So, of course I nominate the following bloggers for the following reasons and duly pass on these awards to:
Always In Style-A lovely gal whose reviews on different websites, beauty and clothes I find very inspirational and great to read!
Asian Cajuns-Two beautiful gals-thats ideal they get an award each-they are so gorgeous and I love reading about their next trip or outing out coupled with their gorgeous outfits!!
Jaimie at Just Kiss'n Make Up- I love her beauty regimes, her cosmetic reviews, her skills and techniques and how she puts it all into her fabulous posts!
Acielle at Style du Monde-I adore her street style blog and she is such a lovely gal!!
Sydney Speaks-A great gal who keeps us all updated with her life in general and the latest catwalk collections!!
Emily tagged me to reveal my favourite of the following:
1.Clothes Shop -Charity, of course!!
2.Furniture Shop-Boot Sales
3. Sweet-Frys Turkish Delight (covered in chocolate)
4. City-London
5. Drink -Rubicon fizzy pomegranite juice
6. Music-Various!! Classical at the moment though!
7. TV Series-Meerkat Manor
8.Film- The Business
9. Workout-Blogging, like everyone else!
10. Pastries-100% butter croissants
11. Coffee-Mocha with cream
Anyone who wants to share these quirks of their own, consider yourself duly tagged for this last one!!
mmmm, croissants:) never heard of The Business, I'll have to check it out!
Thats a brilliant idea, if anyone ever asks me what i do to workout - blogging will be my answer. Charity shops of course are the best clothes shops!
Sharon - you are such a dear! Thanks so much for the shout out, I am in excellent company :)
aw thank you so much, sharon! i love your blog too!
'9. Workout-Blogging, like everyone else!' - haha, I loved that :) Very true.
Hi pamcasso-yes, this film is ace, a real 'London gangsta' film!!
Hi pamela-haha, my fingers get a great workout, don't you know! Yes, its great to thrift isn't it!!
Hi always in style-you're so welcome my dear!!
Hi jaimie-yay, thanks a lot too!
Hi raspberry-I do have to pretend to do something, LOL!!
Haha, you are also one for the croissants? They are delicious! Hope you are having a great monday!
Hi silje-haha, naughty but nice!! Thanks my dear, hope your Monday has been good too!
Hi dear Sharon!
I am so flattered!!!!!
Thank you so much! You made my Monday :-)
Hi acielle-so welcome and well deserved my dear!!
Aren't awards such fun!
Love the workout you choose.
i love croissants too x
Your blog is very well loved. So glad you keep it up, dear!! And thank you for the wonderful comments and compliments in my blog. Whenever I wear, find or buy vintage, I am instantly reminded of wonderful YOU! :)
xo/ fashion chalet
Meerkat Manor sounds so fun, I've never seen it but I had to look it up and now Im desperate to watch it haha! I love wildlife programmes.
Also, butter croissants... yum!
Thanks so much, Sharon! We feel so honored to be tagged by thrifty and gorgeous, Sharon Rose! Look out for our list soon ;)
Hi kate-thanks my dear!! Haha, I'm a gym-a-phobe, blogging is enough for me!!
Hi fashion chalet-what a lovely comment, thanks so much my dear and you keep up the excellent work too!
Hi nic-oh yes, I so recommend Meerkat Manor, they're all soo cute and funny!!
Hi AsianCajuns-you're both so welcome, you're both such lovely gals!!
That coat is TO DIE for. "If only..." is right. Totally agree about the croissants too. Mmm. Lots of delicious things in this post :)
Hi cal-thanks my dear!! I could easily have that coat in my wardrobe, haha!!
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