazer till i roughly chopped of its sleeves ;o)
Thank you for your lovely comment on my style as I think you have yummy taste. We should do a bloggers lunch one of these days ;o)
kisses dear!

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-thanks for stopping by, I'll check this out!!

Hi Marian-thanks for your lovely comment! I also like the Chanel 2 tone tights, they really rock, not like the ones SJP is wearing! I loved that lace dress too! Certainly, a lunch some time in the future sounds an excellent idea, I'd love to!

Anonymous said...

She looks nice, but I don't feel like wearing them )

yiqin; said...

I love two toned. But I am not very keen on those tights either. Hmm my favourite was always samantha anyway. I wish I can be THAT hot when I am fifty!!!!!!!!

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes, I wouldn't wear them either.

Hi yiqin-samanatha is gorgeous, I agree!!

Anonymous said...

I love me some SJP!! She is known for "working' Patricia Fields really "off-the-cuff" style. She took alot of her concepts in fashion with her. She can't do anything wrong in my book!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-I do love her too, but I just can't get the tights!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit: I don't like Sarah aka Carrie - I think her looks are overrated.

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks for stopping by, a not then, haha!!

Always In Style said...

Wow. I'm not opposed to two-toned tights, but the way these are designed just looks like her crotch is sagging to her knees.

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-LOL, I agree!!


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