
Topshop Waistcoats and Gilets

I love browsing different sites for thrift inspiration. I was after a warm gilet, but not a totally fur one or a puffa padded one. I browsed Topshop and got some great inspiration from these gorgeous ones, currently available online:

Mongolian Sheepskin Gilet, £85

Tailored Waistcoat, £40

The lovely Marian at House of Style is wearing a customised waistcoat very similiar to the grey one-check it out, as this is a great diy project which Marian shows to be very stylish indeed!

Leather hooded waistcoat, £60

Leather biker gilet, £75

So, armed with an idea of what I wanted on my thrift trip today, I was pleased to score a lovely fur and denim padded Topshop gilet for £3.99. I also got a leather mini skirt, £2.99, to wear with opaque tights, flat boots and a winter woollie jumper or cardi.
I'll update with piccys in the week, as our camera is out of action at the moment!! Hope you are all having a great weekend!


Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Boy it's been a while and I'm not sure I'm back yet but, I did want to stop in and see what you're up to. I love the items you've shown but I think I'm a little too thick around the waist for these. I'm very positive something like this would look fantastic on you. Have fun shopping! Deb


Miss Sharon Rose, why thank you. And I hope you have a lovely weekend, too. :)

You make me want a sleeveless leather vest. Ohhh oh! :)

♥/ fashion chalet

Sharon said...

Hi deb-so nice to see you back my dear!! Hope you're having a great weekend!

Hi fashion chalet-haha, yes, I love the biker style, soo cute!

saray said...

I never thought i'd want a leather waistcoat until I saw those!

Tricia said...

!ove the fur and biker looks, and your scores sound great!

Ashleigh said...

I love that sheepskin vest...similar to the one I was eyeing at Zara

Make Do Style said...

You little thrifter you! Again I'm living my fashion information via you and Style Bubble - thanks for the pics!

ivoreece said...

The first one looks so funny :)
And my fave is the last gilet.

WendyB said...

Love the leather and the sheepskin!

Sharon said...

Hi saray-yes, I know what you mean!!

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi ashleigh-yes, it looks very cuddly and cosy!

Hi kate-thanks my dear, I'm trying to be very good with the thrifting this month!

Hi ivoreece-thanks for stopping by, I love the last one too!

Hi wendy-yes, I'm loving the leathers too!

Siljesfashion said...

Love the leather biker vest! I am happy you scored some great buys at your thrift trip, cant wait to see. Have a wonderful sunday, Sharon!

Anonymous said...

just love ur blog, mama sharon. u take care. :) sorry for not visiting u that frequent. Kind of busy at work! :)ur such a fashion goddess :D

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-oh me too, thanks a lot and hope you are having a great Sunday as well!

Hi jules thanks so much for your lovely comment!!

Mónica said...

the first one is soo cute. and I love the fact that no animal has been killed for doing it! I think it's a must this winter

Sharon said...

Hi atelier-yes, I bet its very cosy too!!

Marte said...

love the hooded one :)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-yes, its great, I love it too!

Anonymous said...

Here you go again Sharon, finding those looks-for-less! Love it!


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