
Thrift Inspiration, doing it the Corine Roitfeld way!

I'm a great fan of Corine Roitfelds style and ever since I saw her in this denim skirt, I knew I had to get the 'perfect denim skirt'.
(Photos: Getty Images)

I had two denim skirts that I decided were no longer the right style, shape, colour and length anymore and they were donated to the charity shop some months back. When I want a particular item now, I hold out until I feel I've found the right one.

On my last thrift visit, I found this Warehouse denim skirt for only 50p! I also found a lighter wash A line style by H&M for £1.50. The one I'm wearing is perfect for me, the length is right, I love the front split and its hugging without being too tight. The colour is ideal for wearing anytime of the year too.

I'm pleased to have a couple of denim skirts in my wardrobe now-they are a basic staple and as I'm mainly a casual dresser anyway, I can dress them up with a lovely top, accessories and heels if needs be.

What basic staple will you be wearing regularly this winter?


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon Rose,

Great look! ;)

I adore denim skirts. It is one of my favourite costume.

xoxo: Janet

yiqin; said...

You look great <3 Back in Singapore, that is what all the old aunties wear. But you two make it so fashionable!

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-so lovely of you, thanks my dear!

Hi yiqin-thanks my dear!

Siljesfashion said...

Sharon Rose, what amazing finds! I love your new skirt! You have inspired me to bring out mine that are exactely like yours(!!-Its that intuition again!)and go for the Corine Roitfeld look. Amazing style inspiration.Have a wonderful sunday, my dear!

ellie said...

Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving wishes. You just have to hang on to that deninum because it just doesn't go out of style. You can wear it in winter, dress it up, dress it down. I have seen this way of making it more or lest a big belt with your leggins..which is really just a mini mini but its cool.

Wishing you lots of warm momements as the holidays approach there.


Another great find, dear! I love this skirt! It fits you so good!


Sharon said...

Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment, great that you are going to wear yours too! Have a lovely Sunday!!

Hi ellies kyle-thanks for such a nice comment, have a lovely day!!

Hi acielle-thanks so much, you are always so lovely!

Winnie said...

Great skirt, I love that style denim skirt...they're starting to hit the stores now so you definitely got a bargain!

Sharon said...

Hi winnie-thanks a lot, plus I didn't know that they were hitting the stores too!!

WendyB said...

I love it when you get things for 50p

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-thanks my dear, it is good to spend less than £1, every now and then!!

Anonymous said...

Your umbrella makes me smile :)... I love my coat collection for winter!

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks my dear!! Of course, yours is number one choice!

Make Do Style said...

Hey you old aunty you look fab!!
I'm a bi gfan of the denim skirt but often forget to wear mine so thanks for the memory!!

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-LOL, trust you to see Yiqins comment, thanks dearie!!

jess said...

Its good you found your winter staple. I love your umbrella,its so Minnie Mouse

Anonymous said...

love your interpretation of it!

La C

Sam said...

You look so lovely! I should have a denim skirt in my closet, but I can't find one anywhere. Evil it is

Anonymous said...

Great Purchase Sharone! I've been looking for a perfect denim skirt for quite a while now ....still looking...hehe

Sharon said...

Hi jess-thanks a lot! Actually, its got penguins on it!!

Hi couturiernyc-thanks for your lovely comment!

Hi Sam-thanks so much, hope you find yours or get one soon then!!

Hi LaMimi-thanks my dear, hope you find one!!

Marian said...

Sweetie great pick! Carine would be proud ;o)
Love what you wore the spilt denim skirt with and your brolly is styling too;o)
Think you will be wearing those denim skirts over and over this seaon.
I will be wearing great hosiery and fun legg wear this winter in lots of inventive ways.

MakeupByRenRen said...

great deal once again!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-thanks for your lovely comment! I'll be drawing inspiration from your hosiery and leggings my dear!!

Hi ren-thanks so much my dear!

Cate said...

Hi Sharon! I agree, Carine Roitfeld is amazing! And I like that shot of you with the umbrella! An A-line denim skirt? Sounds interesting! Well, one thing I am wearing all the time now is my grey swing jacket-- I'm really obsessed with it! By the way, I like your new blog colours too!

Sharon said...

Hi cate-thanks for such a lovely comment and for noticing the blog colours too! that swing jacket is an excellent style staple for winter!

Couture Carrie said...

Loving this inspiration, SR!
My winter staple would have to be my Miu Miu shearling lined buckle boots - so warm and chic. Great Q!


Sharon said...

Hi couture carrie-thanks a lot my dear, your boots sound fabulous!!

Make Do Style said...

Ah I loved the denim skirt post so much I came back for another peek!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) said...

I love Carine, but I must say I prefer your interpretation of the denim skirt - you look fab!

Unknown said...

50p???? I wanna go shopping with you!! :D

Angela said...

love your inspiration and your look.

MĂ³nica said...

you look awesome;) Carine is always a great inspiration

AsianCajuns said...

I love your inspiration- and you look lovely in your denim version!
It's a bit boring, but my staple is usually an over-sized, black cardigan.

Sharon said...

Hi Kate-how lovely of you!!

Hi S-thanks for your lovely comment!!

Hi mspeelpants-yup, PDSA was ultra cheap this weekend for some reason!!

Hi savvy-thanks so much my dear!

Hi atelier-thanks and I agree about carine too!

Hi asiancajuns-thanks for your comment! A black cardi is a real must have for winter!!

Anonymous said...

You know, I like Corine Roitfeld's style not just because of her clothes, but also because of her SMILE! Makes such a refreshing change from all those fashionista poker-faces, don't you think?

Sharon said...

Hi Miss Thrifty-you are soo right, she has a gorgeous smile!!

Sydney said...

denim is always nice to have... and it fits very nicely!

love the sweater as well!

Sharon said...

Hi sydney-thanks for your lovely comment!

Anonymous said...

aww that hats so cute

Sharon said...

Hi emma-yes, she does look really lovely!

Anonymous said...

Oh My GAWD Sharon, we are so kindred! You have to go on my posts from August or September; I dressed up like Carine Roitfelf in THIS EXACT OUTFIT!!! It was called, "Can A 40-Something Wear a Rocker Tee?"

Go on my blog right this minute, girl!!! Tell me what you think!

Anonymous said...

He, Sharon, the shot under umbrella looks great )

Sharon said...

Hi karen-wow, great minds think alike! I'll be checking you out my dear!!

Hi angel-so lovely of you, thanks!!


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