
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Etro's way!

Well, following on from yesterdays post, I thought I would show you the Topshop gilet I managed to thrift yesterday. I have been inspired by Etro and Guccis gilets this autumn, but I didn't want a full furry one, as the majority of them are dry clean only, so too high maintenance if I'm going to wear regularly!

Etro also featured a gorgeous black and leather studded one in S/S 08
I'd love one like this too, sigh...!!

Now its been freshly laundered, its ready to go and will go with virtually anything in my wardrobe. It is a handy addition to keep me cosy and stylish. I have my wool gilet too, so thats my fill of this trend for now!

Have a great Sunday!!


Simone said...

nice! i love it

WendyB said...

That's a great choice!

Cate said...

I love furry or leather studded gilets. So boho and great for winter! I saw an Etro-ish one at Zara too, and I considered buying it, but then the price was too high for me.. Great piece you thrifted!

Unknown said...

Oh that's a lovely one you found. I'd like to have a full furry yeti type one, but I'm actually not that mad on gilets so I'll save myself for a full coat to snuggle up in! ;)

You are my thrifty goddess!!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

i love your vest.... supercool...

Anonymous said...

That is a great find!

I use to go thrift shopping quite a bit. If you have the time and patience to scour the racks, you find some great things!

Anonymous said...

It looks fab! Bet it smells great too..now.

Thanks for the comment.

Eagle's brand milk comes in a can..its a very thick sugary milk in a small can..sweetened condensed milk.

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Love a good fur and denim combo.

Sharon said...

Hi simone-thanks so much for your lovely comment and for stopping by too!

Hi wendy-thanks so very much my dear!

Hi cate-yes, some are very dear, plus if they are dry cleanable, very uneconomical!!

Hi mspeelpants-thanks for your lovely comment! I could also get cosy and lost in a full furry yeti one too, LOL!

Hi hippie hippie milkshake-thanks so much my dear!

Hi christine-thanks a lot my dear, I do enjoy my thrifting, I just have to stay in budget, LOL!

Hi ellie-thanks my dear and yes, our Carnation is the same as your Eagles, I must try this out, yummy!

Hi Lenya-thanks so much my dear!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comments. What a find. It looks great for winter.

Cate said...

Thank you! I think I've also quite got used to it by now.. ^^

yiqin; said...

Wow, denim & fur?!?! Amazing.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had the figure to wear these clothes !!!!! Hope you dont mind going to add you to my inspirational blogs Fiona

Anonymous said...

Lovely! I think your blog is converting me to Topshop :-)

Angela said...

cute vest, i like the 2nd outfit too! hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear, you're soo welcome too!

Hi cate-your hair does look lovely!

Hi yiqin-always lovely, thanks my dear!

Hi a pot, a thought and a smidgen of dirt (Fiona!)-thanks for both your lovely comments and for stopping by too! I love car boots, but the seasons over for now. I catch up with the charity shops though, LOL!!

Hi emma-I do love their stuff, it washes and wears well, as well as being stylish!!

Hi savvy mode-thanks so much my dear, it was great!

Anny said...

Hi Sharon!

I LOVE this one so much - and totally agree on how practical it is in terms of style, warmth and interchangability with other items in your closet :)

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

ooooh GREAT find!

Sharon said...

Hi anny-thanks for your wonderful comment my dear, always so lovely!

Hi s-thanks a lot my dear!

MakeupByRenRen said...

you did it again girlfriend!

Sharon said...

Hi ren-thanks so much!!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic find! You are the queen, Sharon Rose.

Sharon said...

Hi sal-what a lovely comment, thanks so much my dear!

Siljesfashion said...

Amazing! You are the master of thrifting. Hope I find something similar myself.

www.janetteria.com said...

Oh Sharon Rose...

Sweeetie denim west! :)

P.S. I love Etro... Great inspiration!

xoxo: Janet

Skye said...

I love the way you can go out and find what you're looking for when you go charity shopping or car boot saling or whatnot. I only find good things if I just let fate put whatever into my path - never if I try to shop to order! You have my admiration indeed.

Marian said...

hey honey,you picked a great version of the trend.totally wearable and not too hard to clean! the rinse of denim is purr-fect! cant wait to see images of it in an outfit post.

Winnie said...

Lovely find! You always have so much luck with your vintage things! I need some of that too hehe. That leather studded etro one is so SO gorgeous.

Danz said...

Hey Sharon! *Sigh* I so love fall clothing but seeing that it's a tropical climate here, I can only wear summery clothing most of the time. I can get away with blazers and scarves on rainy days but I would just look ridiculous in anything fur. Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.

Kofi Bofah said...

Hey S. Rose. I came across your blog, just sliding through the blogosphere. I think that you might find this article interesting:

The Top 5 Most Stylish Cities in America

Sorry, I have never been across The Pond before, but I will keep checking your blog out...

Anonymous said...

So cute! Top Shop was one of my fave shops when i lived in the UK.

(Wait, sal, I thought I was the Queen, haha...)

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks my dear! Knowing your stylish eye, I'm sure you will find something similiar too!

Hi janettaylor-thanks so much my dear!

Hi skye-thanks for your lovely comment!! I try to do both-shop to order and let fate deal a hand too!!

Hi marian-thanks so much, always lovely! to be sure, I'll be wearing it soon, haha!!

Hi winnie-thanks my dear, and yes the Etro leather one is just delicious!!

Hi danz-hope you are well my dear! thanks for the lovely comment, I'd happily swap climates any day, haha!

Hi kofi bofar-thanks so much for stopping by, I'll check that link out too!

Hi saver queen-thanks my dear! You must not renounce your title my dear, LOL!!

Sharon said...

Hi bottes-thanks for stopping by, I'll take a look at yours soon!

{Tara} said...

I am really digging the faux fur this season. I just thrifted a great faux fur vest for $5.

Sharon said...

Hi tara-you managed to get a good bargain too, well done!!

Sharon said...

Hi marina-thanks for stopping by, I'll stop by and check you out!!

Tricia said...

i want to look like #2 everyday!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-LOL, me too!


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