
The 20/80 Syndrome-Solutions

Hi everyone!!

Thanks so much for all your wonderful comments on The 20/80 Syndrome Post. I'm so pleased I posted this, as I have received so many replies with lots of opinions on how to go forward.

My favourite advice overall is:

To wear what I've got-regardless of occasion.

Stop buying for the forseeable future-I don't need to buy clothes for the sake of it anymore!

Carry on collecting vintage. If I do this in the future, it will only be unique pieces that I buy and only from charity shops or boot sales.

Its school holidays next week, so I may well use this time to evaluate every item in my wardrobe for a selling opportunity on Ebay. Otherwise, if I'm too attached, I'll just hold on to what I've got with a view to appreciating what I have, not coveting what I haven't got and wearing the pieces more regularly.

Thanks so much everyone!!


WendyB said...

Sounds like a good plan.

Though I should also say that the fact that you wear a few clothes most often isn't inherently a bad thing and I don't know why people assume it is. I have pieces that I wear once a year, but I've had them for 20 years and will keep wearing them. What's wrong with that? Not every piece is for everyday wear.

Cal said...

That IS very good advice! I agree with dressing up regardless of the occasion. I would rather be far more dressy than everyone else than underdressed and who doesn't love to make a splashy entrance? It makes you seem mysterious, as if you have somewhere glamorous to go next or that you just came from somewhere very important.
I've tried to cut back on my buying by thinking, "Am I ever going to come across a piece like this again? Will I be thinking about it 2 months from now if I don't buy it? Does it fit PERFECTLY?" Anyway, thats all I've got!
Oh, and I'm a big fan of semi-permanent loans. I'll have a friend or two over to go through some clothes I've put aside. If there are any that they love, they can have them with the understanding that if I ever need to borrow them again I have first dibs! Then I know they are being loved but I still have the chance to wear them if I must :)

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-thanks for this invaluable piece of advice. Yes, a lot of pieces in my wardrobe are not everyday wear and I do like to look after my clothes too. This has made me appreciate the things I have and if I have them for another 10 to 20 years, that is only a good thing. Vintage is timeless, this is the appeal to still keep collecting for me!!

Hi cal-thanks for this great comment! Like you, I've come to a halt for clothes shopping. I only now want unique, vintage pieces that I can't miss out on from the boot sale or charity shop. I've built up a lovely collection of things and like Wendy says, it must be a good thing to still have them years from now and still wearing them!

Charlotte said...

I also can agree with most of the 20/80 article. It's the problem, most of us know. Enjoy your holiday and start your ebay auctions!!!!

Sharon said...

Hi charlotte-thanks so much my dear!

saray said...

I love ytour advice.. I always wear what iv'e got regardless of occasion.. one day I come to school with those ripped old baggy jeans and the other with a dress that you will wear for a wedding..

Angela said...

a good plan. i used to buy clothes for future events but when it actually happens, I would go out and buy something new.

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MakeupByRenRen said...

you are going to have the best clothes to pass down to whatever grandbabies are lucky enough to rock them! hold on to some of those great vintage finds!

Sharon said...

Hi saray-great advice, I need to take a leaf out of your book!!

Hi savvy-well, if I keep my wardrobe and don't sell anything, I'll have outfits for all sorts of occasions-when they come, that is, LOL!!

Hi nothing elegant-you are always so sweet and lovely, thanks so much my dear!!

Hi ren-a great comment and another reason why I should keep hold of my stuff, thanks so much!

Make Do Style said...

Wendy makes a good point - I don't think I've kept anything that long, usually wear them out or get overwhelmed if I have too much stuff - the point is please yourself no one else - don't worry!

Sharon said...

Hi kate-yes I'm the same in that I haven't kept anything that long-(tell a lie-I've still a pyjama set that was sent from South Africa when I was about 13, but that doesn't really count, LOL), so if I do keep my things for a long time to come, it can only be a good thing!!

Anny said...

I like the idea of overdressing just to run errands. I'll ocassionally do this in the summer. The response (and service) is fantastic!

Sharon said...

Hi anny-yes, I think I'll find it easier to do this in summer too!


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