
Tickle Your Fancy

I'm in love with all things sequins, but I must admit to having my fancy tickled with these feathery delights from Topshop

Grey suede and feather waistcoat, £60

Ostrich feather bolero, £85

What is tickling your fancy this party season? It seems anything goes from furs and feathers to sequins and sparkle!! What will you be wearing for the party season?


Anonymous said...

Those are both delightful, and I could see you rocking either of them ... or both!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi sharon rose,

Absolutly... Ostrich feather bolero has a beautiful color... Pastel look! Great!

xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi sal-thanks my dear, they're something different!!

Hi janettaylor-yes, very fluffy and fun!

Reena Rai said...

What is going on?! I thought Topshop was generic highstreet rubbish, they're coming on leaps and bounds. That Ostrich bolero is on my sales list, if it hangs around that long!

WendyB said...

I've always loved ostrich feathers! I wonder if I'd fit into an old, vintage gown that I have -- with a feather trim. I'm scared to try. As I recall it was a tight squeeze ten years ago.

Angela said...

looks fun sharon. i am thinking sequin with some feather....

Shes Dressing Up said...

If only the feather bolero was slightly cheaper... Ahh I shall just drool over it here instead!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

The grey one is amazing. I would love to buy that.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bolero! I just nominated you for an award thingy!

Mónica said...

the second's colour is amazing! it must be good!

AsianCajuns said...

Lauren and I were eyeing that ostrich feather bolero the other day. If only I had $160 to blow!

PS: We've awarded you E for Excellence! (See our blog to get your award icon :))

Sharon said...

Hi fashion dreamer-Oh, I'm loving quite a few of their pieces lately!!

Hi wendy-do check it out! fingers crossed you'll get a nice surprise when it fits!!

Hi savvy-perfect combination, I agree!

Hi nic-I know, me too!

Hi lenya-yes, I love it too!

Hi emma-thanks a lot my dear, I'll do this very soon!

Hi atelier-yes, its very cute and cosy!

Hi asian cajuns-soo kind gals, thanks a lot, you're both so lovely!

FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

Feathers and fur are NOT my thing, but the first one looks kind of cool....

Anonymous said...

Both of them are great but I love the second one )

Sharon said...

Hi fabulously broke-yes, I was taken with the first one too!!

Hi angel-its very cute!thanks my dear!

Charlotte said...

Hi Sharon!
These two things are amazing. I love both...but on the other side: It's a lot of money for things, you can only wear for few events.

Oh dear, why aren't I a rich girl??? LOL

Sharon said...

Hi charlotte-I think the 1st one has potential to wear all year round, over a little vintage summer dress or a white top and shorts too!

Dana (MODAna) said...

I want the feathered vest!!

Sharon said...

Hi dana-its lovely, I agree!

MakeupByRenRen said...

i've never worn feathers before i'd love to try!

L.I.N said...

i saw a fur vest similar to that. such beauty!! and oh. the sequined jacket below is just wow. wow!

Sharon said...

Hi ren-me either, I wonder if they do tickle, haha!

Sharon said...

Hi eleh-yes, they are all gorgeous, sigh!!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

love feathers, and this vest and bolro is hot.hot-hot

Sharon said...

Hi hippie, hippie, milkshake-aren't they, just adorable!!

Anonymous said...

That ostrich feather bolero is delicious!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-oh yes, soo gorgeous!

Fashion_Girl22 said...

My heart stopped when I say that Ostrich feather bolero! It's absoutly stinning. I love light feathered pieces.<3

Sharon said...

Hi fashiongirl22-yes, soo gorgeous!!


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