
I'm dreaming of a Browns Christmas

Hi Santa, in case you're reading, here is my wishlist for Christmas this year-all from Browns, if you please,

Yves Saint Laurent, £2280
Pam Hogg tee, £55

Maison Martin Margiela, £735


WendyB said...

You're looking for some edgy stuff!

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-yes, I need an uptown venue for this outfit, just as well its a 'wishlist' haha!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose

Wow! YSL leather jacket is cute!

Have a great weekend, xoxo: Janet

Make Do Style said...

My my it is a wishlist and a half I'll drop it in to them next week you never know!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Pam Hogg tee.. mmm

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-yes, absolutely divine, thanks my dear!

Hi kate-I'm counting on you my dear, I'm sure you can pull some strings for me.....LOL!

Hi Ladies who Lunch-yes and not a bad price either!

saray said...

great stuff, hope you get them , or at least one of them!
you'll look fab in those pants!

Angela said...

omg i love the ysl jacket.

AsianCajuns said...

Those pieces are all fantastic. I hope your wish(es) come true!

Secretista said...

That YSL jacket is to die for!

Fashion_Girl22 said...

So creative! I love your picks. Browns is seriously on of my favorite fashion sites now! It's far better that Net-A-Porter. I wish I could get all of the Balenciaga pieces. Who knows, myabe our wishes might come true.

Tricia said...

what a great t, and those margiela's, ok, i want your whole wish list.

Sharon said...

Hi saray-thanks my dear, purely fantasy I'm sure!!

Hi savvy-yes, if only............

Hi asiancajuns-oh, I'll keep my fingers crossed, haha!

Hi secretisita-absolutely fabulous, I know!!

Hi fashiongirl22-thanks for stopping by! would'nt that be fantastic, getting all these stuff!!

Hi fashion herald-haha, I'll wish for both of us!

Marian said...

darling i love your list to santa!love the pam hogg tee and those margielas are outta this world period!!

Cate said...

Hm I'm not sure if I like the surface of the YSL jacket, but I sure like the Pam Hogg tee and the pants! They would look good together too! Well, maybe Santa isn't reading this - but maybe your husband is...

Sharon said...

Hi marian-yes, I can dream, haha!!

Hi cate-ooh, well out of his price range, I'm afraid!!

Unknown said...

735 pounds for leggings?!?!!
I will NEVER dream of that.

Sharon said...

Hi pingi-thanks for stopping by-its a fantasy list of mine-I wouldn't spend this on leggings either, but I love the inspiration I get from these designers and boutiques I view.

Dana (MODAna) said...

sorry, that comment from "pingi" was from me actually

Sharon said...

Hi dana-no problem my dear!!

SOS! said...

That YSL jacket is to die for..

Sharon said...

Hi SOS!-thanks for stopping by with your comment!

Hippie, hippie - milkshake said...

i want those tights... love zipped details....

Anonymous said...

What the heck is picture number three???

Looks like something out of a startrek movie or something :-)

rob in madrid

Sharon said...

Hi rob-LOL, thats womens fashion for you!! They're leggings/trousers and soo stylish, haha!!

Anonymous said...

Going hard-rock this season huh Sharon. I love it. Great "punch" pieces to mix with basis so you got that funky thang going on. I likes!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-great inspirational pieces, I think!!

Unknown said...

Cool pants, Margiela simply the best.

Sharon said...

Hi Vanessa and Leire-thanks so much for stopping by!

{Tara} said...

That Yves St. Laurent jacket is stunning! And way out of my price range, LOL ;)

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes so gorgeous and out of mine too!


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