
Bug Alert-Wrap it up!!

Hi everyone-sorry for the long break, I've been off work with a flu type bug which has totally left me feeling wiped out, fatigued and yucky, still not better but just wanted to let you know why I'm not posting regularly!!
So rather appropriate that I do a short and sweet post of some lovely winter accessories to keep away the cold and to feel lovely and cosy in! Click on my link to go to Net-a-Porters site for the rest of their wonderful winter woollies!!

See By Chloe beanie, £60

Miu Miu gloves, £170
Missoni beanie, £145

Marc Jacobs beret, £60

Bally ombre fringed scarf, £195

Have a great weekend everyone and keep well-I will visit you all as soon as I feel much better!!!


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

glad to hear you're feeling better, i was worried about you this week! these are all fabulously cozy and chic options for staying warm.

Sharon said...

Hi emily-not fully better yet :-( thanks so much for your lovely comment, yes I could do with a new beanie myself!!

Dana (MODAna) said...

my Missoni dress required months of saving
the beanie, however, is a lot more doable

Angela said...

hope you are better now. wondering what happened to you... : )

Siljesfashion said...

I am so sorry you are sick!! Hope you are feeling better soon! Thank you for your lovely comment about my interview, its was a lot of fun!

Sharon said...

Hi dana-yes, I agree-plus its a timeless investment piece!

Hi savvy-I'm not really much better, been to the doctors, but just have to rest and recuperate-thanks my dear!

Hi Silje-thanks so much my dear, I loved reading about your wonderful day!!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you're poorly!! Get well soon!

Love the MJ beret, but will be looking for a cheaper alternative elsewhere. I'm not lining that man's pockets!!

I would say I'd look for a vintage one, but they never fit my head....boo!

Sharon said...

Hi Ms Peelpants-thanks so much my dear!!! Yes, I've also seen lovely vintage hats, but they've been too little for me too! I know figures were more petite years ago, obviously heads were too, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

You take care, lady. Be good to yourself!!

Sharon said...

Hi Sal-always so lovely, thanks so much!

WendyB said...

Being sick is the worst! Feel better soon.

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-thanks, always so lovely my dear!!

Deb said...

Hi Sharon! Welcome back! I'm so sorry to hear you've been under the weather and hope you're 100% soon. My favorite here are the gloves. Deb

Cal said...

1) Green tea by the gallon...thats what helped me kick the cold last week.
2) you've been missed!
3) I have a vintage hat that i THINK is cute but it might be hideous...i'll take a picture and send it to you for your very esteemed opinion :)

Skye said...

Hope you feel better soon, and get back to your usual thrifting magnificence!

PS. that Bally scarf is so beautiful!

tessa said...

Glad to know your feeling better, I'm getting worst...
I have the Chloe beanie but in beige.

Anonymous said...

Get well soon! :-)

Sharon said...

Hi deb-thanks so much, still feeling rather yucky, so will rest as much as possible!

Hi cal-thanks for your lovely comment, I'll try the green tea!!

Hi skye-thanks a lot my dear!

Hi chuckles-oh, I do wish you better, I'm still fairly poorly too!!

Hi everybodysaysdon't-thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon, hope you feel better soon, this bug sure is getting around.. i love the MJ beret too but also will be looking for a cheaper alternative..

Sharon said...

Hi ladies who lunch-thanks for your kind wishes! yep, I'd like to find something similiar too!

Shes Dressing Up said...

I love the mui mui gloves!

Make Do Style said...

Glad you're feeling better enough to post - missed 'em.
Why have you tempted me with one beanie and an amazing shawl!!!

Jade said...

oOoo...the marc jacobs beret with the bow is tooooo charming! want!

Cadmium said...

adore those beanies! i'm not usually a fan of leopard print, but you look amazing in that dress - what a find!
do hope you feel better soon...

Sharon said...

Hi nic-yes, very gorgeous indeed!!

Hi kate-haha, temptation indeed, all I'm getting this month is some new gloves :-)

Hi jade-yes, it is a great style!!

Hi karima-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!!

Cate said...

These things are what we need in this weather!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-too true, I'm treating myself to some new gloves this month!!

Melmo Momoko said...

great stuff! love the red things!

AsianCajuns said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. It's the worst when you're feeling so bad that it takes effort to do a post (I know, I've been there!).

Love the Missoni beanie and the fringed scarf. Maybe I can find some similar items at the local thrift.

Hope you're feeling better!!

Wendy said...

Those Miu Miu gloves are pretty chic. I won't ever get my hands on them but oh well.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Love the Marc Jacobs beret!

Sharon said...

Hi melmo-thanks, I do too!!

Hi asian cajuns-thanks for your lovely comment. I'll also try to thrift something similiar too!!

Hi wendy-yep, same goes for me too!!

Hi nadine-yes, very cute, thanks!


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