
Sequin Fix!!

Well, I'm totally into sequins and waistcoats so a double fix on my thrift trip today!! This is a fitted denim waistcoat with sequin lapels which I got for £3.95 earlier today.

I feel a waistcoat collection slowly creeping into my wardrobe, LOL!!
Enjoy your weekend everyone!


saray said...

lovely waistcoat!

OSB Vintagr said...

hiiii!!i sold VINTAGE earrings, they have been purchased in local markets of PARIS,BARCELONA, MADRID..and ITALY each piece that i bought has a small story. so delightful for fans of vintage and unique pieces!!

www.janetteria.com said...


Oh, fantastic vaistcoat...

Sharon said...

Hi saray-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi allaboutvintage-thanks for stopping by!

Hi janettaylor-thanks so much!

www.janetteria.com said...

so, sorry: waistcoat! :D

Anonymous said...

This is so lovely!

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-LOL, thats funny!!

Hi nadine-thanks so much my dear!!

Make Do Style said...

Great find you are a thirft terror!!

Angela said...

fantastic find, there is just the right amount of sequin.

Sharon said...

Hi kate-LOL, I love that-a thrift terror, thanks!!

Hi savvy-yes, not too much, thanks my dear!

Unknown said...

Oh that is lovely!!!

Sharon said...

Hi mspeelpants-thanks my dear, hope you're having a good weekend!


Sequins on a vest, fantastic mix. I love the idea. Thanks for wishing my Grandmother a Happy Birthday and for your outfit comment in my blog, dear. Have the loveliest of weekends!! <333

WendyB said...

How you find such awesome pieces at such low prices is enough to make me weep from jealousy.

Emma x said...

Fab waistcoat, thrifting is so satisfying! x

Secretista said...

MMM. I like :). Back in high school used to be obsessed with waistcoats/boleros.

Cadmium said...

oh, i am so envious! never find things that lovely in viennese thrift stores, sniff.

Anonymous said...

OH my! I love it! Sequins are SO big this winter! ;) and the price you paid for it is a joke! :))))Great buy! :)

Sharon said...

Hi fashion chalet-thanks for your lovely comment and have a great weekend!

Hi wendy-always so lovely, thanks a lot my dear!!

Hi em-thanks so much!!

Hi secretista-yes, I've counted up and have 5 in my wardrone now, haha!

Hi karima-thanks so much my dear-keep looking!!

Hi lamimi-thanks for such a lovely comment!

Anonymous said...

Very, very cute!! I seen something similar on the twelvebytwelve.com website. It was a cute sequin vest just like your! Nice find, yet again!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-so lovely of you, thanks a lot!

Avi said...

wah that's so cool!!!

Sharon said...

hi oddgirldiaries-thanks for your lovely comment and for stopping by too!


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