
Yummy offerings from Tasty Vintage

Harriet at Tasty Vintage has these and other gorgeous offerings from all eras of vintage clothing. I bought an Ossie Clark dress from her last year, so I do check in every now and then to see what she has available

Original 50s Princess seamed 'New Look' coat, £95

Original 1920s heavily beaded crepe Flapper dress, £350


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that Flapper dress! it would be a perfect addition to my dress collection. I must say it's quite pricey though :)

Sharon said...

Hi LaMimi-It is gorgeous and quite pricey, but it is the real deal!!

saray said...

LOve the dress =)

Sharon said...

Hi saray-I agree, totally gorgeous!

Siljesfashion said...

That flapper dress is gorgeous!! Shame about the price tag, but its eye candy for sure!Have a great day, Sharon!

Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks my dear, you too!

ellie said...

so lovely and elegant. a true classic. thanks so much for the comment. snow this morning. it'll be messy going to work. i need to dig for my snow boots.

www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

What a flapper dress! Amazing, fantastic... I want it...WOW! charlston chic... etc... YEAH! :)

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear! snow already? wow, hope you find those ski boots!!

Hi janettaylor-yes, it is a very lovely dress, thanks!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

wow that's so chic! definitely a keepsake piece

Sharon said...

Hi ren-yes, really gorgeous!!

Vera said...

that flapper dress is nice

Sharon said...

hi deep in vogue-thanks so much for stopping by!

Anny said...

I think the flapper style is possibly the most attractive of any age. I love the swinging excess and tiny hats :D

Strawberry Fields said...

they are both gorgeous, well worth saving up for.
i love london, i could never get bored there! uniqlo is amazing aswell. really good quality stuff but so cheap! =)

Sharon said...

Hi anny-yes, it is a unique and lovely style, I agree!

Hi strawberry fields-thanks for your lovely comment-I too never get bored of London!!

Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

that flapper dress is stunning. i'd throw my hair up into a messy bun and wear it with black tights and heels.

WendyB said...

I'm going to have to add this one to my bookmarks!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, that coat is lovely. So perfectly ladylike.

Anonymous said...

i love them both!

Jen said...

I am in LOVE with that coat - if only the nz dollar wasn't so low!!

Meghan Fabulous said...

Linked you to Meghan by Meghan Fabulous! Thanks for the comments!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

OMG - they are gorgeous. Is this an online store? Can I have the web address?

Marian said...

I really like the new look coat but what i fell head over heels for is the original flapper dress.goodness its in great condition still too!it is gorge,be perfect for the xmas season.

dirtyflaws said...

that jacket is gorgeous

Secretista said...

Yummy indeed!! Great find!

AsianCajuns said...

gasp! These are all so gorgeous- that dress especially!

Sharon said...

Hi emily-yes, fantastic idea!!

Hi Wendy-yes, she does some fabulous pieces!!

Hi Sal-yes, very chic indeed!

Hi emma-yes, me too!

Hi the paper doll-thanks for stopping by, shame about the curency rates for you :-(

Hi Meghan Fabulous-thanks for linking me too!

Hi lenya-yes, I've left a comment for you my dear!

Hi Marian-yes, it will make a lovely xmas pressie for someone!!

Hi nikkimoose-yes, its gorgeous!!

Hi secretista-thanks my dear!

Hi Asian Cajuns-thanks girls, the dress is so gorgeous, I agree!

Emma x said...

That dress is stunning and would be perfect for a new years eve party, sadly most of my money is going on Christmas at the moment! X

Elisabeth Muma said...

Cool coat!

Sharon said...

Hi Em-yes, I know what you mean!! It will make someone very happy!

Hi Elisabeth Muma-thanks my dear and for stopping by too!

{Tara} said...

The flapper dress is just to die for! Lovely stuff here!

Sharon said...

Hi tara-yes, soo gorgeous my dear!!

Anonymous said...

The second dress is gorgeous )

Sharon said...

Hi angel-yes I agree, very nice indeed!!

Avi said...

hey! i awardd you with the i love your blog award.

Sharon said...

Hi oddgirldiaries-thanks so much, very kind of you!


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