
New haircut and Me in the Gucci inspired vintage dress!!

After doing my post on the dress-see below, I was intrigued to see what belts I had would go best with the dress, hence a try on session ensued. I tried on a couple of black belts that have gold in them but I thought this cream leather studded belt, which is from River Island, but was thrifted (£2.49), went with it best. I was brave enough to do a bare legged look, but I will wear the dress with opaque tights and black ankle boots too.

My hair was in desperate need of a cut, so I went for a bob, a lot more manageable now!!


FB @ FabulouslyBroke.com said...

Looks wonderful!!!

Which reminds me, I need a hair cut too...

Reena Rai said...

Absolutely love that dress, it is very Gucci. Don't you just love Frida Giannini? The haircut suits you too, I'm in desperate need of a cut, it's been over 3 months, eek!

Sharon said...

Hi fablously broke-Thanks so much!!

Hi fashion dreamer-thanks for your lovely comment, yes I was overdue too!

bronwyn said...

Looks fab and shorter hair is definitely easier to look after. This reminds me that I am in much need of a hairdressers appointment....I keep putting it off.....

Make Do Style said...

Another brilliant find and the belt looks great. I'd try a fucshia suede one as well - if you've got one - otherwise save your pennies!

Unknown said...

Wow, amazing dress and the haircut is very fabulous on you. I wish I had the face shape to pull of that kind of cut, you're so lucky!!!!

Skye said...

Your hair really does look great, and that dress is lovely on you too - the colours are perfect for you!

Anonymous said...

The haircut ...so pretty, great with the dress too. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Deb said...

Sharon I love the length of your hair, but I loved it before too! Deb

Mónica said...

lovely dress, you are right, is very Gucci!

Eeli said...

My gosh, i'm insanely jealous of your find and so darned inexpensive to. Oh the joys of thrifting! It looks so classy on you and that new haircut is sooo adorable :)

Sharon said...

Hi bronwyn-thanks!! I'm still getting used to it shorter, thanks!!

Hi Kate-I'm always subconciously looking for exactly a fuschia suede or leather belt-still looking!!Thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi Ms peelpants-thanks for your wonderful comment, I'm still getting used to my hair, haha!!

Hi Skye-thats a lovely comment, thanks so much my dear!

Hi ellie-always so lovely, thanks!!

Hi deb-thanks my dear, it was in bad need of a cut!!

Hi atelier-thanks a lot, pleased you think so too!

Hi eelie-so kind of you, thanks so much!!

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

I love your new 'do', so sleek and Gucci-esque and is the dress.

Ida said...

You look fantastic with your new hairstyle and that beautiful dress, Sharon. The belt is just the perfect touch for it, love your choice.

Anonymous said...

It suits you!


Looks GREAT! kudos for having the guts to go for it.


Angela said...

i want a bob too but can't seen to talk myself into cutting.

Always In Style said...

I love your new hair cut! The dress is fab and the shoes killer!

Sharon said...

Hi Imelda-thanks so much for your lovely comment, so kind of you!!

Hi Ida-you're so lovely, thanks very much my dear!!

Hi bhh-thanks my dear!!

Hi culture creators-thanks so much!!

Hi savvy-I really needed the cut, without going too short!!

Hi always in style-thanks for your wonderful comment, so kind my dear!!

{Tara} said...

Oh, your hair looks so cute!

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-so kind, thanks!!

Anonymous said...

i lovee this dress on you.
that gucci collection was amazing.

Sharon said...

Hi jenny-thanks so much my dear!!

Anonymous said...

The dress is great but I love love LOOOOOVE your hair! Well done, girl.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful print on that dress. I like the dark color around the shoulder area and then the way it works it way to the bottom of the skirt. Great find!!

Siljesfashion said...

You look so beautiful!! Great new haircut and I love the dress, amazing. You look fantastic my dear!!

Toni Alexis said...

fab cut!


Pamela Tan said...

wow i like ur new cut! :) so chic!

Sharon said...

Hi sal-oh thanks so much my dear!!

Hi budget chic-thanks, it is quite unusual!!

Hi Silje-always lovely, thanks my dear!

Hi toni alexis-thanks a lot!!

Hi pam-thanks very much!!

Marte said...

Nice cut! I also really need a hair cut ;)

Sharon said...

Hi marte-thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Your last outfit is mouth watering ) great!

Sharon said...

Hi angel-thanks for your lovely comment!!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

Guau, you´re really beautiful. I see you´ve got a good hairdresser.

Anonymous said...

how did i NOT see this haircut sooner? it's fresh, fun and hip. love it!

nv said...

i loooove that dress, its so nice! and what a great deal

Sharon said...

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-thanks for your lovely comment!!

hi cupcakes and cashmere-always so lovely, thanks a lot!!

Hi nv-so kind, thanks!!!

Marian said...

You look fab! the bob really suits,great length for your face,darling you are working that outfit and the cream belt was a fab choice!

Pamcasso said...

lovely cut:)

Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks so much for your lovely comment!!

Hi pamcasso-thanks a lot!!

Cheryl Lynn Pastor said...

You look positively beauteous! That's a lovely dress and you look lovely in it. Love, love, love the hair!

Great find!

AlicePleasance said...

Fantastic dress! And the hair looks so good too :-)

Sharon said...

Hi cheryl lynn-thanks so much for such a lovely comment!

Hi alicepleasance-so kind of you, thanks a lot!


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