
Fringe benefits and Blog loving!!

I was awarded the 'E' for excellent award by the gorgeous Cath and Lauren of Asian Cajuns a little while ago and have finally got round to posting the award-cheers, gals!!

The lovely duo are currently into the fringe trend and I commented on that post how I adore this trend and I would work it if I get a fringey item-well, I had totally forgotton about the fringey earrings hubby bought for me a few months ago!

I'll be wearing these over Christmas!!

The lovely 'Odd Girl Diaries' also awarded me an 'I love your blog' award-thanks so much to all the gals for both of them, much appreciated!

I would like to pass these on to all my bloglist-I love you all and think you're all Excellent-so there you go!!


Siljesfashion said...

Congrats! I love your new earrings to! Take a look at the jewelry launch I was at yesterday, so many beautiful things!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks so much my dear, I've just checked your lovely post, some great pieces!!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

way to go, Sharon! those earrings really are stunning, btw...great idea to wear them during the holidays.

Sharon said...

Hi emily-thanks so much my dear!

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

I adore your earrings. Nice jewellery!

xoxo: Janet

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats on your awards, darling! Love those earrings, and hope you had a fab weekend too :)


{Tara} said...

Those earrings are fantastic! Congrats on the awards -- you deserve them!

Anonymous said...

thanks so much for reading..love your award..you deserve it.

saray said...

Congrats on the awards :)

Emma x said...

I agree with them i love yout blog! Those earrings are stunning, lucky you having a hubby with good taste. Emma x

Jen said...

Congrats on your awards - you deserve them :)

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Lovr those earrings! And congrats on the awards.

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Congratualations on your award. Your blog is Excellent, and you always find what you set out to. I love the earrings your hubby gave you, he has great taste also. I hope you let us see what you'll wear with them. Have a great day! Deb

WendyB said...

What a nice gift from hubby.

TINA said...

I love fringe as well - the earrings are gorgoeus!


Sharon said...

Hi Janet taylor-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi couturecarrie-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi tara-always so lovely, thanks!!

Hi ellie-keep up the good work my dear!

Hi saray-thanks a lot!

Hi Em-thanks for such a lovely comment!

Hi the paper doll-thanks so much my dear!

Hi lenya-thanks very much my dear!

Hi deb-always so kind and lovely, thanks!!

Hi wendy-thanks so very much my dear!

Hi tina-thanks for stopping by my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Well done on the awards, I off to see if I can make fringe jewellery.

Marian said...

darling hope you had a good wknd?congrats on the award,your blog is stellar.cant wait to see those lovely earrings on you!
muah xx

Cadmium said...

congrats on your award! and those earrings are truly glamorous, can't wait to see them in a vintage inspired outfit!

Seeker said...

Congratulations darling, you so deserve the award!!!
And OMG I love your earrings!!!
Yes, fringes can be great.
I bet you'll look gorgeous with then on Xmas.
All the best sweet

MakeupByRenRen said...

congrats! you deserve it :)

Sharon said...

Hi a pot, a thought & a smidgen of dirt-good luck my dear and thanks!!

Hi marian-thanks a lot, always so lovely!!

Hi karima-thanks so much my dear!!

Hi The Seeker-thanks so much for your lovely comment my dear!!

Hi ren-thanks my dear!

Anonymous said...

Lovin the earring for sure. Your jewelry collection rocks! So Jealous!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-thanks for such a lovely comment!

Tricia said...

those earrings, Sharon, are amazing! I want a picture!

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks my dear, I sure will get one soon!


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