
Thrift Inspiration, doing it Baker Boy Style!

Now winters finally here, its all about cosy fashion accessories. The lovely mother in law got me a grey velour, silky style baker boy hat a couple of months ago, so I thought I'd give it a go.

I teamed it with my Topshop gilet, Warehouse knit dress and cosy boots and tights. I must admit, I prefer my black beanie from H&M, but its fun to try different styles.

Sienna Miller in hers

Doesn't Madonna rock in hers!!

La Lohan showing off in hers

What accessories will you be rocking this wintertime?


www.janetteria.com said...

Hi Sharon,

Lovely outfit! Especially: Topshop gilet (inspiration Etro haha!)

Great day, xoxo: Janet

Sharon said...

Hi janettaylor-thanks so much my dear, you have a great day too!

saray said...

i'll be rocking my scarves =)

Anonymous said...

It looks great on you! I love baker boy hats, they're so sexy.
I think this winter I'll give gloves a chance ^^ I never really liked them, but my opinion is starting to change :)

Hope you're having a fantastic weekend.

Seeker said...

Hello my dear, oh you look sooooo lovely with your hat.
I'm a hats lover. I love them so much that I'm always buying one every winter despite I'm a bit ashame of wearing them, because here people aren't used to see women with hats, so they turn their heads and stay staring.
But this winter I'm trying to be brave and I've used one 2 or 3 times.
I also love your vest, oh you seem so comfy, my dear.
The temperature here has dropped sudanly (well we never have lowest temperatures, our lowest are about 8ºC) and we are feeling cold.

Have a great sunday, darling, looking so lovely.

Sorry for the long comment... when I get inspiration nobody can stop me ;) lol

Enjoy your time

Sharon said...

Hi saray-thanks for the tip-I need get some more of mine out!!

Hi Raspberry-thanks for such a lovely comment, hope you're having a good weekend too!!
I've only 2 pairs of gloves, I could do with more really!

Hi the seeker-thanks for such a lovely comment my dear! Our weather is quite wet and cold, so I'm pushing on the layers! Have a lovely weekend! Hats are a lovely accessory, I too sometimes feel I need to be braver to wear them!

Marian said...

darling you look super here!glad you tried the mum in laws gift as you wear it well.love the denim gilet too,its not only comfy but stylish too. you look terrific sweetie!

Sharon said...

Hi marian-always so lovely, thanks a lot my dear!!

Anonymous said...

Love the hat!! I been looking for a hat for ages, but feel a bit shy about wearing one, silly I know!

WendyB said...

I think the hat looks really good on you.

Sharon said...

Hi a pot, a thought & a smidgen of dirt-thanks so much my dear!

María Pilar Bernal Maya said...

I´m a hat lover so I love your look. In my next post I´ll show some of mine. I think women are cuter with them -any style indeed-

Sharon said...

Hi wendy-thanks for your lovely comment my dear!

Hi tupersonalshopperviajero-look forward to seeing your hats post-thanks as well!

Angela said...

S, I think printed tights and legging for me. also furs, i think. you look fab.

Sharon said...

Hi Savvy-thanks a lot my dear. I agree, tights and leggings are must haves for winter! I've got my faux furs ready too!

ellie said...

Very cool hat. I like it. Love the biker look.

I woke up this morning to snow. I'm not ready for that. Thank you so much for your comment...and putting up with Kyle's story as well.

Thanks again.

Siljesfashion said...

You look fab! Ilove my scarves and beanies in the wintertime.

Sharon said...

Hi ellie-thanks my dear and I enjoy catching up with your stories!!

Hi Silje-thanks a lot my dear! I agree, scarves and beanies are essentials!!

Strawberry Fields said...

I love my beanie!!!
i got a nice beret in primark tday, red for £3. my mum got a grey one which i may be stealing
i like how hats are quite fashionable raight now. I get so cold without them =)

Anonymous said...

cute! i wanna get a hat like this

Secretista said...

You know I didn't do my make or hair when I wear my baker boy hat!

Lil Midget said...

Hey hey! Love the jacket!


Wendy said...

You look cute in that hat. I don't know why but I can't pull off many hats.

jess said...

Lovely hat. I think I'll be wearing lots of legwear this winter.

Jules said...

perfect outfit for a lovely person like u, mama sharon :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Sharon!
Looking great as always! Love the hat, I have a few , they rescue me whenever I have a bad hair day.
Great vest, I'll be looking for one like that! :)

Sharon said...

Hi strawberry fields-yes, I love beanies too, the red beret sounds fabulous!

Hi emma-great stuff!

Hi secretista-yes, hats are great for bad hair days!!

Hi Lil Midget-thanks so much!

Hi wendy-thanks a lot my dear! You should persevere until you get used to them!!

Hi jess-yes, a great idea for winter!

Hi jules-so kind, thanks so much!

Hi LaMimi-thanks and spot on about bad hair days, LOL!!

Jules said...

thanks for visiting, mama sharon. :) haven't seen u here in my blog for a while. :) watch the movie. its nice.

Sharon said...

Hi jules-i'll try!!

Anonymous said...

What a great vest! I adore wearing cute hats in winter :).

Sharon said...

Hi nadine-thanks a lot my dear, hats are a must have!!

Andrea Eames said...

You always look so good in gilets. I love the hate too - I have a couple in that style, so I'm a big fan!

Sharon said...

Hi a cat of impossible colour-thanks for such a lovely comment my dear!

Vain and Vapid said...

That hart looks great on you and I love that denim vest that you paired with it. Sienna looks cute in hers too...

Sharon said...

Hi vain and vapid-thanks for your lovely comment!

Tricia said...

love that style cap, and it's very cute on you.

Sharon said...

Hi fashion herald-thanks so much my dear!!

Anonymous said...

You have a great talent of writing.Best of luck and get going.And yes i have digg your site sharonrosepixie.blogspot.com .


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