
Patricia Field for Marks and Spencer

I thought I'd check out Patricia Field's collection for Marks and Spencer-click on my link to see the rest of the range. Here are my favourites:

Both pairs of boots are £69

Gloves, £15

Sequin catsuit, £99

Strapless catsuit, £65


Cupcakes and Cashmere said...

all of these pieces are so hot! i especially love the second pair of shoes.

Anonymous said...

I *aspire* to that catsuit though I don't know I'd ever have the life (much less the figure) to justify it.

{Tara} said...

The black gloves are quite chic!

Sharon said...

Hi emily-yes, all lovely, I love the sequin catsuit best!

Hi ambika-yes, I really like the sequin one best!!

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-I love the red ones the model is wearing!

Shes Dressing Up said...

Oooh I love the gloves and the sequinned catsuit! May have to pop into M&S when its out!

Sharon said...

Hi nic-well, its available online now-not sure if her collection is certain branches only, though.

Make Do Style said...

the full collection is of course in Marble Arch store and selected premier stores around the country.

I'm not sure about it - there are great pieces and the sequin dress is amazing but the value of the line goes down due to so many made or am I being snobby?

Reena Rai said...

Great picks, especially the shoes. I think her collection for M&S is a lot better than her collection for ASOS


Hi dear Sharon,

Those catsuits are rocking!

Have a lovely week!


Marte said...

Great stuff! :)

Winnie said...

Who would have believed that I want to pop into m&s to check these out? I'm rather drawn to that clutch in the sequin catsuit photo!

Tricia said...

the catsuit, the gloves, the shoes please!

Fashion_Loving_Stylist said...

Pat Fields just designed a line for Myers here in Australia but it's no where near as nice as this.

WendyB said...

The sequin catsuit is hot!

Anonymous said...

those boots are fantastic )))

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-I haven't seen the collection in person, so am unsure about the quality, but if I had the money, I would go for the sequin catsuit!!

Hi fashion dreamer-Haven't seen the ASOS collection, but I also like these boots too!

Hi acielle-I so agree! have a great week, my dear!

Hi marte-thanks my dear!

Hi winnie-yes, I know-I think you'll have to check out a main M&S though!

Hi fashion herald-I'll ditto that my dear!!

Hi lenya-yes, some lovely pieces here, I agree.

Hi wendy-yes, I agree, the one thing I would definitely buy!!

Hi angel-yes, really cute!!

Marian said...

wow these are yummy,i love all four pieces! the sequinned catsuit is fabu,very disco! love it. thanks for sharinh honey as i had not seen anything from the line yet.

ellie said...

that so makes me wanna be a rock star..so cool. Thanksf for the comments too.

Anonymous said...

I second Ambika's comment. And man, that Patricia really gets around, doesn't she? Busy girl ...

Sharon said...

Hi marian-yes, I think the sequin catsuit is fabby too, if I had the funds..........

Hi ellies eric-yes, it is rock chic, LOL!!

Hi sal-yes, I was surprised to hear of all her collaberations around the world, LOL!!

Angela said...

i will take everything. heeheee... : )

Sharon said...

Hi savvy-LOL, so agree!

Anonymous said...

OMG are those shoe's for real! Very different, very interesting!

Sharon said...

Hi rob in madrid-LOL, well thats fashion for you!!

Anonymous said...

I never heard of Mark and Spencers is that a UK store only?

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-I think they could be in France, Germany and Canada, but I could be well wrong too!


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