

Well, I've been meaning to have a sort out of my stuff for a little while-I'm not a hoarder and anything I feel vaguely off about is a candidate for the charity shop.

I like to have a declutter if not every month, then every other month, although I did have a bit of one at the beginning of October.

It is the charity shops gain after all. Apparently, charities are having it hard at the moment-people worldwide are more in need than ever and some people who donate regularly are either lowering or stopping their regular contributions as the recession begins to set in. A good enough reason for all of you to declutter too and give the charity shops your unwanted things!!

I've got rid of 4 shirts, 4 bags, 2 pairs of jeans (cut offs), a skirt, a hoody and a pair of shoes. Plus some of Christophers bits that are no longer to his liking.

So a full bag to go and I feel better to have let some stuff go that I won't miss.

Do you declutter or are you a hoarder?

UPDATED TO ADD-Oops, after my 20/80 syndrome post, I said I may get rid of some my stuff. All of the stuff for charity is NOT my vintage or designer pieces-I've listened to good advice and intend on keeping these pieces for a long time to come!!


WendyB said...

I used to be a good editor of clothes, but as I've gotten higher quality pieces I hold onto them longer. I find if I make an effort to revive something I haven't worn in a long time, I usually think it is pretty great. Thank goodness I didn't get rid of all my old corporate suits as people encouraged me to do because lately all I want to wear is tailored jackets!

Sharon said...

Hi Wendy-yes, thankfully I only got rid of old work uniform shirts, cut offs that I've gone off, a stretched out hoody and a denim mini skirt-all good enough to go again for someone else, but not for me anymore. I've kept my vintage and designer pieces intact-they are staying put for a long time to come, haha!

Anonymous said...

Lucky girl!! Wow what a gift! Wishing I was you right now!!

Sharon said...

Hi budget chic-yay, I am lucky, thanks!!

{Tara} said...

De-cluttering actually helps with stress and anxiety for me.

Sharon said...

Hi nothing elegant-yes, I know what you mean, I do agree.

Cadmium said...

i'm a regular declutterer - or maybe a bad buyer. it just feels so great to throw a bag of stuff that doesn't suit me, shrank in the wash, or that i just haven't been wearing in ages into a charity bin! there's more space in the cupboard, and someone may be thrilled to get a piece or two for a bargain. two birds with one stone!

Sharon said...

Hi Karima-thats a really interesting opening sentence-I'm a regular declutterer-or maybe a bad buyer........you've set me thinking now, I never looked at it like that!!


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