I've noticed that I've been thrifting a lot of black items recently and as much as they are staples for my wardrobe, black can be boring if its not jazzed up a bit. So, inspired by some fellow bloggers, here are some tips for putting a bit of a zing into your outfit:
1. Wear bright opaques tights, like Charlotte, such as purple, fuschia, red or royal blue.
2. Dig out a colourful silk scarf and tie it to your handbag or knot it round your neck.

3. Get out a coloured bag for winter-red or orange is a good contrast for an all black outfit.
4. Get out the statement jewellery-costume or the real thing will really lift an outfit.
5. Looking for new trousers? Take the lovely Karen and WendyBs lead and if you haven't already, consider some citrus brights to liven things up-they are a great year rounder.
Hope this inspires you to put some colour into your life-if all else fails, put some red lippy on!!
what an inspirational post! you look fabulous and you're right, it's so easy to get in the routine of black (or gray in my case).
Hi sharon rose,
Lovely "new" outfit. Orange colour mix! Great! Beautifuk Hermés bag.... Mhmmmm... ;)
The largest trend colour is the orange and the fuchsia. Too many people use the purple one already! :)
xoxo: Janet
Hi emily-thanks a lot my dear!! I need to dig out those bright scarves and bags again!
Hi janettaylor-thanks so much my dear for a lovely comment!
That orange top is fabulous on you.
Hi wendy-always so lovely, thanks my dear!!
Fab picture! You've read my mind. I've been meaning to get some bright coloured tights, and some more colourful pashmina type scarves.
I'm already running around in a bright, BRIGHT green mod hat so I'm doing my little bit to cheer everyone up! ;) Now I just need to find my fuschia pink beret!
Hi ms peelpants-thanks so much for your lovely comment! HATS, of course, I knew there should be something else to add to the list, I bet you look lovely in this green one too!
When I wake up for work at 7am and its drizzly and dull I just throw on a plain black dress, black tights and black cardy. I might try some coloured tights to jazz up my work wardrobe. However, I do wear a scarf every day to keep the chill off my neck!
Sharon - you look absolutely gorgeous, love the colors - totally inspiring!
I think blue is my black half the time, the old safety net of my closet. I'm definitely going to try to wear more brights this week. Love your outfit!
i love the bag ! x
Oh, i'm loving your orange bag! YUMMY!
Thank you for great tips!
You look great. Fantastic handbag.
So pretty. I love to put pins on my berrets and tams.
Thank you so much for the feedback.
Hi saray-thanks a lot my dear!!
Hi ladies who lunch-yes, getting out every day can be an effort in itself! I want to have a bright bag and scarf at the ready from now on!
Hi always in style-always lovely, thanks so much!
Hi ambika-thanks for your lovely comment and yes, go for it!
Hi wendy may-thanks very much!
Hi LaMimi-thanks a lot my dear!
Hi lenya-always so lovely, thanks!
Hi ellie-a great idea!!
Hi Marina-thanks for stopping by!
Sharon, you're such a star for pulling this post together. Anyone who lobbies for more color during the winter is a big winner in my book! It can be so hard to dress brightly when it's bitterly cold outside, but we all feel more energetic when there's some COLOR about!
i'm loving this post...i love color all year round :)
Hi sal-thanks for your lovely comment! I must practice what I preach and inject some colour more regularly!!
Hi ren-thanks so much, I do too, I've just lapsed into looking at black again!!
S, adore your orange outfit. lovely with the bag. : )
Hi savvy-so lovely of you, thanks!!
Great advice Sharon! Love the orange against the black. I hope you dont mind, I listed you as the expert on vintage shopping in London, so I am sure a Norwgian girl is sending you an email!
I'm definitely looking for some orange accessory pieces right now - loving that colour, and especially on you!
Hi again, :D
Is this bag new? So much wonderful! Die for it...I die for it... ;))))
sweet Sharon Rose you look lovely in brights my dear!i love your scarf and bag! a great way to liven up the moody Brit weather.I love all the tips you shared.thanks dear!!
sharon, you look amazing in this color. And I'm so with you, I've been guilty of just reaching for black these days.
and great bag!
Great tips! I love your orange bag, and agree that a coloured bag is a great way to add some colour in winter. In fact, I shall now be on the lookout for one =]
I'll go for the tights anyday! Even if its sweltering hot!
great ideas, and you put the advice to good use. You look stunning!
Hi Silje-oh, what an honour, thanks so much my dear!!
Hi s-thanks a lot, orange and red are perfect pick me ups for winter!
Hi janettaylor-no, its not new, but I don't use it often either, I'll start using through winter though, thanks!
Hi marian-always so lovely, thanks very much my dear!!
Hi fashion herald-yup, I do need to break out of the all black habit, haha!
Hi nic-thanks for your lovely comment, good luck hunting one!
Hi lil midget-I love the tights option too!
Hi pamcasso-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!
I love the bag
Hi the healthy ghost-thanks so much!
These are all great tips. I have actually sworn off wearing black...
Love the post, I hate wearing black at the best of times, but in winter it's just way too depressing!
Hey we love your blog!!! Would you like to link with Meghan by Meghan Fabulous?http://thedailyfab.blogspot.com/
This is perfect! Especially for a bit of cheer when it starts getting dark at 4:30- bleh.
Hi fabulous broke-thanks my dear. its just such an easy fall back, haha!!
Hi fashion dreamer-you're right, all black is too much!
Hi meghan fabulous-thanks so much for stopping by!
Hi asian cajuns-yes, I agree, thanks gals!!
Loving the orange on you so much!! I am not brave enough...maybe because my skin is so pinkish and pale.
Hi tara-thanks a lot my dear!! Try another bright, maybe purple or fuschia would be lovely for you!
Oh, I love this outfit!!!
You look gorgeous and the scarf is sooooooo great.
You know I love colours and I always thank people that wear bright ones, because life can be so gray so why don't bright it with colourful outfits.
Hi the seeker-thanks for such a lovely comment, I do love brights and should really wear them more often too!
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