
Gap S/S 09

Sneak a peak at Gaps offerings for next summer-but beware!!
Check out lovely Kate for her experience of Gaps customer service in case you need their help before buying anything-you'll be better off doing your own homework if you desire a coveted piece that you can't get hold of first!!



Sara Luxe said...

the jeans in the 2nd pic are an absolute must ! xx

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

Simple collection, but superb! I love white shirts & light blue jeans! ;)

xoxo: Janet

Anonymous said...

wow im the first? hehhe. take care mama sharon! miss ur blog! :)

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

gap??? no way. i love every single piece here (especially that second pic with the vest and bag!).

Anonymous said...

My dearest hope is that they'll be selling those fantastic white platforms!

WendyB said...

I'm most interested in the white shoes.

MakeupByRenRen said...

those pieces are so u!

Sharon said...

Hi seralouise-yes, aren't they gorgeous!!

Hi janettaylor-yes, you're right, the simple pieces are the most stylish.

Hi jules-thanks a lot for stopping by!

Hi emily-yes, I love this look too!!

Hi Sal and Wendy-great minds think alike, huh!!

Hi ren-I love casual chic!!

Siljesfashion said...

Love the 70s jeans, of course! Gap is great for the basics and cool seperates.

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-yes, some very simple chic pieces here!!

Always In Style said...

Wow - that looks ultra chic for the Gap!

Marian said...

i really like the clean cut easy feel of these seperates mny dear! a great addition to any wardrobe hunny! dont you just love the shoes used in styling the look book?! would love those in white,grey and black.

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

I'm a big fan of the white shirt dress and ALL of the platformed shoes :)

Sharon said...

Hi always in style-yes, I totally agree!

Hi marian-thanks for your lovely comment. I too love the simplicity of this collection and the shoes are very popular with you all!

Hi S-yes, I agree, a fabulous look!

Angela said...

sharon, i like gap's casual look. love the dresses for summer.

Make Do Style said...

Goddam it why do they keep making stuff I like - the only reason I won't be buying is because I'll have no money!!!


OOoooo those wide legs are to die for.


Reena Rai said...

Slouchy loveliness!

Tricia said...

wow to the second pair of pants, and those white shoes must be pierre hardy - they're a lot like the shoes he did last spring.

AsianCajuns said...

I always love how fresh and clean gap designs look! Love those bell-bottoms- are they coming back (again)?

Anonymous said...

what a pretty collection! i'm LOVING the jeans in the second photo.

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-oh yes me too, the dresses are just lovely!

Hi kate-yup, I know the feeling!!

Hi culture creators-yes, they're fabulous!!

Hi fashion dreamer-oh yes indeed!

Hi fashion herald-I'm sure you are right about the shoes!!

Hi asian cajuns-yes, I think they will be around next summer!

Hi megan-yes, I agree!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon !
Thanks for sharing the pics!
Beautiful collection:)
Simple and chic!

Anonymous said...

It's like a flashback..sort of too..yet rather traditional. Which is good, right?

Thanks so much for the note. Have you got all your Christmas shopping done?

Anonymous said...

This definitely Summer of '76! I love that seventies chic! Is this the offering for the UK Gap or nationwide?

Winnie said...

Those flared jeans are such a perfect colour!

Dana (MODAna) said...

I am really looking closely at the track pants in the first pic and I'm just nuts about them
I gotta buy something like them.

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi Ellie-thanks my dear!! nearly there, I've just a few more pressies to buy!

Hi Budget Chic-I'm not sure if this is Gap UK or USA, as the pictures are from Style.com. Maybe they'll be available everywhere with any luck.

Hi winnie-yes, soo gorgeous!!

Sharon said...

Hi dana-I thought that too, but I'm wondering if I'd look as good as her, LOL!!

Susana Rodrigues said...

Love the trousers!

Anonymous said...

love all that denim!!

La C

MĂ³nica said...

the second jeans are a must

Seeker said...

Just wanted to ask if it was you that made a comment at my blog or someone else with your name.
Thank you.

Sharon said...

Hi the stiletto effect-yes, I love all the styles!!

Hi lacouturiernyc-yes, a great stylish all rounder!

Hi atelier-yes, soo gorgeous!!

Hi the seeker-thanks for stopping by, but it wasn't me, I'm intrigued........

Anonymous said...

That 3rd look down is calling me mmmm

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-yes, very nice indeed!!

MarĂ­a Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Good pics that remind me spring is coming in three months. jajaja
kss from Spain

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks a lot, yes, not long now, haha!!

nv said...

those shoes are amazing, i hope they're comfy and easy to walk in cause i think theyre the perfect summer sandal!

saray said...

mice stuff =)
they are opening a store in Israel :)

Anonymous said...

Really great choices )

Sharon said...

Hi nv-yes they are very popular with everyone!

Hi saray-great news!!

Hi angel-thanks my dear!

Ladybird said...

Love the second look!

Sharon said...

Hi ladybird-yes, I agree, thanks for stopping by!

{Tara} said...

Those light blue jeans are great! Thanks for posting these!

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes they are lovely!!

Anny said...

I love how GAP clothing looks but the fit is always strange on me. It tries to curve my angles and cover my curves LOL

Sharon said...

Hi anny-yes, some pieces just need to be avoided,LOL!!

SilverMaT - Amber Design said...

I like this...

Sharon said...

Hi SilverMa T-thanks a lot for stopping by!


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