Hi everyone!!
A totally non fashion post-this is a big shout out for my son Chris. His school are being featured on the Saatchi Gallery online and his piece from year nine is being exhibited on there! Click on my title link to see the picture at the Saatchi Gallery!

I'm soo proud, my son has work exhibited in a gallery-it is online, but it is a massive achievement all the same-well done son!!
Congratulations! It's a great looking work too.
How fantastic - such a great thing to do and how nice to be the proud mum.
Wow! Your son is really good and you should be proud! :)
You should be proud. Such beautiful artwork!
wow he has amazing work, congrats to u both!
Hi there -- congrats to you and him both!
Wow!! Congratulations to the very talented Chris! How proud you must be! This is awesome. :o)
Hi skye, kate, lamimi, ellies kyle,ren, tara and anchibride-
thanks so very much for your congratulations and kind comments, Chris just walked in from school and I've just showed him your good wishes!! Thanks from both us to you all!
Hi Sharon! Hi Chris! This is a great and wonderful accomplishment. I'm going to take a look at the Gallery! Deb
Hi deb-a big thanks from both us my dear!!
Congratulations! How wonderful, you must be very proud!
sharon, wow, great work. congrat to your son. you must be such a proud mama.
Hi Silje and Savvy-thanks so much for your lovely comment and kind words ladies!!
wow congrats!!
Hi saray-thanks so much!!
Talented boy... ;)
Oh, congratulations!
xoxo: Janet (Zsani)
Congratulations to your son, that's amazing! What an achievement. And the painting is so vibrant and powerful, I love it.
Wow! Tell him I said congrats!
How fantastic! Wow!
Fantastic! Pass on my congrats to the artiste!
Wow..that's great :)
Wow well done, I read about this when I was at the saatchi, how amazing is this for him? Congrats!
Congrats. Isn't it wonderful to have a clever son. Good on you!
Hi to janet taylor, a cat of impossible colour, wendy, rice and beans vintage clothing, sal, marte, winnie and lenya
thank you all for your congratulations and good wishes, they are much appreciated and Christopher said to say thanks back to you all too!
well done!!
Hi ladies who lunch-thanks so much my dear!
you must be so proud! that's great news!
big congrats to your son, that's huge!
Hi atelier and fashion herald-thanks ladies for your lovely comments, they're much appreciated!!
CONGRATS Chris!!!This is terrific Sharon! say congrats to him for me please! super proud of him.It is a lovely piece!
Hi marian-thanks so much for your lovely comment, much appreciated!!
WOW! That is realy beautiful work :)
Hi anny-thanks so much my dear!!
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